Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 18 - Edited.

Drew's POV:

I couldn’t believe Nick was making me do this! I mean, I loved her so much, I really did, but how the hell was I supposed to choose between her and Nikki? They’re twins, for god’s sake! What was I supposed to do, get myself a twin and get him to marry one of them, so I could have the other?!

But, she is right. I do have to choose between the two of them and I had better do it soon.

Sighing heavily, I sunk down onto my bed and tried my best to get my brain to function and just fuckin’ chooses already!

“It couldn’t be that hard, could it?” I asked myself. “Well, I guess the best thing to do is break it down little by little or girl by girl.”

First of all: Nikki, she’s already been heart-broken and she so doesn’t deserve it again, especially not with a fiancée!

But second of all: Nick, she’s always been so depressed with things until that mystery guy came into her life. But, in the end, he just ended up leaving her. She needs me! And I’m like so afraid that if I let her go, she’ll end up doing something that I know I’m gonna regret for the rest of my life.

And if she even thinks of doing something like that, I swear I’ll never be able to forgive myself, let alone even think about loving Nikki. It’d all be over then, starting with my own life as well.

I can’t let her do that. And I can’t do that to Nikki either. So, what the hell am I supposed to do exactly?!

WAS THERE ANYONE IN THIS WHOLE DANG WORLD THAT COULD PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS STUPID PROBLEM?!’ my thoughts exploded out on me. 'Oh, why didn't I just tell Nick from the beginning that I was crazily in love with her?' I blamed myself. 'Maybe then none of this would be happening right now.'

The sound of the door being opened interrupted my thoughts, and caused me to look up and at my mom standing in the doorway with a bright smile on her face. I knew that smile meant more trouble for me. But, I didn’t bother trying to stop her from pestering me.

I mean, who knows she could also probably be the one to help me out of this situation.

“Drew honey,” she said. “Make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight, you have to wake up bright and early tomorrow morning.”

”Why? What’s so special about tomorrow?” I grumbled.

”Honey, have you really forgotten already? Tomorrow’s the engagement!”

“It’s tomorrow?!” I cried aloud.

“Yes, and I know how much you like to sleep, so you better get to bed earlier than usual. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.” she leaned over and kissed my forehead, before turning and leaving my room and me in complete horror.

I can’t believe I forgot the engagement’s tomorrow! I mean, I’m obviously gonna see Nick and there and she’s obviously gonna wanna know my answer and what exactly am I supposed to tell her? What am I gonna tell Nikki?

'Man, this is gonna take me the whole night to figure this whole thing out!' I groaned to myself. ‘So much for “getting lots of sleep tonight”, mom!'

That whole night, I could hardly sleep. I couldn’t stop tossing and turning with Nick and Nikki’s faces popping in and out of my brain and shoving themselves into my face and eyes. Instead of darkness, all I kept seeing were pictures of the emo Nick and I, then came along came the beautiful Nikki and there Nick was no longer there in my life as much as before.

It’s as if they were trying to show me a sign. Maybe it was a way for me to make the decision a little easier.

But, the only thing I sensed was that before Nikki came along my life with Nick was just fun and friendly – childish even and then after I met Nikki, my life became more beautiful, much prettier to look at.

So, what did this mean? That I was too shallow to like someone like Nick, but I can go after her better looking younger twin?

My eyes started to feel heavy then and before I could even think about this one last time, I feel asleep. But, after what felt like only a mere second, I felt someone shaking me hard to get me up.

My eyes opened and mom’s face swarmed up above my face. I couldn’t really remember anything that had happened last night or who I had talked about who knows what or who I was with or what I did.

It seems almost as if I had just come back home last night and then went straight to bed.

Well, if that’s the case, then why does it feel like I haven’t slept at all last night?’ I thought to myself.

“Drew, get up!” I could hear mom saying.

“No!” I groaned out.

“But, we have so much to do today, get up now, dear!”

I could hear mom walking around the bed to the balcony where she opened up the doors and let the sunlight flood in and wash over my face, hurting my eyes.

”Ugh!” I rolled over, not realizing that I was already on the edge of the bed and ended up on the ground.

”Good, you’re up. Now, head into the bathroom to wash up and I’ll get your clothes laid out.”

I did as she said and steadily heaved myself up and into the bathroom, while rubbing my eyes. I stripped out of my clothes then stepped into the bathtub. Pulling the curtain over, I first turned on the cold water, then a little of the hot, and then finally I turned the middle faucet and cold water sprouted out and hit me directly in the face.

And it was then that my eyes snapped open and I realized just what today’s big day was – the engagement!

What was my decision again?!’ I asked myself. ‘Did I even make a decision last night?

My eyes moved up to the mirror in front of me and I got a good look at my reflections. There were bags under my eyes and my eyes were just as worse – bloodshot red with tiredness lined up on every inch of my face.

“God, what is happening to me?” I asked myself. “And what are they doing to me?”

I loved both girls like crazy, but I just couldn’t figure out which one I loved more or which just didn’t deserve another heartbreak.

That whole afternoon of planning and dressing and decorating, I thought over my situation over and over again and tried to come up with the best solution to it.

With that thought being the only thing stuck in my mind, I didn’t even care about anything else. Not about the fact that I had to wear some stupid monkey suit, that barely fit me and itched almost everywhere or the fact that I was forced to see a bunch of old relatives and all their bratty little kids again and I was even expected to remember each and every one of them like I’d had just seen them yesterday.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and just decided to talk it over with both girls and first hear out what Nikki thought of all this before making a proper decision.

