Seven Years


Dear My Greatest Friend,

We met at the skate park when I was 13 and you were 15.

It was the first time I was trying skateboarding. I'm sure everyone around could tell too, because I tripped and messed up, a lot. It didn't help that I have terrible balance either. I spent most of the day being followed by the laughter of the others around me. When I left the park that night, I still had no clue how to skateboard, but I did have several bruises.

Despite all of that however, that day was the best day of my life. You helped me up when I fell and everybody was laughing at me. It was the day we met, and the day we became best friends. And we were inseparable from then on.

I remember the times when we spent entire days in the old tree fort in your back yard. We would play WAR all day because it was the only card game we knew. Then when we got bored of that we would spend the whole night playing two truths and a lie. Eventually it got to the point where we knew each other so well we guessed the lie on the first try every time.

Your friends used to make fun of you for hanging out with a "little" kid. So for while you refused to have anything to do with me, and only ignored me when I talked to you. That didn't last long though. I was never sure what changed your mind. Maybe you decided I was more important to you than a little bit of teasing, or maybe you got tired of hearing your mom ask why I was never around anymore. She always did like me.

I pretended like I had to think about forgiving you then, like you had to make it up to me. You brought me my favorite chocolate bar every day for a week, Hershey's milk chocolate with Almonds. You even made cookies and gave every single one to me. They were the worst cookies I have ever tasted, I ate one while you were watching and threw the rest away. That's how I knew you weren't lying when you said you hadn't even tasted one, because you believed me when I said they were the best cookies ever.

You didn't have to do any of that stuff though, because I had already forgiven you the moment you uttered your apology. In fact I was never even really mad at you to begin with.

I've been thinking a lot about those types of things lately. The great times we had, and all of the memories I have with you that I will never forget. I want to say all of the good, and all of the bad, but looking back there never really was any bad memories with you. Sure we had our rough patches, everyone does, but they were nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I've also been thinking about the day we met a lot. Someone asked me the other day about when we met. So I told them the same thing I started this letter with. We met at the skate park when I was thirteen, and you were fifteen.

That was seven years ago; you died last month. You have no idea how much I was in love with you from that day we first met.

That's why I'm writing you this letter.

I know it's too late for us now, and that I should have told you sooner, but I was scared. You have to understand that I valued our friendship over every other thing in the world. I didn't want you to think I was a kid, or to find out that you didn't want me in anyway other then a friend. Or worst of all I didn't want you to to agree to be more than just best friends because you didn't want to hurt me, all the while you were miserable.

You would do that too. You would agree to be anything I wanted you to, whether you really wanted to or not. Even if it was only because you still felt like you had to make up for ignoring me for a while in high school.

I was scared you were going to say no, but I was terrified you were going to be unhappy.

It wasn't easy to keep my true feeling hidden from you for so many years either. You were completely oblivious to how I felt, and you had no problem invading my comfort zone. You constantly had your arm thrown over my shoulder, or sat a little too close on the couch, it all sent me so close to the edge of bursting.

And there was all of the nights I feel asleep crying because you had introduced me to your new love interest, or excitedly explained the great adventures the two of you had done that day. Those nights were nothing compared to the ones you were upset because you had broken up, or got in to a fight. Those nights were just as bad, if not worse. Because no matter how much it hurt me to see you with someone else, I wanted you to forever be happy.

I spent the last seven years of my life, and the final seven of yours in love with you, and I can't help but regret one thing.

I wish I would have been brave enough to tell you.

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For this contest.