Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 17 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

Well, it’s been a whole month since I first made up that crazy lie about having a twin sister.

And Drew’s and Nikki’s marriage is coming up and I’ve decided that the perfect time to tell Drew the whole truth was after the wedding.

Sure, Drew’d be really pissed at me, but hey, at least we’d still be together then. And besides, it’s not like Drew can stay mad at me forever, right? He’d have to forgive me at some point and that might be a lot sooner that expected.

I also haven’t told Drew about my mystery guy yet. I mean, how could I when he’s actually my mystery guy and if I were to even talk about him, it would mean telling him the whole truth and I can’t do that…yet.

After a while, Drew had forgotten all about it, but then it was brought back up again and I had to once again use yet another lie to cover it up.

Drew and I were just walking around and I was dressed as my normal self – the Nick way – when it had started to rain. So, Drew decided to use the old construction site that we were near as a shelter until the rain had stopped.

The workers had gone home for the day and we were the only ones present and moving in there, so it seemed a bit creepy being in there. But, Drew was with me and I knew he would be ready to protect me against anything, so I didn’t worry too much.

I was shivering in my clothes when I turned my head to look over at Drew and saw him squeezing the hair out of his shaggy hair.

Man, he looks so frickin’ hot!’ I thought to myself.

I tried my best not to stare at him, but unfortunately Drew caught me looking and gave me his famous crooked smile. I swear that smile could’ve stopped traffic and caused a huge jam in just two minutes flat!

“Uh-um, it’s really cold in here, don’t you think?” I stuttered out.

“Yeah,” Drew replied, still staring and smiling at me. “It’d be really good if we had some wood in here. I could’ve started a fire or something.”

“Uh huh.” I smiled dreamingly.

For some weird reason, I felt all dazed up. I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot, even as I pinched myself to stop.

I noticed Drew get up then and start to make his way towards me.

Holy shit!’ I thought to myself. ‘What is he planning on doin’?!

My felt immediately burned up like crazy as Drew wrapped his arms around me.

“You must be freezing.” he muttered into my hair.

“You have no idea!” I said quietly, snuggling into Drew’s chest.

"But, this should keep us warm."

I felt Drew snuggle his face against mine and I sighed happily. This moment felt so perfect, so real and it just made me so frickin' happy!

It's not that Drew hasn't ever been this romantic with me, it's just that's he's always been doing it with Nikki before and now for the first time he was actually doing it with me!

“You wanna talk about something?” Drew asked me then breaking me out of my thoughts and back into the reality of things.

“Sure,” I answered. “What?”

I looked up at Drew then and noticed that he had his eyes shut tight, as he held me close to him.

“Um well, why don’t you tell me about that guy?” he said.

“What guy?” I asked confused.

“You know that guy you said you’d introduce me to.”

My eyes snapped open then as I realized where this was going. “Oh, that guy.”

“Yeah, that guy. So, when are you? It’s been so long.”

I sighed deeply without answering him and just stared at Drew’s perfect features instead. His skin was completely flawless and for some miraculous reason he’s been like that his whole teenage life. His eyes were simply beautiful; his nose was so long and skinny and perfect just like the rest of his whole face; his hair was long and chocolate brown, and always messy but in a totally cute way – kinda like in a Robert Pattinson way; and finally his body was just so…wow!

Not that I’ve ever seen it or anything, but right now thanks to the heavy rain and all, I could sorta see through his shirt a little.

Which would also explain why Drew’s eyes were closed, because my shirt must’ve been just as see-through as his was right now!

My thoughts forgot about that soon enough though and went back to the old ones like how smart and handsome Drew was and how he still is.

And now as I watched him as he waited for me to answer back to the question he asked, that I had sort of forgotten by now, I really couldn’t help leaning over.

I knew I was like this close to pressing my lips to his, when I practically slapped myself away and forced my brain to just focus and not to try anything stupid.

“What’s the matter?” Drew asked then, opening his eyes to look at me.

I had no idea why, but at that moment then, I started to get really upset.

"" I stuttered.

I started remembering that day then, one month ago when Drew took me out with him for a drive around town and we had almost kissed at the red light. I also remembered how after I got home, I spent the whole night crying on and on and for a reason I don’t even remember anymore. And right now, for some reason I was getting those same feelings all over again making me wanna just break down already.

