Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


Lucifer's p.o.v.

I woke up at around 9 pm. and saw that I had yet again another problem. Ryder was passed out asleep on my floor. He was always my problem. The lazy ass never did anything, I swear. He was mean to everyone, and those he wasn't mean to, he ignored.

Much like now. He was passed out asleep, and as I screamed in his ear, he completely ignored me. "Go the hell away!" he yelled, but I wasn't taking no for an answer.

"You get your drunk self off of my carpet, or I will drag you off of it myself!" I demanded, and he still didn't move.

"Lukas!!!" I yelled, knowing that that crazy son of a bitch would do something stupid or crazy enough to make Ryder angry, and then consequently, get him off his lazy bum to chase the kelpto.

"yeeeessss?????" was the response as the boy ran through the door. He skipped his way in, and proceeded to trip on my skateboard, and get himself tangled in a pile of my dirty clothes. Then, he stumbled over Ryder, stepping on his stomach a few times.

"Shit!! Christ, I'm up!!" Ryder growled, and I smiled, smirking slightly.

"Good, now get up and clean up the mess that you made. Damn daemon." I told him.

"Annoying angel," he said back. Being far too sleepy to actually think about coming up with a halfway decent comeback.

"Whatever, just start cleaning."
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This is Ashlyn's lovely co-writer.:D im using her computer:D

this is really short cuz i got like 15 min of writing, 30 of talking (thanks to ashlyn:P)

hope you like this!!!

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and we like motivation!!!