Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


As we walked up the gate to the apartment complex, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful garden that was growing so well under the care of this girl.

"Lovely garden," I complimented. Normally, I wouldn't have said anything, kept my comments to myself, but I had already decided to turn over a new leaf in my life, and I was NOT going back to being the heartless person that I once was.

“Thanks,” She said with a smile, and looked around for a moment before reaching the door, where she gasped.

“Luk!” She exclaimed, “What on Earth are you doing here my dear brother!” She bent over, and both Christos and I went around the corner of a rosebush to see what looked like a girl lying on a bench that was placed there beside the door.

My breath caught. The girl was beautiful, stunning, and magnificent. All the words in the world could never describe her beauty, but it wasn’t a girly girl beauty, no, it seemed to be a beauty that radiated from within, that shone from this glorious creature’s soul.

She appeared to be sleeping, and so Luss turned around, and seeing as I was holding her dress she had made me buy, she said “Chrissy, can you pick him up and bring him inside?” and the boy gladly did so, an obvious smile on his face.

The girl laying there seemed to be having the same effect on Christos as she was on me. “Damn it, why do I have to hold the dress,” I cursed under my breath.

“You say something Kee?” Christos looked back at me mockingly, and I just followed Luss into the house silently.

“Lay him here.” She said gesturing to a large, comfy looking couch. “And I will take the dress up to my room. I don’t want to hear that your arguing woke him up.” She said in a stern voice, and walked up the steps.
I glared at Christos, and he glared back, but before our looks could turn to words, Luss was back down the steps.

After looking to her and then back at Christos, I saw that he had claimed the seat next to the beauty. My glare only intensified.

“Make yourself at home, Kee, I’ma call the boys over.” She said, and walked back out of the room, a cell phone in her hand.

I sat down in a chair opposite the couch, and resumed glaring at Christos.
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well, I promised my lovely co-writer ashlyn that if she sent something in by midnight tonight, then I would post five before the week was out,'s number one.