Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 32 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

My eyes looked over at Thomas first. He had the same depressed-like look over his face since he had come into the room. His head was done and as was his eyes, but at some points in the story, I could feel him looking up and over at me.

“Ok so, lemme just get this straight,” Jordan was the first to speak. I moved my head over to him to hear his thoughts on all of this. “This Drew guy you’re so madly in love with actually got his friend to rape you and all because you lied to him about having a twin sister, and that too because you were afraid that he wouldn’t like you the emo tomboy girl that’s been friends with him since like forever and would rather like the girl-y girl version of you?!”

“Yep, that’s pretty much it!” I told him. Something crossed my mind then. “Why? Does it sound a bit too cliché and untrue?” I wanted to know.

“No!” he cried out then. “It sounds more like nothing I’ve ever heard of before!”

I glanced over at Jasmine; she had an expression on her face that I really couldn’t read.

“Is he like always this dramatic?” I asked her while pointing my thumb over at Jordan.

“That’s not being dramatic, sweetheart, it’s called being reasonable!” he retorted back at me.

“Yeah well, whatever,” I muttered back. “What do I care?”

I heard him scoff back then and I could tell without even looking at him that he was mad.

Ah, what’s it matter to me?’ I reminded to myself.

I shifted over on my bed a little, so I was now closer to Jasmine than I was to Jordan a while ago.

“Well, what’s it even matter to you? You were the one that wanted to leave me out there all on my own.”

“Well, maybe that was because I had no idea who you were or what your story was and I was already in trouble and didn’t need anymore.” I heard Jordan say then.

I blinked a few times, trying to register what he had just said and then suddenly, when I figured it out, I snapped my head up.

“Crap! Did I seriously just say that out loud?” I asked the other guys, daring not to look over at Jordan.

I looked around at the other guy’s faces; they sensed trouble, well, all besides Thomas. I guessed they knew never to make Jordan angry and what would happen if it ever did occur, but I didn’t know and I really didn’t care. I was ready to face all of the consequences of it.

“It sounded like that, yeah, sweetheart.” Jordan answered me back.

My eyes moved over on to him this time and I didn’t like what I saw. He looked so…intense. His jaw was tightened and I recalled when he called me ‘sweetheart’, it sounded more like he had forced it out through his teeth.

But, I was just as mad at him.

“Well…!” I struggled to find the right words, but they refused to come out. But, what I did know in my head was that there was no way that I was going to let him win this argument over me.

“Well, what, honey?!” he challenged me and that was enough to set me off.

“Well, you’re just another stupid and idiotic guy that only cares about one and only thing in this world and that’s sleep with girls! And for what – just the frickin’ pleasure of it?! I mean, what do guys even seriously get out of raping and killing these poor, innocent, little girls and their souls?!” my voice ended up cracking somewhere along the lines of the word ‘rape’ and ‘killing’ and soon memories started drifting back into my mind and taking over my mind as I remembered his dark laughter and groping big hands. It just made me feel more and more fired about then.

“Oh yeah, you’re such a little girl! Yeah, coz the last time I checked, little girls always go walkin’ around wearin’ little clothes.” Jordan commented.

Immediately then, I felt Jasmine place a hand down on my shoulder to keep me down, but I just shook my head at her and pulled away. She wasn’t going to hold me down from this fight. I was winning it – one way or another!

“Look, you don’t know shit about me, so you really shouldn’t be saying anything about me!” I exploded out on him. “And I am so frickin’ sick and tired of crying my eyes out for guys who don’t even give a fuck about me! I mean, just because I was dressed like a prostitute, doesn’t mean I am one! Drew forced me into those clothes! He forced me to go out that late at night and walk around with him! The only reason that I listened to him and still would be willing to do anything he ever asked of me is because I frickin’ love him! So, you really shouldn’t go around and being judging people you don’t even know…or their stories!”

The more and more that I yelled at Jordan, the more and more I got into his face – or at least, up to his chest, since he was taller than me by a handful of inches.

The tears that were streaming down my cheeks made me feel weaker and I felt so goddamn tired. I felt almost as if I were fighting against a brick wall; no matter what I did, I couldn’t break it down because I wasn’t strong enough or climb over, since I wasn’t tall enough, so either way I was just going to lose in the end and the wall – or Jordan – was going to win.

Despite how tired I felt, I wasn’t going to just quit like that. I continued on with my argument and not show him or anyone else any mercy.

“If I’m such a bad person, then you’re right! I don’t deserve to be alive! In fact, you should have just left me there for Johnny to just find me and just rape me all over again! I mean, why not, right? That is what prostitutes like me deserve anyway!”

I was like this close to just breaking down right there and then in front of all those guys and it seemed like yelling at Jordan was the only thing could keep me up and strong.

It was when I had actually stopped to breathe that caused a dam in my heart to break out and start leaking out all the tears and troubles and exposed them to everyone on the outside.

“Oh!” it was Jasmine to be the first to react. She ran over to me then and wrapped her arms around before I could crumble down to my knees.

“Wow, and to believe that you called me dramatic!”

This guy just won’t stop, will he?!’ I thought angrily to myself.

I pulled back from Jasmine then and wiped away the overflowing tears running down from my eyes with the back of my hand.

“Oh, that is it! I am not staying here another minute!” I yelled at him.

“Oh Jordan, would stop it!” Jasmine finally spoke up then. “Nick has already been through enough and you’re only hurting her more by saying all this! So, just cut it out!”

I tried my best to block everything out and just think straight about what I was going to do next, but at the moment it just wasn’t possible. So, I just gave up on it and turned back towards Jasmine.

“Jasmine, just forget it! I appreciate that you guys helped me, but I need to be getting home now,” I cut in. “I’m-I’m getting married in just a few weeks and I’m sure everything will all right by then.”

“And you’re still getting married to the guy?!” Jordan asked, sounding incredulous.

It took so much out of me to just turn back around and face him.

“Yes, yes I am.” I told him carefully.

I turned then to walk out of the room when a small voice behind me stopped me.

“You’re leaving?” I heard a familiar voice whimper.

I whipped around then as did the rest of the guys and Jasmine. There, by the door on the other side of the room, was little Alex clutching a small teddy bear close to him with one hand and rubbing his eye with his other. I sighed deeply, before walking over to him. I fell to my knees in front of him and placed my hands on his shoulders gently.

“Yes and I’m sorry,” I spoke slowly and as carefully as I could without breaking down in front of the little one. “But, I just…don’t belong here and I really need to be getting home to my fiancée. We need have a talk…about some things.”

I forced a smile to come across my face and then I ruffled his “hair”, kissed his cheek, before standing back up. I sighed and then froze in my spot as I realized that I didn’t even know what hospital I was at. But, I was sure that as soon as I got out and got some directions from someone that looked trustworthy enough, I would be back home in the hour. So, I turned and started to make my descent again before I was interrupted.

“Wait!” I heard Jordan’s voice call out to me once again.

I turned around then without even thinking it over. It was almost as if I were only waiting for him or anyone else to just speak out and stop me from what I was really about to go out and do – which was only to go out and get into even more trouble.

But, I still had some remaining anger coursing through me and that made its way out through before I could stop myself.

“What?!” I challenged him, without eyebrow raised.

While I thought miserably to myself, ‘Now what? What was possibly left for him to say about me now?!