But, before I could even find both girls let alone get them alone with me, I found Nikki sitting in front of me with a wide grin on her face and waiting for me to slip the engagement ring onto her finger.

I didn’t look at her though; I looked all around the room, my eyes hungrily searching for Nick. My eyes fell over Nyla and started to move past, when I looked back and locked eyes with her.

“Nick?” I mouthed to her.

She shook her head no and I sighed sadly, before turning back to face Nikki. She looked so happy and so unaware of all the things that were going on in my head right now. Without any other delay then, I slipped the ring onto her finger then. Claps and cheers echoed in my ear, while inside I just felt miserable.

It was Nikki’s turn next to exchange the rings with me. She was a lot faster than me, leaving no time to spare. She pulled me into a hug and as much as I loved her, I couldn’t really force myself to be as happy as she was right now.

My eyes began to frantically search for Nick then, but she was just nowhere to be found. It was impossible to find her with so many people surrounding us.

Where could she be, anyway?’ I wondered to myself. ‘Why wasn’t she here? And how come no has even noticed that she’s gone? Why didn’t anyone care?!

I felt Nikki pull away from me then and her smile had widened – if that were even possible. I tried to smile back at her at least a little, but it felt wrong and came out too forced to actually look like a real one.

'We're already engaged! How am I supposed to break the news to Nikki now? What will she say? How will she react?'

As all those questions circled around my head, I started to feel a little dizzy and I knew that wasn't a good thing. I had to get away from everyone and get some fresh air, or who knows what could happen next.

Somehow after quite a while, I had finally managed to get away from Nikki and I began my search for Nick, or at least her dad to ask where she could be. I searched through probably the whole house – the living room, the dining room, all the bathrooms, and even her room – but, it wasn’t until I walked past the dining room again that I had finally noticed something. Something like really weird.

I was just about to walk right past it, when I moved back. I had heard something. Something all too familiar. I racked my brain for the answer and it wasn’t until I started to think back to one of my old dates with Nikki that I had finally remembered.

That sound belonged to the one and only anklet that I had gifted to Nick on our friendaversary.

I knew then that that must’ve meant that Nick was close by! She was here somewhere!

I strained my ears to get them to listen closely and find the source of where the soft tinkling sound was coming from. I followed it into the kitchen and was surprised to find Nikki instead of Nick. She was too busy talking to Nyla to notice me.

I sighed in disappointment and was just about to turn around and leave them alone, when my eyes caught something. There was something shining in my eyes – a blue light. The same blue lights that would always sparkle out of Nick’s anklets.

I looked back over to the two and I noticed then that Nikki had her dressed up in her hands as she talked. I braced myself as I looked down at her feet and there they were sparkling as bright as the sun on her two beautiful feet.

Wait, why was Nikki wearing my present for Nick ?’ I wondered to myself. ‘I mean, it might be her engagement, but she has no right to wear something that I personally gifted to Nick and that too on our friendaversary!

Nick promised me that she would never take that off and I just can’t believe she would just give it away to anybody – even if it is her sister.

I shook my head angrily and my eyebrows arched together and that’s when I realized something.

Whoa, why am I getting so mad at Nikki for?’ I asked myself. ‘Is it because I don’t really love her?

Well, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever really loved Nikki the way I’ve loved Nick in the past.

I guess the reason why I thought I did was because I’ve been friends with Nick for so long and there was so many times I wanted to see that beautiful face of hers again, but that didn’t happen. And I guess that kinda drove me to start falling for her sister only because she was beautiful.

I was in love with Nick since before I saw her face and I only started liking Nikki after I was introduced to her.

So, that’s gotta mean something right?! It’s gotta mean that my one and only answer was: Nick and only Nick!

I’ve only had a simple crush on Nikki and that’s that. The only reason I even told Nikki that Nick was just a simple friend to me was so she wouldn’t feel bad or take it the wrong way. Otherwise, I would’ve probably blurted out the whole truth right there and then.

I was so eager to go and produce my answer to Nick, but before I could go up to Nikki and tell her about everything that’s happened between me and Nick and what’s always been there, and also why I couldn’t marry her anymore and how I really hoped she'd find some way better than me in the future, when I heard something. Something that I was probably not meant to hear, but still did.

"You have to tell him the truth, Nick, and you know you've got to do it soon! You're already engaged to him, for God's sake!" Nyla was saying, well, actually more like silently yelling. "How much longer are you planning on keeping it a secret?"

“I will tell him!” she replied. “Will you just stop bugging me about it? And anyway, I’ve got it all planned out and everything, so can you please just shut up about it?”

“And when’s that? Huh, when are you gonna tell Drew that there is no Nikki! That there’s only one of you and that’s Nikkia Nicolette Carmenita?!”

Oh my fucking God, she… lied to me!’ my thoughts exploded out on me then. ‘How could she?!'

I was like completely speechless at this point now, but I still made sure to make myself be heard.

“I-“ she started to say.

“Yes, when?” I cut her off.

Both girls whipped around then; Nyla didn’t look at all surprised to see me – it was almost as if she had planned all this just to get me to realize the truth. I was really sure if I was glad of that or just not. My eyes moved over and onto Nick’s and unlike Nyla, I could see bright and clear that there was horror beyond horror plastered all over her face.

“Drew-!” she cried aloud, her hands immediately dropped her dress. “I…”

To Be Cont.....
♠ ♠ ♠
There's a lot more 2 it, so dont stop reading!
btw I wanted to add what happened next to this ch., but i wanted 2 add some suspense 2 it & leave it az a cliffhanger, but i promise in the next ch. there will b no cliffhangerz & it'll b a great one.

Nick & Drew's Engagement Outfits: