Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel



It’s six in the morning. Ugh. Ash, you really are my friend, because honestly, there’s no WAY in world I’d be up for something at this time.

Instead of watching behind a bush with Jane until the time came for Ash to go by on her usual morning run, I got up to check the cameras I had set up previously.

“What are you doing? She could come by any minute!”, Jane frantically whispers.

“Jane, she comes by every morning between 6:15 and 6:20.”, I say loudly. Just for effect and to get on her nerves. Hehe...

“Stalker...”, she whispered under her breath and just went on sulking as before.

Suddenly, I hear a pair of wings. Did she really choose to fly on the one day I wanted her to run? Swiftly, I run on silent feet towards the noise until I reach a clearing and I linger on it’s outskirts. A figure lands and as I look closer in the dark, I realize it’s not Ashleria.

It’s that boy... From the ball that she ran into and hangs out with Ryder all the time. The one that I stole an Auntie Ann’s sugar pretzel from at the mall a few weeks ago... Ha, ha, ha! Hmmm... I wonder...

I duck as soon as I hear footsteps of someone running and they break through the meadow in a dash. Ash.

She keeps on running and apparently doesn’t see him just standing there. She charges into him and they both go down. Come on Ash, again? I pull out my phone and text Jane to come.

Ash gets on to her hands and knees and starts apologizing a mile a minute. Suck up...
Then she stops, only just realizing who the she ran into. “Oh...” she breaths/gasps completely astonished. “Hi?”, she says uncertainly.

He laughs. By this time Jane is next to me and watching intently with a camera already on them.

“I guess we both have to pay a little more attention, huh?”, he says smiling.

Good job, Jane! Never thought you’d be the kind to totally eavesdrop on your friends.

“I’m sorry... I..”, she says out of breath.

He puts a finger over her lips to stop her pleas of apology. “Shh.. accidents happen. So. Good morning! I don’t suppose you would mind me asking why a princess like you would be doing out here running at 6 in the morning?” he asks.

“Um,” she said still slightly appalled. “Just getting some exercise for the day and a breather before the craziness begins.”

The sun began it’s rise and it shone more clearly on their faces. Making their features stand out. That was the first time in forever that I truly saw something so strong and... I don’t know. They seemed to have a strong bond. Not that of what Ashleria already has with Ryder but something else. Here, in front of me, I did not see two newly met people in the woods. Here, in front of me, I saw two tall, brilliant minded beings that have had a past together and will soon have a future together. But what is this strong bond I’m sensing between them? I wouldn’t put a finger on it until later.

A quick glance at Jane tells me that she’s off the rocker with her senses too. Yep, okay. That confirms the question that I’m not completely oblivious to the world around me.

“What a coincidence! We have something in common then.” He says. “And in speaking of common, I just remembered that I have to go talk to Luss and her brother this morning. Thank you for reminding me.”

“Ha, ha! Okay, then. I’m glad to be of help.” she giggles. “Uh, Lucifer..”

“Yes, Ashleria?” he replies.

“There’s no way I’m saying your whole name all the time so... may I call you “Halo”?”, she says shyly.

That’s a first. Never have I ever seen these expressions out of her. She’s usually confident in her own choices with out a trace of any doubt. Something is definitely up.

“Ha, ha! That’s sweet! I’ve never thought of that one before. Okay. Since you made one for me, may I, in return, call you “Mea”?” He said.

“I like that! Okay. It’s a deal then.” she says.

“Only if..” He begins then pauses.

“If what?”, she asks. Curiosity kicking in.

“If you go to Luss’s and Ryder’s cook out with me tomorrow night.” He finishes.

Ho, ho! Surprise, surprise on the princess’s face. “If that’s what it takes then, yes, I gladly will.”

“Okay! So do you want to meet here at 5 tomorrow afternoon?”, he asks.

“Sounds good to me!”, she says.

“Okay so I’ll see you soon.” , he says as he flies off.

“Bye.”, she waves. She stands there for a moment, smiles then she takes off running as I’ve never seen her before.

Jane and I look at each other. Without saying a word we collect our things and head back to my place and into my office/lab.

We put the video on the computer and watched it while eating breakfast. After it was done I asked her, “So... What did you sense and think?”

She stands up, looks out the window, then back at me.

“... They are completely, utterly, and helplessly... in love with each other.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed! Please comment :)