Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel



"Goddamn it!" I growled and rolled over, searching for my phone. Ever since Lukas changed that ringtone, I wanted to kill him.

Managing to fall off the bed while I was looking for the damn thing, I found it lying under my bed. "Hello?" I growled, angry at whoever then hell had decided to wake me from my slumber. Us deamons don't sleep a lot, and when we do, it's like the second coming of Jesus I swear.

"Heeeeey, Ryder." I heard, and I cut off the bitch before she could run her mouth any more.

"Carly, I don't fucking like you. Go find someone else to screw because it's not going to me, you can have Chrissy." I hung up the phone, and when it rang again, I screamed and threw it out the window, shattering it, but it's OK. That's what I have insurance for.

"What the fuck!!" I heard, in a voice that sounded awfully like Lukas.

"Deal, bitch!" I yelled, and the boy jumped through my window.

"I think that was very mean," Said the boy, pouting, I laughed when I saw a bit of blood running down the side of his head.

"I think I don't give a shit. You're ring tone is annoying a fuck, man" I told him, and managed to crawl back into bed.

"Oh no you don't" Lukas said, "Lucifer is having a fit, and he's gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him...or if you don't stop him really, because I'm too weak to do anything, but still!" He exclaimed, frowning, "Please Ryder, Please. I don't like using my healing powers unless I absolutely have to." He whined, and groaning I rolled out of bed.

"This better not take long," I growled at him, and reluctantly put on a pair of skinneys and a band-tee.
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yayayay i wrote. enjoy!!