My Death Note Life in a Nutshell


When I was small my parents died in a car crash and I was sent off to foster care. I never got along with any of the other kids who lived there and needed to stay there till I was a adult and was always seen as different for being smart or viewing things differently then all the other boys and girls. I was alone…. I hated it there and wanted to go home or to the place I once called “my home”.

On my 8th birthday I wasn’t given a cake but instead a test. A man in a long coat and hat came in with a suit case and laptop. He look kind and sweet and said with a gentle face “My name is Watari it‘s a pleasure to meet you Miss. W“ .

He laid out a laptop in front of me and started showing me samples of ink blots and logical questions that needed to be answered. I had to go and see him for 2 weeks and before I knew it I was being sent away again.

Didn’t know where I was going or anything like that so the whole time I just remained quiet and to myself although the old man did often try to make me laugh or have fun about simple things.

The place before me was like a grand palace and the inside was just as vast and grand. Small children where everywhere running around and playing with each other when all of a sudden all of the kids halted and turned to look at me.

I heard small whispers fly around the room but ignored them and kept moving. Although the only person who was not talking or making any noise what so ever I noticed was a small boy with white hair and gray eyes playing with a colorless puzzle.

I took a small glance at the boy but stopped and once again made my focus on the elderly man guiding me up the steps and past doors and doors in the long hallways. As I examined the surroundings around me I found myself run into the elder man. He had stopped and pulled out a small key from inside his pressed coat.

With a click he opened the door. Inside was a sound proof room that held ice like floors that I could even feel through my shoes and socks. The elderly man pulled out a chair that was made of iron and steel that made myself feel even colder when I sat.

“Sorry for the chill of the room Miss. W” he said in a calm voice and then took out a white laptop that he had been carrying with him since I had got here. He opened it to a white screen in the middle was a gothic L.

I looked at the screen and then at the rest of the laptop to further examine it but was interrupted by a voice that was obviously altered. “Hello I’m L and welcome to the Wammy house” it said in a unemotional voice and at this I just sat and listened. “ Miss. W here at Wammy’s we attempt to mold the minds of young children to be successful although only a few are able to apply.

You are one of those few children and it seems that you might be even more capable of the task at being able to do good for the world” I still remained silent and remained quiet. I wasn’t exactly pleased with being taken away and relocated although I had to deal with it. The voce continued: “While your at Wammy’s you will be given a new name and should never tell anyone about your real name”.

With that I looked up at the monitor and alert and said “why?”. “To secure your safety and identity as a member of Wammy’s” it replied in the same emotionless voice. “From now on your new name will be Morn and that’s it” he said in a way that almost make me think that I was back at my old foster home.

When a bit of silence passed through the air between me the elder man and the monitor the monitor said to end the silence that was choking us “you will reside here at Wammy’s doing studying and leaning certain subjects that are specially designed for children like you till you turn 18”.

I slumped back in my chair and felt no different then when I first moved to my foster home or at least the one that I used to go to. “I wish you the best with your staying a Wammy’s and hope for success in your studies here maybe I’ll get to see you later on” the monitor said as if reading this off from a piece of paper. With that last statement the gothic L image on the screen disappeared and instead made the screen go black.

The elder man took the laptop and closed it and then said “’Morn’ let me show you to your new room”. He put out a hand to me and smiled and with a annoyed look took it and he lead me down more rows of hallways although these halls where much less eerie. Again I ran into him as he stopped at a door that was labeled E-019.

He grasped the silver handle of the door and turned it to reveal a room with two bunk beds a TV set along with a desk placed near the window. In the center of the room laid the boy from before with the white hair on the floor playing with another blank puzzle.

“This will be your new room Morn. You will be sharing it with 3 other boys. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll try to set up a room with children of the same sex next time” the elderly man said right after loosening up his grip.

The small boy turned to me with a blank face for about 5 seconds but then redirected his attention to the puzzle in front of him. With this the elder man left before I could even realize he had. Now it was just me with the white haired boy alone in what suppose to be called ‘my’ new room.

