Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Mixed 'N' Matched Love

Mixed 'N' Matched Love: Ch. 52 - Edited.

Nick's POV:

I could feel the excitement arising in me as I heard the loud footsteps coming down the stairs in a hurry. It was almost as if the room had suddenly turned insanely hot as he stepped into the room; it must’ve been his anger radiating off of his face and into the whole atmosphere.

“Pat, what are you doing?!” he immediately yelled out. I could feel Pat starting to detach his lips from mine bit by bit, but I grabbed a hold of his lips and held on to them. He continued kissing me and I sighed happily. “Pat!” Drew persisted.

“What?! What is it?!” Pat finally tore his lips away from mine.

I didn’t hear any words being exchanged from behind me, so I knew Drew must’ve had his eyes on me now. I knew that that was the perfect time to use that as an advantage. I started raking my hands through Pat’s hair and moving my lips across his chin and jaw, and then down to his neck and collarbones.

“That’s my fiancée!”

“Ah, actually, I believe your fiancée is the beautiful Nikki and this just so happens to be her twin sister, the very hot and very sexy, Nick.” He corrected him.

“Oh, you knew they were the same people all along!” Drew accused him.

“Really?” that caused me to stop and pay attention then. “Well, then why didn’t you say anything about it?” I wondered aloud, because you know, that’s just not really like Pat - at all.

“Well, I guess I just didn’t feel like ruinin’ your little plan of wooin’ Drew here,” he informed me. “Aren’t I so sweet?”

“Aw, yeah you are!” I wrapped my arms tight around him.

“Aw, ew!” I heard Drew groan and pretend to gag.

But, I just ignored him and I was happy to see Pat do the same. He began to caress my face softly then as I felt my face warm up once again.

"Hey, you know what would be a fun idea?" I thought of then, because I was feeling very bored just sitting like that.

"No, what?"

“We should go like bowling or something together!” I came up with, emphasizing the word together.

“Sweet.” Pat agreed, grinning sweetly at me.

I knew that if there was one thing that Drew hated the most it was to be ignored like this and I knew right now I must’ve been driving him insane.

“You go wait in the car and I’ll be right there,” Pat told me. “Alright, sweetheart?” His eyes weren’t exactly on me the whole time that he was saying this, but instead they were staring into Drew’s eyes.

“Alright, but don’t take too long, or else I’ll miss you too much.” I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, before getting off of him and brushing past Drew with a grin over my face.

I caught Cal staring at me with a big ‘ole grin on his face, so I just returned a small smile back.

I wasn’t too sure about what they talked about after I left and I really no intentions of finding out, since I already knew it was about me and Drew.

Normally, if Pat were some other guy that I really didn’t know too well, then right now I would’ve been feeling extremely guilty and yucky inside. But, I’ve known Pat for a long time now and for some reason, some part of my body actually trusted him enough for me to be doing this with him.

After Pat was all done with his little conversation with the guys in his room, he actually took me bowling, just like he said and I gotta say, I really did end up having a lot of fun with him. We didn’t make-out again like we had done before, but there were a few kisses on the cheeks that were exchanged and big hugs during our victories.

After that, we headed over to have some dinner and when that was over, he took me the arcade and finally to end our perfect night, we went to go see some short black and white movie at this drive-in. It was a great place that we used to go to all the time back in the good ‘ole days.

It was at the end of our date, that Pat finally turned serious for the first time the whole night. We were standing outside my front door and I was actually just about to head in after saying goodbye and goodnight to him, but Pat seemed to have other days and pulled me back before I could leave.

“Hey wait a minute, before we go, let’s just talk a little first,” he said to me. “I mean, we didn’t get too much talking done this whole night since we were having too much fun.”

I nodded my head that was true. So, I turned back around to face him.

“Ok.” I agreed.

Pat was still holding onto my wrist and had by now started stroking it softly with his fingers. My eyes looked up a little and right into his hazel colored eyes. I was actually a few inches taller than him by, but for some reason right now I felt a lot shorter than.

Another thing that I noticed was that usually whenever he was up to his mischievous little plots or was just having fun, he’d have this little glint in his eyes. But, now that it was darker and we were closer, I could see how serious his were now. I gulped. Never in my whole life since I’ve known the guy have I ever seen Pat be this real and gentle.

I’ve always known him to be such a clown and a joker and now that I was seeing him like this, it suddenly made me forget all the things he and Drew did to me when I was younger. It suddenly made me feel as if he were a whole new person. He was a person that I really wanted to get to know a little better.

I watched as Pat raised his right hand then and cup it around the side of my face. I lowered my head and stared down at my shoes, allowing a lock of hair fall across my face. Pat picked my head up by the chin though and pushed it back with his free hand.

“You shouldn’t do that,” he whispered to me. “You’re far too beautiful to be hiding your face like that.”

I gulped again, feeling the heat rising up to my cheeks. All of a sudden, I felt all my bravery and attitude melting away, forming into shyness and sadness.

I had no idea what else to say back to him then, so I just briefly looked up at him and removed his from my cheek, letting the hair fall back over my cheek again.

“Um, thanks a lot for the great day,” I told him, holding his hand softly in mine. “But, I really should be getting to bed now.”

I dropped his hand and turned around. It was all of a sudden then that I started to get this really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I recognized what it was immediately – guilt. I was feeling bad for what I was doing with Pat; I was playing with him, letting him think that I actually had some feelings for him, making him think that I was fully over Drew now because of all the things he’s said and done to me, when really none of those things were true.

“Did I do something wrong?” Pat spoke up again then and I felt tears in my eyes.

“No,” I tried to come up with an excuse, as I turned back around to face him or well, his chest. “It’s just that I have a feeling that Drew must be watching us from his balcony or something.”

”Yeah, but isn’t that what you want?”

My heart suddenly dropped then as I realized that he was right. That is what I wanted; but that was what I wanted before! I was only using Pat, just like I was using Jordan. Which was probably why he thought it was ok to go ahead and just cheat on me, because he knew that I didn’t real feel anything for me.

They weren’t the bad guys; it was me!

It was the exact same with Pat. I mean, what if one day I suddenly start to get some feelings for him and he ends up hurting me in the end as well, what then? Another failing attempt at killing myself? Plus, more and more tears to waste and sad memories to add to my list.

Without even realizing it then, I felt a tear roll down from my left eye. It was when Pat wiped it away with his finger and was staring down at me with confusion written all over his expression, that I realized what had just happened and what I’d just done.

“What’s the matter?” he asked me simply.

I couldn’t think of anyway to answer him, so I just tried to open the door and get in the house as quick as possible. But, Pat was a whole lot faster and stronger than me – even though I was an expert in kung-fu and street fighting – than I anticipated. He grabbed a hold of my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

“Hey, wait a minute,” I turned my face away. “Hey, what’s up? What’s the matter, huh? Look at me, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

I bit down on my lip hard to try to keep the sobs inside and try not to embarrass myself in front of Pat like this, but I couldn’t help it as a few of them made their escape somehow.

I wondered what Pat would do next.

Would he just stand there and laugh at me, calling me a big baby? Or…or would he try to calm me down and make me feel better instead?

To Be Cont.....