Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 31 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

At this point now, my entire hospital room was filled with guys from Jordan and Thomas’s little “gang” talking amongst themselves as I waited patiently waited for Jasmine to return with yet another tape recorder. The other one had been filled with too many questions and replies and besides, it was I who had suggested recording my story in a different one to make it simpler.

The other guys had decided to join in when Jasmine left and one by one they came in to see me, until about all ten of them had come over and just decided to stay and here my story as well.

As buff as they were though, they were all pretty nice and it was all thanks to Jordan that I got to meet them and be introduced. And I even got to meet Thomas! Who apparently, had really no interest in meeting me at all and was more likely forced to do so by Jordan.

I wanted to speak up and tell him that it was ok. I wasn’t really sure what I was saying ok to though; the fact that Jordan didn’t have to make Thomas meet me or the fact that it was alright for Thomas if he had intentions of seeing me and getting to know me better.

But, before I could open my mouth to say it, Thomas beat me to it.

“Hey come on, Thom! Don’t be shy, she’s just a girl, ya know!” Jordan was saying to him, as he grabbed onto his arm and began pulling him into the room and over to where I sat on my bed, surrounded by guys.

It’s pretty ironic, how before no guy even had the guts to come near me – not that I was complaining about that, coz you know, guys are trouble – and now I had a huge group of guys ready to my every whim for me.

“Shut up, I know she’s a girl!” Thomas yelled back at him. “But, that’s just it! I really don’t think it’s best for her to be surrounded by a pack full of guys, right after she’s been raped by one!”

I actually wanted to tell him that I was fine with all this, but I decided to just stop myself before I created something I knew I would regret. So, I just lowered my eyes and kept my mouth shut tight like a good little girl.

“But, hey, come on she wants to meet the guy who saved her life - which is you!” Jordan continued to urge him.

“And you were the one that suggested we leave her there to die! So, what’s got your mind so changed?”

My head jerked up then and my eyes fell towards Jordan as I realized that it was his voice that I had heard arguing with Thomas while I was losing consciousness.

“Oh, I-I was just…” he stammered, locking eyes with me as he realized what I realized as well.

“I get it, dude, seriously. I probably would’ve done the same.” I told him, smiling genuinely at him.

Jordan then pulled his arm away from Jordan while he was still caught off guard and then stomped over to a small stool in the back of the room. There he took a seat on it and stared hard and angrily at the ground.

I moved my head towards him and looked up at him through my eyelashes. It was then that I figured out why Jordan had put air quotes around 'brother' when he was telling me about Thomas in the first place.

Wow, he looked even more like Jordan than Jordan actually looked like Alex. I swear they could’ve all been triplets or even twins, if Thomas weren’t a bit taller, thinner, and less muscle, more lanky. He must’ve had at least a six-pack while the rest of the guys probably had an eight.

“Hey, Nick, I’m back!” Jasmine opened the door then and came inside to see all the guys that were in the room. “Whoa, what’d I miss?”

“Nothing much really, Jas, I just met some of the guys that helped saved my life and thought I’d let them stay as well.” I answered her, giving a small smile with it.

She didn’t return my smile and instead took a seat next to me on the edge of my bed with a worried look on her face.

“Are you sure you’re ok with all these guys being here, sweetheart?” she looked into my eyes.

“Yeah, I really don’t mind…at all!” I insisted.

Jasmine gave me a look that proved to me that there wasn’t a part of her that believed a word that I said – which I figured she wouldn’t.

“Seriously!” I exclaimed. “I totally don’t mind that they’re all here. I feel fine, seriously.”

“Alright,” She sighed deeply. “If this is what you want. But, if at any point you feel like they should leave and you wanna tell me something important, personal, or girl related, I can totally kick them all out for you, sweetheart. Seriously.” she smiled softly at me then.

“Yeah, I know.”

She pressed ‘play’ once again on the tape recorder and I started all the way from the beginning from when I first met Drew and how we became friends. Somewhere in the middle of the story, when I reached the part about Nikki and how I had so stupidly lied to Drew about it all, my voice began to crack, but I managed to keep myself stable and continue on with it to the ending.

By the time that I had finished with the whole thing, it was almost four o’ clock in the morning and I was the least bit tired. I registered the shocked faces and expressions on all of the guys, including and excluding Thomas, who just kept sitting there in the same position as he had when he got here.

I knew that a lot of questions would start to arise now, but I was ready for all of them. I was ready for everything and anything that was to come and hit me now.