Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 16 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

These past few weeks, I’ve been getting pretty used to Drew calling up everyday for Nikki instead of Nick. I’ve also gotten used to dressing up all girl-y and going on dates with him. And I’ve even gotten used to Nyla’s death glares.

But, even if I have gotten used to all of that, I still felt a twinge of hurt when I noticed how much Drew cared for Nikki and how he spends so much time with her now and how he doesn’t even talk to me anymore.

You know how people are always saying how girls are the usual cause of broken friendships, no matter how strong their relationship is together? Yeah, well, I just learned that it’s pretty true. Even if that girl is your twin sister or just me, in my case.

I was in the kitchen right now, drinking some soda and thinking about all of this.

But, mostly of Drew. I thought of we used to spend the whole night up talking about so many things and how now the only reason Drew even comes over here is for Nikki and only Nikki.

It’s all he thinks about all day: Nikki this and Nikki that. It was driving me crazy and this was the reason why I wouldn’t tell him the truth; because I knew he’d never talk to me ever again, because I wasn't Nikki.

Someone then rang the doorbell and interrupted my thoughts. Figuring it was probably Nyla, I yelled out, "Come in!"

Auntie always told me never to do that, in case a robber or a rapist of some sort could possible come in and do away with me or whatever. But, what would a robber or rapist want with me? I’m not good enough.

I sighed and looked to see who was at the door and unsurprisingly, I saw that it was Drew.

“Drew, what are you doing here?” I asked him.

"I'm here to see you." he answered, all matter-of-factly.

“Me?” I was so surprised now.

Here I was thinking how he’s been avoiding me lately and here he comes popping up to see me.

I watched wide-eyed and in awe as I watched Drew come over to me and wrap his arms around my waist. Right now, I was Nick, so I had like no clue as to why Drew was acting this way with me now.

“Um…Drew, I’m not exactly who you’re expecting.” I told him.

I’m not really sure why I said that, but I guess I just wasn’t in the mood to go on and start playing the girl-y version of me now.

“But, you’re wearing pink.” he pointed out.

“Yeah, but I’m also wearing a jersey and a hat.” I added.

“Oh yeah,” he looked down. “So, where’s Nikki?”

”She’s out and won’t be back till like ten or maybe even later.”

"'Kay, I'll come back later then."

I gritted my teeth as Drew turned to leave and urged myself not to burst out crying or end up yelling at him. It would’ve been wrong and so stupid.

But, I just couldn’t help stopping him.

“Wait, Drew!” he turned around and I walked over to him.

“How come…” I tried to pick my words carefully. “How come you never hang out with me anymore? I was your friend first! And you could always hang out as much as you please with Nikki once you’re married and all.”

My eyes turned soft and a tear almost escaped out when Drew didn’t say anything and just stood there staring at me.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Nick!” he finally said. “You’re right; I totally have been ignoring you these past days. And I’m so sorry for that, I really am.”

“Ah, it’s alright, it’s not like you known or was doing it on purpose or anything.”

I felt Drew grab my hand then and say, “Come on, we’re going out.”

”No, Drew, it’s alright. You seriously don’t have to do this for me.” I tried to tell him.

“But, I want to.” Drew smiled softly at me.

“Alright, at least lemme go change first.”

I went upstairs to my room and after a long time, I was finally dressing like myself. I put on a random shirt form my closet that I had bought two years ago, but it still fit me and a pair of skinny jeans with some converses. Even though most of the outfit was old, I made sure that I still looked good.

Drew had waited for me while I got ready and then we walked to his car after I had come down. Drew started driving us somewhere when I suddenly started to get an idea in my head.

“Hey, Drew.” I said to him.

“Yeah, hun?” Drew replied back.

“Can I drive?”

“Drive?” Drew took his eyes off the road for about a minute to look at me.

“Pretty please?! I promise I won’t crash into anything!” I promised him.

“Alright, come here.” Drew said, stopping the car and patting his legs. I just gave him a weird look back.

“Have you forgotten who I am already?" I joked.

“Oh, come here already.”

Drew wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up on his lap.

“Ok well, first rule of driving: no hair in your face,” I felt Drew’s cold fingers tickle across my face as he pushed my hair back behind my ears. “Next rule: no going over the speed limit….”

After Drew had finished explaining all the rules of driving and parking and shifting and all that, he took my hands gently and placed them on the steering wheel with his; his were over mine, so it was more like he was driving and I was just holding it there.

Drew let me drive for a long while and all that time I was mostly trying my hardest not to blush than driving.

