Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


I felt Ryder squeeze my hand, and I smiled reluctantly. He knew that I didn’t want to be here exactly, but I was here for him.

“Don’t worry, Luss,” He whispered into my ear, and I let out a shaky breath. “Everyone loves you, Luss. You’re the beautiful new addition to the daemon royalty, and they love you.” He said, and I went to shake my head, but he stopped me. “I promise, love.” He said, and I let out a small smile.

“But Ryder, your sister, Ashleria… everyone’s going to compare me to her, and I-I’m just a girl who tries too hard to be one. I’m more comfortable as a boy…” I paused, looking at my hands resting against my dress. “I shouldn’t have come here.” I said, and heard Ryder growl.

“Luss, you belong anywhere you want.” He said forcefully. He hated it when I put myself down for not being pretty enough…because I wasn’t.

“But Ryder,” I whined, and he sighed.

“No buts, Luss. You need to realize that you ARE beautiful.” He whispered into my hair, the he pulled away and smiled “Now let’s go meet my parents.” He said, pulling me after him.

I stopped after only a moment. “But I’ve met them before.” I said, and Ryder laughed.

“They have met you as Lukas, my friend, not as Luss, my lover.” He whispered into my ear, and I blushed furiously.

“W-whatever, just call me your girlfriend, though.” I said, it was just embarrassing for someone to call you their lover. I shivered as we came to a stop in front of Ryder’s parents, the King and Queen.

“Mother, Father,” He said, “I would like to introduce you to Luss, my…girlfriend.” He said, and I smiled softly.

“Hello.” I said my voice barely above a whisper. I always had been shy around them, even before. For daemons though, they were surprisingly kind.

“Hello, dear,” his mother said. “I’m so glad for the both of you. Christos the neko told us many years ago, and we are very happy that things have turned out this way.” She said, smiling brightly at Ryder, who was blushing slightly. I chuckled. I was definitely going to make fun of him for that later.

I turned to the King, and saw that he was smiling, “Welcome to our family, Luss.” He said, and Ryder pulled me into his arms.

Ryder kissed my forehead, “I told you they’d love you.” He said, just softly enough for me to hear, and it caused a blush to spread across my cheeks.

“Whatever you say, Ryder.” I whispered, but I snuggled deeper into his arms nevertheless.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is the part of the ball at the daemon’s castle concerning them, the important part for them. The next few chapters will be the ball as well in different points of view, and different things that happen. Well, I’m giving Ashlyn a chance to tie the stories together, it she wants to she can, (we don’t talk to each other first, because it’s fun to see what twists the other will add in :D) if she doesn’t then she don’t have to, so here’s my fifth, I don’t think I’ll put any more up this week, got too much else stuff to do ;D adios!