Out of curiosity I scooted over towards him and said in a calm voice and said “so what’re you doing?”. Without looking at me he replied in a quiet voice after hesitating a little “playing with a puzzle”. “Okay then…… what’s your name?” I asked trying to lighten the mood a little. “…Near” He said in a even quieter voice.

“My name is Mor…… Morn” I said catching myself from saying my real name. We where both silent so I got up and sat on one of the bottom beds. The bed was sporting video game images of Mario on the bed sheets and a Tiforce pillow. Did Near like video games or something.

I put my head back a little and hit the pillow while having my arms rest on the sides of me. I was tired and wanted to take a nap but didn’t want to bother the small boy who was only a few feet away from me. Instead I laid there for a while before realizing that I had fallen asleep. I didn’t dream.

I rarely dreamed maybe I didn’t want to have a dream… maybe I thought I was always alone in a nightmare waiting to wake up but couldn’t. I heard a bit of noise that woke me. It was a boy with red hair yelling at another kid. Was that a girl I thought to myself. I also saw that Near was gone.

The kid with the blond hair looked at me when he noticed that I was awake. I could tell now that he was a guy by the way his face featured male features such as smaller eyes and skinnier lips.

“Hey she woke up” the blond pointed out to the red head. The red head turned to me and said with angry tone “hey why are you sleeping in my bed!?”. With my desperate attempt to make a smile and good impression I said “oh I’m sorry”. I got off the bed and moved over towards the door way to get out of the way to the bed.

“Sorry…” the red head said with a realization. “I’m Matt and this is Mello” he said in a now cheery voice. The blond then asked me what my name was “Morn” I said now getting used to the name. “I never seen you around here.

Are you new or something?” Mello asked me examining me closer. “No I just go here” I said looking embarrassed. “From where?” Mello asked me while going to his bed and pulling a chocolate bar out from under that mattress.

“America” I replied. He took a bit of the chocolate bar and said “I could tell by your accent that your not from England that’s for sure”. “So that’s where we are?” I questioned and then Mello replied “yeah Winchester to be exact”.

We talked about things like our pasts for almost a hour and I found out that Matt loved video games not that I couldn’t tell before and that Mello liked chocolate I also could tell. I guess it was easy to interact with them since their ages didn’t vary very much.

When I heard a loud ring Mello sat up after giving a small sigh. “What’s that?” I asked. In a calm tone Matt said “that means dinners ready. We better go down before all the good seats are taken. You coming?”. I looked at both of them and said in a soft voice “I’m gonna stay here and unpack my things so you guys go on ahead I’ll be fine”.

“Do you want us to help or something?” Mello asked me. “Nah it’s fine” I said back to him. “Alright then” he said followed by “come on Matt lets go” then while biting off another piece of chocolate he walked out the door.

It was faint but I could hear Matt say once outside the door “hehe you seemed pretty polite back there” followed by a loud “SHUT UP” which I could clearly hear and identify as Mello’s.
After a half hour of putting my stuff in place on the top bunk on the right side of the room I laid down on my bed or at least the bed that was suppose to be mine.

The mattress smelled of strawberries and cherries and I was surprised on how they could smell so strong. Did they wash these daily or something? The bedrooms might be a little cramped but the rest of the place was gigantic. So gigantic that I was afraid that I would get lost in this place I was supposed to call my home if it really was my home.

I got off the bed and started to regret not going with the two boys because now I was hungry. Maybe I could look around a little. After all this place couldn’t be that big and if it was I’ll just ask one of those annoying kids running around like their on a sugar rush.

I walk towards the door and turned the silver handle to open the door guiding me into the hallway once again. I walked down the hallway surprised that I didn’t see any kids running around. The door to my right was about 12 feet from my door and one it had the ID: E-018. I noticed when I first came in that the ID on my door was E-019 so I should be going towards E-017. I thought that if I would reach E-001 then maybe I could find a open area and someone could be there to show me how to get to the dinning room.

I reached the end of the long hallway and there was no open area or room setting but instead a library that took up two floors. I walked inside it and examined that I room was filled with tons of books and art along with elegant chairs and pillows. The only thing was no one seemed to be there.

I called out in the room “Hello? Is anybody here?” but only received a eco in my vain attempts. With a deep sigh I decided to look around the library. If I couldn’t find the dinning room I might as well look at the library before I get lost to a point where I won’t be able to find it again.

