Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


“You what?” I asked, and Luss crawled into my lap, nuzzling into my neck. Her soft ears against my neck calmed me, and she knew it.

“I pretty much knew everything… and I’m guessing you didn’t” Chrissy said smirking.

I was about to get up and go at him, but he put Luss put her hands on my chest. “Leave him be, he’s just trying to get you mad.” She said, and rested her head against my shoulder.

I growled at him, but didn’t move, letting Luss calm me.

Luss looked up at me from under her big dark lashes. “Ry, your fangs are showing,” She whispered, and kissed my cheek. “Just relax. Chrissy loves bothering people, he can’t help it.”

“And I can’t help but get angry.” I said softly, “I’m a daemon, remember?” I chuckled, but at Luss’s pout, I kissed her forehead, “But for you I’ll try.” I whispered, and closed my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around Luss’s small waist, and pulled her tightly against me before closing my eyes and burying my face in her warm scent. “For you Luss, only for you.” I told her, and she smiled, appeased.

Everyone knew that a daemon’s anger came straight from the soul of the damned ones, and it was hard to suppress, especially as a prince, and a powerful daemon, I felt it more so than many of my kind.

I sighed, and realized how true the saying was that I heard many years ago, “Oh, the things we do for love.”
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number four, shit yeah.