I didn’t want Drew to see the expression on my face or the few tears that had already started to appear in my eyes, so I tried pulling away but Drew being Drew wouldn’t let me. So, I just stared down at the ground as more tears began dotting my eyes.

“Hey, Nick, what’s wrong, sweetheart? Huh, what’s up?” Drew cupped his hands around my face and pulled my head up to look at him. “Talk to me, please!”

Hearing Drew say all that and seeing how concerned he was just made me feel a whole lot worse and made me wanna cry even more.

”Did he say something to you? Huh, did he do anything? Oh, you just tell me and I will personally go and murder that guy!” he continued.

At this point now, I couldn’t stop crying now, no matter how hard I tried to push all those tears back and down my throat.

Drew pulled me to him then and just held me tightly and that’s when I just gave it all up and let my tears be free. For a while, he said nothing and just stroked my hair softly.

And as I cried, I just thought of what I should do and say now.

Should I tell him another lie?’ I wondered. ‘Or just tell him everything?

I slowly began to look up then and into Drew’s caring eyes. My thoughts immediately changed course then.

Did I really want to end this perfect moment with Drew right now and just let it all go down the drain?’ they said now. ‘Drew would never look at me the same again…ever! I would have to lie again…whether I liked it or not.

“H-he broke my heart,” I started. “He’s never loved me and he never will either!” I sobbed.

Well, that wasn’t a complete lie exactly. I mean, Drew did love me, but he loved the other part of me; the part that I could never be like for too long. Drew loved Nikkia, not Nick.

"Oh man, you just tell me his name and I will make him regret everything he's said and done to you!" Drew said through his clenched teeth then. "I swear I will, Nick!"

I just ignored Drew and continued on.

“I knew it was too good to be true anyway,” I said. “Who would want to go out with a girl like me anyway?”

”Hey, don’t talk like that! You’re the most beautiful girl I know and you mean everything to me!” Drew told me.

I couldn’t stop after that; words just kept jumping out of my heart and pouring themselves into my mouth and before I could help it, they just blurted themselves out.

“Then why are you marrying Nikki?!” I accidentally shouted out.

As soon as I realized what I had just said, I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth and stepped back.

“What? What did you just say?” Drew reacted just as quick.

Oh great, this is just what I needed!’ I groaned to myself.

I softly moved Drew’s strong and protective arms off me and kept backing away until I reached a big fat pole. I wanted to just slide down it and bury my face in my lap to keep it hidden from Drew. But, before I could do that, Drew came over to me and held tightly onto my shoulders.

“Repeat what you just now said and don’t tell me that it was nothing, because I have ears and I’m not stupid, Nick!” Drew sounded angry, really angry.

I gulped back some more of my tears and just stared at Drew, saying nothing in return.

“Tell me what you said!” he shook my shoulders hard.

“Well, why is it so frickin’ important to you?!” I cried aloud, my voice echoing off the walls through the place.

“Because it just is!” he shouted back out, his voice following mine.

“Well, you’re getting married to the girl you love soon, so you should be happy and not worrying about stupid little things like me.” I whimpered out.

After I had said that, Drew got such a weird look on his face – one that I had never seen before in my whole life. I never even thought it was possible for Drew to even make a face like that. He was mad, but also…sad at the same time?

Drew pulled his back for a moment and then pressed his face back up against mine.

”Stop abusing yourself like that!” he cried into my face; his breath smelled like fresh and sweet coffee. "You don't know anything!" he continued on. "You don't know how much I've loved you!"

I suddenly did a double take and snapped my head up.

I looked up and our eyes locked. ”Huh?”

“If you don’t believe me, then maybe this’ll prove it to you and clear all your doubts.”

Before I could even respond or react, I felt something pressed up against my lips. My eyes widened as I realized it was Drew’s own lips.

For a while, I just stood there frozen and too shocked to do anything about it. But, as Drew continued to just kiss me, I pinched myself extra hard to snap myself out of it.

Am I dreaming?’ I thought to myself. ‘Well, who cares if I am or not, I should at least make the best of it, right?!

I slowly and carefully started to kiss Drew back then. He grabbed one of my hands and intertwined our fingers together while using his other hand to brush his hand up and down my back. I could soon feel a moan start to arise up in my chest and even tried my absolute best to try to keep it down, but it somehow just managed to escape out.

I felt Drew’s lips form a smile underneath mine and he started to kiss me harder from there. More moans escaped from my mouth then. Everything around me started to spin all of a sudden then and it had suddenly begun getting harder for me to even stand straight.

