Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 10 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

“I had to lie to Drew, because I couldn’t possibly tell him the truth about me. So, I had to make up this crazy lie about having a twin sister. And I just can’t believe he actually bought it!”

That’s what I told Nyla when I got home that same day. We were now in her room and sitting on her bed talking about it all.

“Well you know, he’s going to find out at some point and he’s going to be really mad that you lied to him.” she told me.

“I know!” I sighed in exasperation. “But, I did it because I love him. And I’m sure once he gets to know that, he’ll forgive me.”

”Oh yeah, sure he will. But, seriously, you-“ she was then cut off by a voice from downstairs.

“Nikkia, Andrew and his friends are here to see you!” auntie called.

“Oh no, he’s here!” I exclaimed, moving away from the window, in case any one of them were looking up from down there.

“You have to tell him the truth.” Nyla said.

“I can’t! Now let me borrow some of your clothes.”

”Why?” she stared at me weirdly.

This was a huge first for me, since all of Nyla's clothes were girl-y and too pink for me, but this was a mandatory thing, so it had to be done!

"I don't have girl-y clothes and I need to look like Nikki."

"But, you are Nikki." Nyla told me.

"No, I'm Nick!"

She just simply rolled her eyes and muttered something too low under her breath for me to hear, before heading out of the room. I sighed, not really caring what she thought of me, and thrust open her closet doors and started looking through them to find something suitable for Nikki. Just looking at all the pink in her closet made me want to gag, but I held my breath and continued on with my search.

Finally, I just decided with an old Abbey Dawn top that used to belong to me when I was younger with a matching pink and black plaid skirt, and to finish it off I pulled on a pair of my old black and white converse boots that I given to Nyla after I got a new pair. Before leaving, I remembered to spray some perfume on me too, so that I would not only look nice, but also smell nice for Drew.

Walking down the stairs, I felt weird and uncomfortable in my new choice, but I knew I had to do this. So, I sucked it up and continued on down the stairs, even though the actual attempt of even putting my hair behind my ears killed me in the inside.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw the guys sitting around the table along with Nyla. The first pair of eyes to fall on me was Drew’s.

“H-hi Drew.” I said, staring down at my hands.

”Hey, um, Nikki.” he replied.

“So, this is Nick’s twin?” Pat asked, looking me up and down.

I gulped, really hoping that he wouldn’t see right through me and ruin my chances before they even got started.

“Yeah, that’s her.” Drew answered.

“Cool. So, where is Nick right now?”

I looked up and wondered what I could possibly say that wouldn’t sound wrong.

“Oh, she’s just taking a shower.” I finally came up with.


He didn't sound very convinced and I knew I exactly why, but I just pretended that I didn't even notice.

I nodded and made my way over to the kitchen counter. Getting on it, I started swinging my legs around trying to block out the awkwardness that was starting to build up in the room.

“Uh, Nikki?” I heard Drew say.

“Yes?” I asked, looking up at him.

“I didn’t really get to know you too well, you know the last time that we met, so I was just wondering if there was anything that I should like know about you, you know like before the wedding.”

Drew was saying the word ‘like’ a little too much and I knew exactly what that meant. He was nervous about something.

“Uh, well…” my voice trailed off.

“We’ll leave you alone then.” Dex said then, probably understanding.

They all left the room then and Drew got up and walked over to me.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I asked.

“Anything. Everything.” he said softly.

I noticed a new look on Drew’s face. It was so different from anything else I’ve ever seen before.

"There's not really much to know about me. I'm a girl and like all girls I love shopping, shoes, and romantic movies."

That was such a lie!’ I thought to myself. ‘Well maybe not all of it, I mean I did love shoes and I sorta like shopping, but I hate romantic movies. I rather watch stuff blowing up and horror.

"Wow, you are nothing like your sister." Drew chuckled. Drew put his hands on my legs and I blushed, but all he did was smile brightly.

"A lot of people say that." yeah, about me and Nyla.

"Wow, you are nothing like your sister." Drew chuckled.

I felt his hands place themselves on my legs and a light blush spread over and across my face.

"A lot of people say that." I replied, while thinking, ‘Yeah, about me and Nyla.

A hand squeezed mine and my blush deepened, causing Drew to grin brightly up at me.

Wow,’ I thought to myself. ‘He must really like Nikki.

“Hey Drew, are ya done with your girlfriend yet, we gotta go!” I heard Pat yell from the other room.

“Alright, I’m coming!” Drew yelled back at him, before turning around to face me again. “

“Hey Drew, are ya done with your girlfriend yet, we gotta go!” I heard Pat yell from the other room.

“Alright, I’m coming!” Drew yelled back at him, before turning around to face me again. “Hey, I gotta go, sorry.”

I nodded, understanding.

“Bye.” I told him.

“Oh, and if you see Nick, could you tell her that I was here and that if she needs me I’ll be out with Pat and the other guys?”

I nodded again, this time in agreement.

“Thanks babe, you’re awesome.” Drew leaned in for a quick kiss on my cheek before bounding out through the doorway.

I was so shocked, I could barely move. My mouth was frozen in a wide grin as was my whole body. I stayed like that even when Nyla came into the kitchen and saw me like that.

“H-he-he j-just k-kissed my cheek!” I managed to get out.

“Wow.” Nyla replied, obviously uninterested in all my happiness.

I ignored her and just ran up the stairs by twos up to my room and looked out the window where I could see Drew walking over to Daniel’s while staring up at the sky. Our eyes locked immediately and when he caught sight of me, a bright grin came over his face. I blushed deeply and raised my hand to wave back to him. He blew me a kiss and waved back, before getting into the car.

I moved away from the window then, my face still shining brightly with happiness and kept moving backwards until the back of my knees hit my bed and I collapsed onto it.

Gosh, I feel as if all my dreams are coming true right now!’ I thought to myself. ‘I’m so frickin’ happy right now!'
♠ ♠ ♠
Nikki's Outfit: