Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 3 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed Drew was still asleep. He looked so cute sleeping next to me with his arms wrapped protectively around me. I sat up carefully as I could to not wake him up.

And that's when my eyes landed on a glass of water that Drew's mom probably put during the middle of the night for us on the table next to me. For a second, I thought about drinking it, but then I thought of something much more fun.

I grinned mischievously, but just as I was about to go through with my plan and drop the now cold water on him, I felt Drew swiftly grab my hand.

It all happened so quickly, I barely had enough time to gasp out loud at how tightly he held it.

"I may be asleep, but I'm not stupid." he muttered with his eyes still shut, but with a sly smile starting to creep up on the edge of his lips.

"When did you wake up?" I asked him curiously, feeling his fingers slip away from my wrist.

"Way earlier than you." Drew opened his eyes and sat up straight.

I could his feel his eyes on me then with a penetrating stare in them.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing, it’s just,” he sighed deeply. “It’s weird how I’m like your best friend ever and you can’t even tell me your secrets.”

"That’s ‘cause they’re way too personal!" I shouted.

"Well, maybe that’s why they’re called secrets.”

"I'm sorry, but I just can't." I told him.

"Why not?" he pouted.

"They're just too…” I tried to find the right words to put. “Difficult for you to understand,” I finally decided with that. "I’m sorry.”

Drew sighed again and his eyes turned softer.

"Come on, you can trust me," he continued on. "Why is it difficult? You know I care so much about you, right? So why is it so hard for you to just tell me? And besides who do you think took you home after you got drunk for the first time? Huh? That's right, it was me!"

I looked up at him. My voice felt strained and it was getting really difficult for me to continue this conversation.

"I'm sorry, Drew, but now is just not the right time! Maybe-maybe when we're a little older, I'll fill ya in on what happened. Alright?"

I stopped and something dawned on me then. Drew had just said something, something important, something crucial, something I wasn’t supposed to miss, but sorta did.

“What?” I said.

“What?” he repeated back.

”What did you just now say?”

“What? I didn’t say anythin’!”

Drew all of a sudden got a weird look on his face and I knew that something was definitely up.

I thought over the things Drew had just now said to me and suddenly remembered that important and crucial word that he had just used on me.

And besides who do you think took you home after you got drunk for the first time? Huh? That's right, it was me!

“Wait, I got drunk?” I asked sadly.

Drew sighed before answering, “Remember I took you clubbing last night for our anniversary? Well, you insisted on having a margarita ‘cause me and all the other guys were having some. And I’m so sorry; I was being so careless and stupid! You got drunk off of it. I’m really sorry, Nick, I know I shouldn’t have let drunken it in the first place and in fact, I promise – no, I swear, I’m never taking you back there ever again!”

I thought over what he said and nodded, understanding.

“Hey, accidents happen.” I told him.

”So, we’re cool?” he asked hopefully.

“Yeah, we’re cool.” I smiled.

I sighed happily then as I felt Drew’s arms wrap around me in a tight and warm embrace.

“Alright, well, I better get home and change out of these clothes.” I said, pulling back.

I got up, but a sudden wave of dizziness sent me back down again.

“Hey, are you ok?” Drew asked me worriedly.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just feelin’ a little dizzy, is all.”

“You want me to take you home, instead?”

”No, no, it’s alright.”

I got up again, but a little slower this time and made my way towards Drew’s balcony. I sat down on the ledge backwards and then carefully swung my legs over on the other side. I was used to doing this already, so my eyes were carefully not to look down and at the tiny dots of people walking and cars moving along.

I walked smoothly and perfectly across the gray stone bridge that separated Drew’s house from mine and over to the ledge of my own balcony. Doing the same, I drew my legs over the ledge and onto the balcony.

Turning around, I saw Drew’s eyes on me, making sure I had gotten across carefully and had not fallen like this one other time.

I was ok and happy with that, he smiled and waved to me. I waved back and left him to enter my own house and get ready to go down for some breakfast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was short, I couldn't think of anything else to write.