Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


“Today doesn’t feel normal. Its confusing... I feel uncomfortableness from others, but I also feel... I don’t know. A mixture of things like love, sadness, and jealousy.”, I tell Trelissa.

“Oh, quit it with that! You should really shut all those senses out because it makes you too much of a worrisome person.”, Trelissa replies.

“It’s not my fault I care about how people are feeling with these vibes I get from my gift. At least I’m not so lazy to just kick back and watch the world go by like you!”, I snap.

Her response, a good roll of the eyes and she flicks on the television. You see, I have this gift for “feelings”. I can sense the way people are feeling about something. I can sharpen them down to concentrate on one person or broaden it to anyone within a five mile radius. Sometimes it can be quite disturbing...

“Hey, Janette...” Trelissa states uncertainly.

“Yes?”, I say. When she uses my name like that, I know she’s not playing. Like usual.

“Ashleria has been acting kind of strange lately don’t you think? I mean, if you think about it, she hasn’t been to the riverbed since the ball, she’s jogging twice a day, always gives some goody-good excuse to not go to the club, and she’s eating three times as much food as she used to! And you know that’s a lot of food.”

I sat there with my mouth gaping open not believing what I just heard come out of Trelissa’s mouth.

She sighs. “If you sit there without a response to give me, wise owl, with your mouth hanging open to the world like that, a fly might think that’s it’s new home.”

Smart alec. “Wow. I never knew you paid that much attention!”

“I don’t. Its just that Ash doesn’t usually do this to us. She’s spending so much more time in her castle. I talked to Ryder and even he can’t figure out whats up. So genius, can you tune into Ash and see what’s up?”

“Why don’t we just go talk to her?”

“Like I haven’t tried that already a thousand times.”

“Fine. She’s the one I’m getting the confusion cloud out of. The poor girl is in such a sorry state! Even I, an outsider, a complete stranger to her senses, can’t understand what she’s feeling right now. Two things I do know. She is in sorrow and in love. Now, I’m pretty sure that’s with two different people.”

“Looks like we’re going to have to figure out what Pretty Princess is up to.” Trelissa says with a playful and yet serious, smile.”

Oh, great. I just got pulled into one of her stalking/experiment missions...
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Ha. Heres a little twist. Ashleria's little friends are coming into play! Hope you enjoy! And can we get some feedback? We could really use it :)