Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


Taking off my shoes as I neared the cave's exit, I had just taken a few steps out onto the open river bed when I heard, "Ash!"
No! I thought silently. As a second nature I quickly reacted and retreated back into the cave. I didn't dare move a single muscle in my body. I was supposed to be taking lessons this morning with an old fart of a soul. He wasn't really that old, just a meanie ass bitch.
Then again the voice said, "Ashleria, daughter of the daemon monarchy, I can swear on my death day that I just saw you and that's not going to change. SO YOU BETTER GET YOUR PRETTY LITTLE SLUTTY ASS OUT HERE BEFORE I ANNOUNCE TO THE WHOLE KINGDOM OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS!"

Oh, that, I thought, could only be the voice of Trellisa. A loud, lackadaisical friend of mine that loves to sleep, eat, and party.

As I stepped out into the bright sunlit skies, I yelled back, "YOU KNOW, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD OF WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO!"
She spots me with a big smile. "Ha! That's not the worst thing that I did today! And it's not even 7 o'clock yet!"
Glaring at her lazily I respond, "What did you now...?"
Suddenly she takes out of her bag a big stash of blueberries. "I thought you might need them so I took some out of Jane's cellar before I came over here!"
I went wild. "I LOVE YOU!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT I FORGOT THEM??? Well, it wasn't that hard to figure out, but THANK YOU! YOU OWE JANE BIG TIME!!!"

Jane or Janette is a shy, short and slender brunette that loves any kind of fruit she can get her hands on. Most of the time she's really sweet, but when someone gets on her nerves, look out! It turns into the wrath of midget town down there! She was rather quite the opposite of Trellissa.
Trellissa was more built (what she does I don't know because she's SO lazy), tall, and more strong lines that made her face seem ferocious. She's very unorganized, untidy, unwilling to do anything voluntary, and will only do things for herself on occasions that she will think are "fun". That would mean getting herself in trouble. Like now.

"Oh, please. Little J will be just fine with me doing something nice for you. It doesn't come often and she will approve.", she waved off. Signaling the end of the conversation.

We headed down the riverbank, with our toes in the sand and clear cool water. The day was just absolutely stunning. Golden skies, a slight cool breeze, a slight fantasy aura hanging around. Well, there was, until...
"RUN FOR IT!!!"...
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there's definitely going to be more i just need to find some time