After a few minutes, Drew pulled away to breathe and pressed his forehead against mine. More of his coffee breath flooded into mine as we both had our mouths slightly open as we panted.

I could feel a blush starting to creep up through my neck and up to my cheeks as we stared at each other in adore. I’ve never blushed as much as I was doing right now.

I watched as Drew’s smile widened as he must’ve noticed how red my face was. He brushed my hair back and then all of a sudden just like the moans, something else popped out my mouth.

“Oh, I love you, Drew.” I accidentally said.

I had no intention to say that aloud right now, but just like the soft moans, they ran right out through my lips before I could even think of stopping them.

Drew just grinned back even wider and replied back by saying, “I love you too, Nick.”

After hearing that, I knew there wasn’t any other time that I had ever been happier than I was right now.

Drew started kissing me again and this time it felt twice as good as the first time. But, I frowned then as I remembered something.

“But, w-what about Nikki?” I asked him.

Drew’s face fell then as he probably realized the same thing. He signed deeply and said nothing as he just stared at the ground for a while.

“I don’t know…what I’m gonna do.” he finally said.

“Drew, you know you have to pick one; either me or Nikki.” I told him.

“I know that, Nick. But, I just…need some time to think this all through.”

”Don’t worry, I understand and I can wait as long as you need,” I gave him a smile, but Drew was too busy staring at his feet to notice it. I curved my hand over his chin and made him look up at me. “And I just want you to know that I’ll totally be ok with whatever decision you come up with.”

“E-even if it’s not you?” Drew asked then, sounding almost as if he were being forced to ask this and didn’t really want to know the answer to it.

“Even if it’s not me.” I assured him.

I leaned in and kissed Drew softly on the lips and for a minute, he kissed me back tenderly. But, then all of a sudden, he abruptly pulled away from me. I stared at him in wonder, but he just shook his head and cleared his throat.

“I think we should be getting home by now.” he said.

“Yeah, the rain’s probably long gone by now,” I agreed. “We’ve been for a long time.” I couldn’t help smiling as I said that.

Drew took my hand and we walked outside together. I noticed that the rain had indeed stopped and the sky was all cleared up, but the air was still plenty humid and sticky. And I knew that if we didn’t get out of here soon, my hair was going to end up sticking up in all random directions.

Neither Drew nor I had remembered the way back home, so we walked around for a bit before getting a ride from a nearby taxi place. We both took a seat in the back of the cab; Drew still held onto my hand, but he stayed silent the whole ride home, even when I tried my best to cheer him up with cute little smiles and little snuggles.

Nothing worked. He was like a stone. So, I decided to just leave it at that, before I did anything more to make the tension between us even more intense.

We were home within minutes. I got out of the cab with Drew and was just about to go into my house when he didn’t bother to do or say anything, when Drew pulled me back and to him. I looked up at him curiously.

“Don’t tell Nikki anything, got it?” it sounded more like a command than a question to me, what he said, but I didn’t mind it too much.

I nodded my head in response and a small smile appeared on Drew’s face then.

“Good.” he gave me a soft peck on the cheek and walked me to my door.

I turned to go on inside, but I turned back and my eyes locked with Drew’s. They looked sad, so before I could even stop myself, I leaned in quickly and hugged him tightly to me.

“I love you, Drew.” I muttered once again.

Then I moved away quickly and twisted the knob on the front door, before running inside, with my face all pink.

Once inside, I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. But, unlike one month ago, I didn’t spend my time crying my eyes out; instead I spent it by listening to loud and happy love songs, and letting the events of today run over and over again in my head.

The reason why I was so happy right now and the reason why I told Drew to either pick Nikki or me as the one who’ll be with me forever, was because this was the way I would end the whole lie. His choice, his big decision, was going to both start new things while also ending old things.

I had a plan. A secret plan that would get me out of this situation all perfectly clean without Drew even having to know about everything else.

I decided that if Drew chose me, then I’d tell him everything - “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” – no matter what the consequences were.

But, if Drew were to choose Nikkia instead then well…I’d remain Nikki for the rest of my life and Nick would be...dead forever.

Now all I had to do was just wait for Drew’s response and then starting making all the preparations.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so, after reading this ch., u mite b thinking that it's gonna end soon, but there's gonna be much more in store 4 u all. :)

Drew's Crooked Smile: