
Damien Kingston
flashback, 2006

"Kaitlyn, I miss you." I said, holding onto the corded phone tightly, talking to my best friend at one A.M.

"I miss you too, Dami. I really hate the fact our families won't let us have sleepovers together! Like seriously though, I don't feel the need to royally bang you senseless against the wall."

"You don't? How strange, I guess I'm the only one." I laughed, leaning back on my bean bag chair in my dark room, lit by only a purple lava lamp.

"Wait, what."

The conversation went dead, and we sat quiet.

But then burst into laughter.

"Dammit, Kay, I love you." I laughed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I suppose your okayy...." Kaitlyn muttered, laughing afterward.

"Thanks Kay." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Finnnne." She said, and I could practically see her eye roll, " I love you too, silly."

"....I miss you. Alot. Like a really lot...." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Then come see me!" She said, covering the phone so her mom wouldn't hear in the next room.

"But Kay, it's one in the morning. How?" I asked, pouting and walking over to the window.

"Walk over, and then help me climb down the tree! And we can go on my front porch until dawn again! Sound like fun?" Kaitlyn asked, while I was already pulling on my pants.

"Already half way dressed, kid."


"So I'm here. What are we going to do until sunrise?" I asked, taking her into my arms.

"Hey Dami?" Kaitlyn said, her head setting on my shoulder.

"Yes, Kaitlyn?" I replied, kissing her forehead.

"You and me. Well, people always say we're together. And they tell me that you really like me. And I know the guys tell you I like you. But, like, whats going on between us?" She said, winding her fingers through mine.

"Tell me how you feel first." I said, almost begging.

I mean, sure I love Kaitlyn, but not in a inlove kind of way. What if I said just friends and hurt her feelings?

"Well. I think....I think...Your a fucking mentally challenged person, and I love you like your my best friend. Easy enough?" Laughed Kay, looking up at me. "You?"

"Same here, Kaitlyn. Sammme here." I laughed, setting my chin on her head. "Your my best friend, and I don't want you to ever forget it."

I snuggled my nose into her curly blond hair, taking in the smell of marshmallows. "Ever, ever,ever."

"Then maybe we need some sort of symbol of our friendship?"

"Like friendship bracelets?" I asked, looking down at her.

'No, too over used." Kaitlyn said, waving it off.

"Promise rings?" I asked, rising my eyebrow.

"No, too cheesy."

"Well how never mind, that's too dangerous."

And of course, this sparked her interest. "Dangerous? I like dangerous. Tell me."

"Noooo way, kiddo." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Tell me!" She demanded, jumping out of my arms and standing before me with her hands on her hips.

"Well I was going to say, that I once saw this show where there was this freaking like, cult thing, and they carved shapes and letters into their skin. Some on girl's to remind them to stay pure and virgin, some to represent marriage, and lots of other things. I was thinking something like that. And they have to re-cut their scar each year as if re-instating your promise."

"Awhhaawwhaww mannn! That'd be sooo daannng cooooll! Oh common Damien, let's do it! On like, our palms or something."

"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile, taking out the pocket knife I kept in my pocket that my father had given to me on a camping trip years and years ago.

"Absolutely. What will our symbol of friendship be?" She asked, tilting her head sideways.

"How about a star. And our friendship will be burning forever, as bright and hot as a star." I smiled crookedly, excited.

"Perfect as always Dami. Perfect." Kaitlyn smiled, thrusting her right palm at me. "Mark me, Damien, as your forever loyal best friend."

When I gave her a weird look, she shrugged and said, "Hey might as well make it dramatic. Let's start over."

"Alrighty then?" I laughed, dropping her palm thinking maybe this should be done in a cemetery or something.

"Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick. My faithfulness and loyalty to you is like a burning star. Which is loyal to the earth, promised to light her darkened skies. This is what I wish to do for you; to light your darkest skies. Do you accept this scar of loyalty, Kaitlyn?" I asked, gripping the knife's handle tightly.

"I accept your loyalty, Damien Kingston." Kaitlyn nodded, serious as hell.

"Please, with your new earned trust, give me your right hand- palm up."

Kaitlyn placed her right hand on my left, and I squeezed it lightly. "This will hurt, Kaitlyn."

"Anything for you, Damien."

I started cutting her palm, letting her squeeze my arm with her other hand as she cried out in pain. "Keep going, Damien!" She'd say.

I then carved a five edged star in the middle of her palm, then writing my name inside of it and gave her a cloth to wipe away the blood.

Kaitlyn did the same thing to me, and that night I walked away more connected to her then ever.