Status: ongoing...meaning we write when we feel like it

Death of an Angel


“Your point?” I asked, annoyed and shocked, Lucifer looks up at me with wide eyes. Wow really, I mean come on; this was the only thing making him a moody little bitch…wait... Then suddenly I remembered; the angel King was dying and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it, but before I can say it, Lukas does.

“No, his Daddy’s dying” the small boy said and wrapped his arms around Lucifer’s neck. For some reason, I didn’t like the look of that. I only wanted Lukas’s arms around me and no one else.

“No, that’s not the problem.” Lucifer said, and sighing, he added, “The problem is that he’s going to pick a person just like him to rule, someone who he has been brainwashing since he was born, some poor child who is no better than a puppet with a dead master. It’ll be chaos. The boy won’t know how to rule, he won’t know how to manage the people, the economics, the…the anything!” He said, exasperatedly throwing his hands up.

“And on top of that pile of horse shit, there is a boy he sent to kill me. I saw him a few days ago, and looked him up from a few contacts from my…past life, we could call it, and he’s bad news. Keegan Terance. He was castle born and bred, a ‘Noble made into a Knight’ and he’s supposed to be the king’s personal assassin, meaning the best of the best.” He sighed. “Damn kid was probably brainwashed as well.” He growled, and Lukas squeezed him tighter.

“It’s okay, Lucifer, it could be worse. But…why are you and your dad on such bad terms?” he asked, and Lucifer growled.

“It was because I wouldn’t blindly follow him and do everything he said. I wanted to be my own person, not his pet son, so I got fed up and left, not without taking away his left eye though…I had to have some kind of revenge, so I took his eye, the eye that all angels supposedly cherish because it is the eye that the first Archangel saw god in. He was blind in one eye, and it was his left eye.” He finished softly, and we all paused, to take it all in.

“Well…” I heard Lukas say, “I have a secret too, and I feel that I’m ready to tell it now. “Lucifer, Ryder” His eyes stayed on me with a meaningful look. “I’m not actually a boy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
holy gosh, four, gtg do work now, maybe another one later tonight? idk ddepends on how i feel

:D comments are love!!!

I need some love