Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 19 - Edited.

Nick's POV:


“Yes, when?” I heard a voice behind me say.

I turned around fast and And there was Drew standing right in front of the doorway. My eyes widened and my hands suddenly felt lifeless.

”Drew!” I cried. “I…”

I trailed off, not knowing what to say exactly to make him see that it wasn’t what he thought it was.


Nick's POV:

“I’m waiting.” he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

“Drew, I swear I was going to tell you!” I suddenly blurted out.

I can’t believe this is happen. No, it can’t be possible!” my thoughts sobbed. ‘Please, not here, not now!

“Oh really, and when was that?” Drew marched into the kitchen then. “After we got married, so then I couldn’t do anything about it?!”

“Drew…I’m so, so sorry I kept this from you!” I was on the verge of tears now as I tried my best to convince him that I really meant no harm in what I did.

“Then, why?! Why did you do this to me? Why didn’t you just tell me the truth about you?” he looked pretty upset to me too; his eyes were glossy and refused to look at me as he spoke.

”Because…because I thought that once you got to know that we were the same person, you wouldn’t like me anymore,” I finally told him. “I saw how much you were in love with Nikki and I just figured that if you found out that she was me and I was her, then you wouldn’t love me – or her anymore.”

Drew’s eyes looked up then and I swear I could almost see a deep fire blazing in them. He was not only mad, but really, really angry.

“You really think I’m that shallow?!” he spat out.

Drew grabbed onto my shoulders pretty hard then and a few tears splashed over.

“Drew, I swear, I never meant for it to go this far.” I whispered softly.

“Really? And you seriously expect me to believe you now?” he replied. “Then you are so wrong!”

”But, Drew!”

”But, nothing! You lied to me for so long and me being the idiot kept on believing everything lie after lie. Was there anything you told me that wasn’t a lie?”

“Drew, I’m sorry! Please, can’t you just forgive me and I promise you I’ll never lie to you ever again!” I promised him.

Drew moved back from me then and dropped his hands, before responding back by saying, “Well, how do I know that you’re not lying right now?” I shook my head, trying to show him that he was wrong and I really meant it this time. “How do I know that you’re not just saying all this to save yourself and make me look like the bad guy here?”

Drew shook his head at me before walking backwards and out of the room. And it was then after he left, that the real waterworks began. I started to sob uncontrollably then. Nyla tried her best to console me, but I knew that there was nothing that was going to make me feel better now or stop me.

“Aw, Nick, don’t cry,” she soothed me. “This was bound to happen at some point and you know that. So, I guess it’s better that it happened before the wedding, right? You shouldn’t be so upset, you should be happy. He got to know the truth before your plan.”

I realized something then and pushed her away from me.

“You!” I pointed at her. “You planned all this, didn’t you?!”

”Nick, what are you talking about?” she crossed her arms over her chest, the same way Drew had done just a few seconds ago.

”You-you…” I couldn’t find the right words to say without breaking down, so I just shut up.

I ran out of the kitchen then and tried to make a beeline for my room and just cry until I was out of tears, but I realized this was Drew’s house and I obviously couldn’t do that.

Well, I could go through Drew’s balcony and into mine even if I was all dressed up, but I was pretty sure Drew had himself all locked up in there.

So, I just ran for the nearest thing there was: the bathroom.

There, I cried my eyes out and I also managed to do it as silently as I could. But, it wasn’t long before loud knocks erupted from the other side.

“Who is it?” I called out, trying my best not to reveal the cracks in my voice.

“It’s Pat,” he said. “Are you done with the bathroom yet?”

”Yeah, just…give me a sec.”

I knew I couldn’t let Pat see me like this. My eyes flashed over to the mirror in front of me and I noticed it then how big a mess I really looked like. There were lines of mascara running down along my face from my eyes; my hair was a huge mess; my face was all pink and blotchy.

So, pretty much, I looked like a mess.

I splashed my face with cool, ice water from the sink and smoothed down my dress. I tried my best to fix up my hair, but there were still some parts that wouldn’t stay down and just insisted on sticking up and out.

I also made sure to flush the toilet, so Pat didn't get any suspicions and figured out the real reason why I was in here. He was really smart with these types of things, so it was best for me to just stay away from him.

Which, by the way, wasn't very hard for me to do. It never was actually.

I opened the door to find Pat shaking up and down on one leg.

Wow,’ I thought to myself. ‘He must really have to go. Poor guy.

I quickly moved out of the way, so Pat could get in and do his…business and all that. And that was when out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Drew walking by. My eyes widened as I spotted him and I rushed over to him before he could escape from my clutches once again.

“Drew, please wait!” I begged him. But he just continued to ignore me and walk away. I wasn’t giving up that quick though. I was a whole lot stubborn and he knew that very well. ”Drew, please just listen to me!”

He whipped around then, so fast I almost banged into his back.

“What?!” he hissed at me. “What else do you want from me? What else is there left?!”

“I…” I trailed off, suddenly out of words.

“Well, what is it?!”

I flinched. “I…I don’t know. I-I mean, I’m…I’m-“

”Ah, just forget it!”

“No!” I reacted then. “I-I mean, I just w-wanted to say…” I started to sob then and my words came out all loud and cracked. “I know I shouldn’t have done what I did and I swear to God, I’ll never do it again! I do, then-then you can leave me forever. But, please, please, please don’t break this marriage!”

I was practically on my knees then with my hands folded in front of me as I begged my heart out.

“Don’t worry,” he calmly replied then. “I’m not.”

”Wait, what?” I looked up at him.

”I said, “Don’t worry. I’m not.” But, don’t think for one second that I’m doing this all for you. I’m doing it because I don’t wanna disappoint my parents and ruin my rep along with yours.”

I shook my head and started to protest. "Drew, I-"

"Now, if you'll excuse me since there's nothing else left to talk about, I need to be going now." he cut me off.

I tried my best to stop him, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. I knew it was going to take a while for him to calm down and forgive me already, but who knows how long that’ll take?!

I can’t believe that just happened,’ I thought miserably to myself. ‘Nyla was right. I should’ve just told him when he first saw me at auntie’s house. He would’ve understood. He would’ve understood it all!

I shook my head, pitying myself.

“Drew’s my best friend! And he loves me. Of course, he would’ve understood!” I told myself. “Well, at least he used to. Oh God, what am I gonna do now?”
♠ ♠ ♠
perfect song with this ch.: