Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


I glared at Keegan. What the fuck right did he have to look at Luk like that. I’d known the boy for years and had wanted him to be mine since the moment I met him. Of course it was about a thousand years later after I had fallen completely and hopelessly in love with him that I found out that he was a boy, but seriously, Keegan needed to back the fuck off, or I’ll cut his ding dong off with his own damn sword.

I glared at the boy, and couldn’t help but hate him. I looked at Ryder and Luss giggling at one another, and couldn’t help but smirk. Wow. I never thought that I would see the day that Ryder would giggle…but then again, this was Luss, she was just so adorable, like a baby tiger, but trust me, you didn’t want to be on her bad side.

“Hello, Christos.” Lucifer said stiffly, uncomfortable in the presence of the boy who had been sent to kill him. “Keegan,” He nodded once.

“Lucifer…If I may apologize, I am terribly sorry, but I don’t think the way I did. I have realized that the things I have done are wrong.” He said, and I scoffed. Both boys looked my way.

“You cannot be serious. Keegan, you were sent to MURDER him, how the hells do you expect him to trust you?” I said, laughing, knowing that Lucifer would probably want to murder HIM or something, but to my surprise, nothing like happened.

“Keegan, I accept your apology. I know the way my father works, his brainwashing, all the horrible things that he does…I will trust you as long as you don’t hurt anyone, and that includes physically AND mentally. If I see Luss or Luk with a single tear, only one is what it will take for us to murder you, and don’t think we won’t.” He said, and held out his hand.

“What the hell?” I exclaimed, “When you first met me, you flipped a shit and tried to murder me. Bitch, don’t you dare say that shit.” I growled, and Lucifer laughed, fucking laughed.

“Chrissy, come on, don’t be that way, we were like two hundred years old, barely old enough to lace up our own boots none the less do anything else, and besides, you DID decapitate my puppy.” He said and I sighed.

“I thought it was supposed to be for my training practice.” I huffed, and Luss laughed from where she was cozily leaning against Ryder’s side.

“Chrissy, we all know that was on purpose.” She said, and my ears twitched in annoyance, psch, only she knew that, but now, of course, everyone did.

“Way to spill the beans, Luss.” I growled.

Ryder looked at Lucifer, then at me, “Speaking of spilling the beans…Lucifer…..” he said, and I looked between them.

“Oh, he already knows about me being prince, and I already knew about Luss being a girl.” I said, and Ryder’s jaw dropped.
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number three:D