Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


"RUN!!!" someone shouted.

“Wah???” I said, still slightly dazed. It was Janette.

“If you don’t hurry up, your dresser is going to come hunt you down with ribbons and make-up!” she said.

“Ugh! No! I completely forgot about the ball tonight! Can you two come with? We’ll help each other get ready. I hid my car up here since the last time we came…”

“Yeah, lets. It’s better than dealing with that clean freak of a dresser you have by far!”, says Trellisa.

“Shut your mean trap Trellisa and lets move! She left right after I did!”, hurried Jane.

“Ok! Lets go!”, I said.

Later that evening… At the ball

“Wow, that was the best dance yet!”, said Jane.

“Where’s Ryder, Ash? He’s been gone for a long time.”, Trellisa asks.

“F.Y.I, he’s only been gone for five minutes and he went to look for someone. So he says… And some girl was with him. I’m going to find them. I want to meet her!” Ashleria says.

While I was trying to find them, I enjoyed the music and dancing and also scoping out the beautiful dresses for the one Ryder’s girl was wearing. You see, Ryder’s my big brother and we were so close for the first few thousand years of our lives. Which is why we hardly ever talk in person now. But we had build an impenetrable link in the years that we were close…

So now whenever one is in trouble, the other knows. And whenever one wants to find the other, we can. It’s a funny feeling in our gut and it just leads us right to them! It’s a rather useful daemon thing.

Unfortunately, my luck wasn’t as good as his…

Suddenly, I felt myself surge forward. Bracing myself, I closed my eyes and awaited the hard fall but… it was too long and it didn’t come! Looking up, I stared into the eyes of my savior. I realized that I had been caught. His stunning blue eyes just kept me there… “I’m so sorry!” I say as I’m getting up.

“Are you okay?”, he asks.

Clumsy me. I tripped into this gorgeous boy in my own ballroom. That wasn’t embarrassing at all.

“I’m fine. Are you? I’m sorry I didn’t see that coming!”, I half plead. I’m surprised that this guy hasn’t yelled at me.

“No need to apologize. I’m perfectly fine ma’ am.”, he says.

“Thank you.”, I say shyly.

“No problem…” He says.

Quickly I walk faster towards my previous destination holding up my dress so as not to fall once more. Oh… My… GOODNESS! That guy was so.. Just so.. Sweet and tall and strong and handsome and… Oh, did I really just say that?

Faster did I go to find Ryder focusing only on what I was going to say to the girl so as not to freak her out.

I found them by the back door and they were quietly talking to each other seriously. What now?

“Why the scrunched up faces?” I ask when I get to them.

“Ash, hi! And we were just talking about whether Keegan will do well here.” Says Ryder.

“Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine. And since Ryder won’t introduce me, hi! I’m Ashleria.” Ryder gave me a dirty look which just made me smile.

The girl looked up shyly and replied, “Hi. It’s nice to meet you Ashleria. I’m Luss.”

I gave her a big smile. “You don’t have to feel so uncomfortable! Loosen up! I’m not going to bite. If you feel like your not welcome here, you can kiss that goodbye! And honestly, you don’t have to worry about anything because you’re very pretty and you’ll definitely be safe with Ryder here.

“Thank you…” Luss says. She seemed to relax some.

“Hey Lucifer!”, says Ryder.

“He- Hey! Ryder!”, a painfully familiar voice said.

Turning around I see the boy I had just tripped into heading our way. Oh, no I thought. I shy away to behind Luss and keep my head down. One.. two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Looking up, his dazzling blue eyes caught hold of mine once more; although, this time, I blushed fiercely and looked away.

Ryder this time introduces us. “Ash this is Lucifer. Lucifer, Ashleria.”

“We meet again!”, he says with a smile that just about melted my heart out…
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally had time to write! hope you enjoy. Especially my amazing co-author steelmyheart!