Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


I walked through the doors of the grand hall, seeing the King there. “Sire.” I said, and knelt.

The old man laughed. “You may rise, knight of mine. You have no need to bow to me. No, my child, I feel that you should bow to no one. You have done this kingdom a great duty, by killing this boy for us. He has become a problem, and I like him being out of the way.”

“Er…Sire, the boy has not been…disposed of… as he has unknown wards around him. I think they come from a daemon. That is what kept me from…performing the task you gave to me.” I said quietly, staring at the ground, praying and hoping that they King would spare me and go easy on my for once, but he wasn’t the King for nothing. He killed his way to the top and he would do anything to stay in that position.

Hesitantly, I looked up at the king. “YOU WHAT!?” He bellowed, and instinctively, I flinched.

“I-I’m sorry sir. I didn’t think he’d be someone who would have the protection of a high class daemon…” I stammered pathetically.

“Knight? No, you are no knight of mine. Keegan Terace, I hereby banish you from this land, and pray, for your sake, that you never return.” The King said.

And just like that, I found myself falling to earth, my white angel’s wings stained black forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
next is a girl's chapter, i promise, cuz my co writer got all her stuff deleted. :(

hope you likey:D
