Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 49 - Edited.

Drew's POV:

I called over all the guys – Pat, Cal, Daniel, and Dex – to come meet me in the park for something important. I didn’t fill them in too much, because I thought it would be better for us to do it face-to-face instead of over the phone. But, when they all got here, I realized that they were one person short.

“Where’s Pat?” I asked them.

“He said he had to be somewhere, so he didn’t come along.” Cal filled me in.

What could possibly be more important than your friends?’ I wondered bitterly to myself.

“Whatever,” I muttered. I guess it was sort of better this way, because then I wouldn’t have to go through his annoying little comments and those cocky thoughts of his. “Alright, so, I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about something, which is kind of why I called you all here,” I sighed deeply, before continuing on. “It’s about Nick and me and about Nikki as well actually.” I added.

“Wait, are you trying to tell us that Nick and Nikki are actually the same people?” Daniel cut in. “Because then you can save your breath, we already knew about that.”

“Whoa, wait a minute, how?” I was shocked that they found out way before I did and I spent way more time with her than anybody.

“It was pretty obvious, dude.” Dex told me sheepishly.

“But, we didn’t want to say anything, because we figured you wouldn’t like it and since Nick decided against tell you, we shouldn’t be the one to break it to you either.” Cal added.

I sighed deeply, letting everything that had just happen settle into my head.

They all knew. Everyone did,’ I thought sickly to myself. ‘So, how could I possibly have been so stupid to think that they were actually two separate people?

“Hey, isn’t that Nick over there?” Dex pointed out.

“Yeah and how come she’s dressed that way?” Daniel added, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Wow.” was all Cal could say.

*A/N: Perfect Song for this moment: What the Hell ~ Avril Lavigne.*

I turned my head in the direction of which all the guys were staring at and noticed that they were right. That was Nick and she was dressed pretty weirdly, even for herself.

She had on what appeared to be a pair of cutoffs – which I didn’t even realize she owned – and a large oversized black hoodie with a pair of small high heeled black boots.

And she also appeared to be headed this way. She had a wide grin plastered on her face and her bangs were even pulled back from her face with her hair pushed back behind her ears and grazing her shoulders.

She looked so different, yet adorable. She looked like the young Nick that I always knew and loved; she looked like the way that she did before she changed.

Her new look worried me – just like it did last time – because I was pretty sure that there was still something wrong with her and that she was surely up to something, and it was probably something that I knew I was going to regret later on.

I wasn’t sure if she was coming over to me or if she was here to meet someone else, but I sure did know that I was close to finding out.

“Nick-“ I started to say to her, but she just walked right past me and over to the other guys.

“Hey, Cal!” she exclaimed to him.

“Hey, uh, Nick.” he said nervously.

“There’s something I want to give you.”

“What is it?” Cal looked curious and also a little bit scared. I could see why, Nick wasn’t exactly the type of person that just gave out free gifts without a reason.

All of a sudden then, before I could even blink, Nick grabbed a hold of Cal’s collar and pulled him to her. She just started kissing him right there and then and what only made me feel worse was that in no way did Cal even try to pull away or stop her from doing this, and instead just wrapped his arms around and kissed her back!

She pulled away just as sudden and grinned up at him.

“See ya later, Cal.” she said breathlessly, before spinning around on her heels and strutting away.

“Um, yeah, see you!” Cal called after her.

Nick smirked at me as she walked past, but I was just in too much shock to register it.

All the guys were silent and I finally found the strength to turn my head over to Cal to see that he had big and wide, goofy grin plastered over his face.

“That was…amazing, man!” he cried out.

I felt a warm feeling spreading throughout my body and it wasn’t a good one either.

“Whoa, what’d it feel like?” Daniel asked him.

“Was it good?” Dex added.

As the guys bombarded him with questions about the kiss, I just stood to the side and hung my head in shame and disappointment. From the look on Cal’s face, I could tell that he had really enjoyed it.

I realized it then that these guys couldn’t help me with a problem like this, so I just began walking away and headed towards the only place that was left for me to go.