

Hey Strawberry101,

I'm just gonna call you Jordan from now on. As you know my name is Thomas, or you can call me Tom or anything really that you like. I don't care. As long as it's not some girly nickname.

I was 6 when I moved to the USA. I live in Spokane, Washington. I really like it, as you said it is a small town also. Well its kinda big if you count the other places really close to it.

And to another of your questions, Yes I guess I do have a bit of an accent.

I also listened to the song you recommended: Punk Rock Princess by Something Corporate. And some others, and im glad to say that I actually like it.

Have a good day Jordan. Whatre you buying at the store anyways? Sorry if sound like a creeper.

Thomas :)
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um yeah he does sound like a creeper. But tell me what you think. Do you love me for putting two chapters at once??? lol