I froze in my tracks as I saw one of the most joyful thing I seen the whole time I was here. A ail of books or in this case manga! I ran towards the ail and browsed through the books over and over again.

The had almost every manga there!

With a smile and bright face at the sight I took out one of the Blood+ books and headed for the soft red chair in the corner next to the window. The sun was starting to set turning the room a bright mix a colors: red, yellow, and orange. Outside was a lake that was huge and colored a tinted red yellow and orange. It must have been the reflection from the sun.

Taking a seat in the red chairmade my body feel like it would sink into it like a black hole but eventually I got used to it and it even started to feel comfortable. A hour had passed and I had finished the book but now I realized that the moon light was the only thing that had kept some sort of light in the room. I couldn’t read anymore because even that small bit of lighting was fading so went to put the book back to it’s proper place.

As I walked over to the ail I noticed something reflecting the light off of there clothing because of the bright color they where wearing. It was the same small kid from before. What was his name… Near?

He was a I saw him before but this time he was playing with a small set of dice along with finger puppets that looked hand made. “Near?” I said to the boy. He turned to me and gave a small “yes?”. I was in shock he actually responded to me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I walked towards him and sat down beside him. “I could be asking you the same Morn” he said in a emotionless voice and turned his attention back to the items before him. “I was looking for the dinning room but found this place instead so I started reading” I said trying to explain myself in the most proper matter.

Near was obviously not the type to be in a crowd of people or holding a conversation about nothing for any reason. After he remained silent for some time I decided ask him if I could look at his toys. He said it was fine and so I picked up one of the finger puppets and looked at it.

The puppet had red hair and bangs along with a pair of goggles. Hey was that the red head from before or something? No can’t be. I picked up another one of them and then examined that one as well. It had wild hair and black baggy eyes that I took more time when looking at. Why did he even have these kinds of puppets? They looked all too weird but I didn’t say anything but “they look cool”.

Near turned to me with what looked like a surprised face and said in a quiet voice “t-thanks”. “Is something wrong?” I asked him trying to sound as sympathetic as I could. He just turned his head away form me and said “no I’m fine”.

I put down one of the puppets and smiled at him. “Do you want to be my friend?” I asked him hoping for a yes. I couldn’t really tell but I could feel that he was no longer cold but warm inside and with relaxed eyes he said “I guess”.

Near seemed to be vary tense right now and so he got up from the floor. I asked him “where are you going?”. He said back to me vividly “back to my room… we had curfews here at whammy’s and we’ll get in trouble if we are found outside of your room after 9 pm”. “What time is it now” I asked him. “About 8:30 pm” he explained in his now emotionless voice again.
I got up this time and asked him “do you know how to get to E-019?”. He nodded and then I asked “can you show me”. He nodded once again to the question I stated. I told him with a smile across my face “thanks Near”. He turned from me again and said in a even quieter voice “your welcome”.

With that I walked with him leading the way to my room. He stopped at the door marked E-019 and opened the door with a sigh. Inside I could see Mello look towards the door to catch a glimpse of who was coming inside. Matt on the other hand was playing with his PSP completely focused on the game and nothing more.

Mello made a glare at Near for some reason but Near only stayed calm and relaxed. “Where have you been Morn? When me and Mello got back you weren’t here” Matt said while still being completely focused of slaying monsters in his video game. “I went to look around and found the library” I said in a clear voice trying to explain.

Near made for the bunk bed on the left of the room and laid down as if he was going to fall to sleep already. I continued “I saw Near there and decided to play with him”. Mello gave out a huff and sported a annoyed look on his face. He murmured to himself “I hate being second… I’m always second…”

The tension in the room rose and so I decided to climb up to my bed on the top of the left bunk bed. A chocolate bar flew across the room and hit my lap. I looked in the direction that the chocolate bar came from to see Mello looking at me with a blushing face. “Here” he said and I replied with a “huh”.

He turned his face a little to not look at me and said “you didn’t get to eat today so here”. “Thanks Mello” I said to him with a small smile. He replied with a small “yeah” before putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes a little but not fully.