After I had gotten down most of the basics and was actually starting to get the hang of it, Drew dropped his hands and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He turned on the radio then and we sang along to our favorite songs, while the wind from the outside world blew our hair around and we laughed as we heard the funny voices come up on the radio.

Finally after all these days, I was having so much fun with him and I really wished the day would never end.

The only other time that Drew raised his hands back onto the steering wheel, was when I had almost crashed into the another car while stopping at a red light.

“Oops! Sorry.” I apologized immediately.

“It’s alright,” Drew panted at the close call. “Just make sure to be more careful next time.”

I don’t know what came over me then, because I just turned around and hugged Drew’s chest.

“Thanks Drew,” I murmured. “Thanks so much.”

“For what sweetie?” he asked me, stroking my hair softly.

“For always being such a great friend to me.” I told him.

“Hey, I think I should be saying that to you.”

I looked up then and my eyes accidentally met with Drew’s lips. We were close, a little too close and it was driving my heart mad.

Drew was staring at me thoughtfully and this time I really couldn’t help revealing my scarlet cheeks to him.

“You’re becoming more…free.” Drew whispered aloud.

“Yeah, I guess.” I replied back softly.

I noticed Drew starting to lean closer and closer than and I really couldn’t help following him. He looked as if he were about to kiss me or something.

Was he?’ my heart hoped. ‘But, he knew I was Nick and Nikki, so he couldn’t possibly be trying to kiss me. Could he?

But, I didn’t really get a chance to find out since the light had once again changed back to green and there was this really annoying car behind us honk, honk, honking! so loudly that it just made Drew and I pull back so quickly, he my hip bumped loudly onto the wheel and my elbow accidentally hit our own horn.

I looked nervously back at Drew, but he just returned a sweet smile back at me.

“Uh, I think we should get moving before the guy behind us actually starts calling the cops on us.” he said.

I could still overhear the guy behind us, who was actually an older lady with a deep voice and a phone in her hand, probably ready to dial 9-1-1 and report a pair of teens sitting right in the middle of the road doing nothing at all.

“Yeah,” I just muttered back, turning around fully and replacing my hands on the wheel. But, I guess my heart just wasn’t into the whole driving thing anymore. “Maybe you should drive now.” I suggested to him.

“Alright, if that’s what you want.”

I tried to get off of Drew then, but he just wouldn’t let me go. So, I just slumped down on his lap and let him drive me home.

“So, who is it?” I heard Drew ask me after a while.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked him, confused.

“You know that guy that’s made you so happy?”

I don’t know why, but right then I felt crushed. My heart, my mind, my body, everything, all of it felt destroyed.

“And when do I get to meet this lucky guy?” Drew continued on.

I just shrugged, since I didn’t know what else to say or how to say it without sounding upset or stupid, because I knew for a fact that if I even thought about opening up my mouth either my words were gonna come out with a crack in between each of them or only a squeak was gonna pop out.

“Can I at least get a name?”

“I-I’ll, um, tell you later.” I finally managed to croak out.

“Alright then, here we are.”

I looked up from my hands to see that we were back in front of my house. I also noticed that we’ve been out for a while now and the sun was starting to go down.

I slid off of Drew’s lap then and back onto the seat next to him. I waited while Drew got out of the car and went around it to go open the door for me. I jumped out as quickly as I could and nearly almost banged right into Drew himself. But, he grabbed me before I could fall face-first into the ground.

I mumbled him a thanks, before walking past him and up the front steps. And it was then that he called out, “Hey, I can’t wait to meet that amazing guy of yours and when Nikki gets home, can you tell her that I came over?!”

I didn’t even bother saying bye to him or anything, I just straight into the house, about to break down into a million pieces. I ran past Nyla, who was now standing in the kitchen looking right at me and Drew, and up the stairs to my room.

At this point, I didn’t even care if she decided to tell him everything right there and then. She could do just that and it still wouldn’t matter or make a difference to him.

After slamming the door to my room, I slid down the door and let my tears and thoughts overcome me already.

He doesn’t feel the same way about me; he never did and he never will!’ some of them said. ‘He actually thinks that I’m this happy because of someone else. He doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t know the truth at all and once he does, that’ll be the total end.

“It’ll be the end of everything,” I whispered aloud to myself then. “Including me....
♠ ♠ ♠
So sry 4 the very LONG wait. But, u all should b glad that I decided to bring this back. A lot of people seem 2 really like it & wanted me 2 cont. so i did. but, like i said: 15th ch. alwayz the hardest.

PS u know what song would go great with this ch.? this one:
I was listening to it as I typed this up.

Nick's Outfit:
Nick's Other Outfit: