Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


Running, running as fast as my legs can carry me. I refuse to think of that gorgeous boy! My hormones have been running absolutely wild since that fall from last night. That has not happened since... since... Caden...

That was a few hundred years ago when I met him in the mountains after I was done with flying lessons. I flew into a meadow to rest where I saw a fresh water spring. He was hunting for the seasonal deer at the time. When I flew in, he shot at me and the arrow just grazed my leg, but not without leaving a gash with flowing blood.

He ran in after he realized what he shot, he came running and already had bandages out. He apologized a billion times. After that, we just kept meeting up and... eventually we fell for each other. Everything was our own little fairy tale, until... oh, how I hate thinking about it... he died in a battle that he didn’t tell me about. And he was gone.

I told myself again and again that I would never be with anybody else like that. After a while I did become a slut. That was my way of cheating my hormones. It was my choice. It made me feel like I was in control of my heart and not love someone as a mate. That lifestyle suited me perfectly. That is, until Lucifer came around.

I have not ran in ages! All this energy that I have has just... got. to. go! I won’t let myself feel cheated. I don’t care if Caden is dead. I still feel as if he’s watching me from somewhere out there. Little did I know that times change....
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It's short. but more is coming soon! I promise.