I took the bar of chocolate and bit off a piece of it putting it in my mouth and letting it melt. It was milk chocolate my favorite kind although I never was vary fond of sweets. Despite that fact I ate it happily thinking of how nice the three boys had been to me. Was it because I was a girl? Or maybe because I was new?

Eventually without warning the lights in the room turned off. I was a little bewildered at the fact that they turned off without anyone turning off the switch near the door. I didn’t want to wake the other three so I put the bar of chocolate behind my head where there was a bit of a flat top on the top the bed.

I noticed however that Matt was far from in asleep unless he was sleep gamming that is. The bright light of the PSP lit up the room until I heard a pillow hit the boy.

“Matt turn that god damn thing off… Some people want to SLEEP!” Mello said with his face planted in his other pillow making him sound even more tired then I could tell he was.

Matt looked up at Mello and gave him a glare and continued to play his PSP. Mello grew even more angry and made a second attempt to get rid of the bright light coming from the video game system. He pulled out a Nurf gun and shot a plastic ball at Matt. Where did he even get the gun?

With that Matt turned off his PSP with a angered “augh!”. I gave a little chuckle at the small quail between the two but made it as silent as possible to keep them from noticing.

I covered myself up with the blankets and curled my body a little. The sheets still smelled strongly of strawberries and cherries. Within a few moments I fell into a deep sleep. Maybe I could call this ‘my’ home after all wasn’t it supposed to be ‘my’ new home?

I woke up in the comfy bed and looked around. Wh-where am I? Oh that right I’m at ‘my’ new home or at least what was suppose to be ‘my’ new home. I lifted my body a little to see across from me in another bed a blond haired boy. Oh that’s right. It’s Mello.

Should I make a sound and stir them? Or should I stay quiet in my bed until they have fully awakened? I saw below Mello’s bed was another boy with red hair hugging his video game system like gold. Oh yeah that’s Matt.

How did I get here again? Oh that’s right I got here yesterday on a plain after taking a few tests. I met a talking computer named L too. A boy in white who liked toys, a boy with blond hair hot temper who loves chocolate, and a red head gamer who wears a pair of goggles all the time.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and got down from my bed. The room had cooled and I noticed that Near wasn’t here. I wonder if he went to the library or something?

Just then I heard Matt make a loud yon. He turned to me with a sleepy expression as if he was trying to load his brain. “Oh……morning Morn” he said in a still sleepy voice with his eyes now half closed.

“M-morning um Matt” I said in a dozy voice much like his own. He scratched his head and opened his eyes a little more and said “is Mello awake yet?”. “No he’s still here” I said back to him.

He gave out a sigh and took off his shirt and put on another. Did he just forget that I was a girl! I looked away until he had his other shirt on which had black and white stripes on it. “Are you always up this early?” he asked. “sometimes and sometimes no” I said back to him. Matt gave out a sigh. “Mello wake up” He said will kicking the top of the bunk bed.

Mello turned his head and started to wipe the sleep from them as well. In a groggy tone he said “what Matt?”. “Get up and get dressed we ‘under slept’”. With a sigh Mello picked his body up and got off the bed by jumping rather than using the latter provided then proceeded to go over to the small dresser where he took off his shirt as well.

He then slid over a pitch black long sleeve shirt. And was ready to take off his pants when he realized that I was in there. He turned pink.

“Ma-Matt!” Mello yelled. Matt turned to look at Mello and asked “what?”. Mello then said “why didn’t you tell me that Morn was here!”. Matt shrugged and took out a DS “I don’t know… Forgot I guess.”

I sat there trying to act unnoticed but in vain for the fact of my gender. Then I finally spoke up. “I’m going to go to the bathroom” I said in a awkward voice trying not to look at either of them. Y-yeah alright” Mello said before I took my cloths and left.

Quickly though I turned around “um do you know where it is?” I asked embarrassed. “E-020 don’t get lost” Matt said before I gave him a smile and left. Did he just smile back with a blush?

I walked down the hallway and met with a big door labeled girls bathroom and showers. The door wasn’t like the others except the one mirroring in on the other side labeled boys bathroom and showers. It was a door that was bigger than the others and was made of a pink colored metallic substance. I bet it was just spray painted.

