Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


“Hey, uh, Lucifer. I was wondering, are you two busy or anything? I mean of course I’ll understand if you guys are, but this is kind of important, and I found Keegan, and he and Chrissy are sitting in my living room, and-“ I was abruptly cut off by Lucifer’s commanding voice.

“Did you just say that KEEGAN is in your living room?!” He exclaimed, and I could already hear the car starting, “Ryder, get in the goddamn car!” I heard him scream, “Luss, we’ll be right over.” He said, and the line went dead.

I pouted, and tried Ryder’s cell. “Ryder, I-“

“Luss, Honey, don’t you worry we’ll be right there.” He said, and I was getting angry. Why the hell did they all think they could just ignore me?

“RYDER!” I yelled, and sighed when he quietly answered.

“Yes, Luss?” He said with a softer tone that was not as rushed.

“He’s not going to hurt me. As I said, Chrissy is here, and Kee even helped me pick out a dress,” I said, smiling into the phone.

“Kee?” Ryder said his voice dangerously quiet. “You have a NICKNAME for him?!” his voice rising slightly at the end. “And you went dress shopping with him?! What is wrong with you?” He sighed, and seemed to calm down. “Luss, my love, I don’t want to see you hurt. You know none of us do.” He said and then, “Come out front, we’re here.”

I put down the phone, and walked past the two boys who were glaring at one another. I opened the door, and Ryder was there. He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me close. “Never scare me like that again.” He whispered, before kissing my forehead.

“Ryder Knight?” I heard Kee ask, and he looked surprised. “The daemon prince?” he asked again, and then cracked a smile, “No wonder Lucifer had such strong protection on him and this one as well.” He gestured to me, and Ryder pulled me closer, growling.

“You stay away from my Luss.” He growled, and I blushed, God could this boy be possessive sometimes…or all the time really.

“No, trust me, you don’t have to worry about her.” And not seeming able to help himself, he looked at Luk, my brother lying there.

I giggled, and leaned up to whisper into Ryder’s ear. “I don’t think he knows he’s a boy.” I said, and Ryder shrugged.

“It is not whether one is a boy or girl that matters dear Luss. I loved you even before I knew you were a girl. I couldn’t help myself.” He said and smiled as my blush darkened. He leaned down even closer to whisper even quieter, “Let’s just keep this to ourselves, Luss. It’ll be fun to watch how this plays out.
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here's number two