Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


I looked between the two men glaring at one another.

“Hey, we’ve all done things we regret…” I said softly, stepping between the two. They stopped looking at one another and looked at me.

“Keegan regrets nothing he loves everything he does.” Chrissy growls.

“Hey, you two can have a bitch fight some other time, now, we’re going home, and if I hear another mean word out of either of you, so help me I will make your brains my mash potato dinner.” I said, not wanting to listen to any more of their bickering.

Chrissy stayed silent, and I smiled. He knows exactly what I’m capable of, but Keegan was giving Chrissy a dirty look. “Hey!” I said, “Looks count too, Kee.” I growled.

He looked away from Chrissy, to look amused at me, “Kee?” he asked, and I shrugged.

“There’s No way I’m saying you’re whole name the whole time.” I told him flat out, and they both laughed.

I just hoped they were done for now, as we started heading home.
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yeah, this is really short, but I couldn't think of anything else to write.

hehe...chrissy and kee's anger is foreshadowing?????no....maybe......