Inside it was steamy and other girls where in taking showers. I decided to go to the most secluded area of the bathroom to wash up. The water was hot against my skin and made me feel good. After I got done with my shower I took a tow and wrapped it in my brown hair after whipping off the rest of my body.

I redressed myself in a short sleeve lime green shirt and blue shorts. I took the tow from my brown hair which was shoulder length at the time. With a sigh of relief I took my night cloths and walked back to my room.

I turned the knob to open the door and inside Matt was playing his DS and Mello was eating a chocolate bar. “Oh your back? Good I’m hungry” Matt said while still playing his DS.

“Wh-what but I can only cook things like ramen and cheese sandwiches” I said in a bit of a confused voice. “I mean let’s go to breakfast” he said before giving a sigh.

My stomach was even starting to rumble when he mentioned breakfast. “Oh alright” I said embarrassed about how aloof a was even for that point in time in the morning. “It’s fine your new here so you wouldn’t know.

But if you want to make us breakfast I would enjoy it” he said turning his face from his game and shinning a smile at me. “Well my specialty is burnt mystery meat so…” I said sarcastically. “Haha never mind then…” Matt said back to me.

Mello got off from his seat at the window sill looking outside and said “then lets go”. Matt closed his DS screen and stood up. They both walked over to me and at the same time said: “hold my hand so you won’t get lost”.

Matt and Mello looked at each other with both their faces turned red. I thought this was funny and just to make the mood seem better I took both their hands and said “alright”.

We walked down to the dinning room that was on the first floor and I was on the 5th floor however. Thank god that I didn’t have to go find it myself or I would be looking for it for years.

All around the dinning hall where kids of all ages eating things like pancakes, muffins, fruits, and bacon. I just looked around in awe while Matt and Mello just looked at me like I had rainbow afro hair or something like that.

I don’t want to look like a pig or anything in front of them but I was so hungry I couldn’t help it no matter how hard I tried. I filled my plate with some bacon eggs and toast and ate them in about 10 minutes.

“Well you eat just like L! Well except that you use proper eating methods that is” Mello said with a surprised voice trying to eat some of his chocolate. “Well at least she doesn’t sit like him” Matt said while giving off a small chuckle.

“L?” I said confused. “Yeah L” Mello said back to me. I still looked at him confused and said “who’s L?”. Matt almost dropped his game and Mello almost bit his tongue when I said this. “You don’t know who L is?” Matt said. “Well I asked who he was right” I said back to him.

“L is the greatest detective in the world! That’s what where all here to become. The next L” Mello explained to me in shock that I had no idea. Where they talking about that computer?

Crossing my arms and slouching into my seat I said “the next greatest detective…L… that’s what where all here for? How do they pick who it’ll be?”. “I’m not sure how they pick them but I’m 3rd in line to be L and Mello is 2nd” Matt explained to me as vivid and precise as a 8 year old could be.

“Who’s 1st?” I asked them. The conversation grew quiet for a moment and Mello started to lower his head in depression at the facts that where racing through his mind. “Near” he said in a quiet tone.

What number am I? I don’t want to become a top detective. I just want to be normal. Not in a competition. I don’t want Mello, Matt, and Near to hate me over a number. I swallowed my thought and felt a great amount of pressure hit my chest like a bullet.

I was ready to sink into sadness. “M-Mello, Matt…” I said quietly. They turned to me wondering what was wrong and I said “don’t hate me over a number if something would happen”. Matt gave off a sudden laugh at me. “Morn listen me and Mello have always been friends and our numbers in line are right next to each other”.

I looked up still holding back any sort expression that might have tried to show itself. “Huh?” I said looking at them confused. “We’ll always be friends after all aren’t we going to be living with each other for the next few years?” Mello said to me.

I smiled a little at them both and tried to change the mood to mask my expression and feelings of doubt. I have to keep my emotions inside and locked up. If I didn't I might not be looked upon the same. I said to them “Lets make it fun years”.

After breakfast I tried to avoid the topic of L. Instead I spent the day hanging out with Matt and Mello. I played Matt in a lot of video games and we where both neck and neck for the most part. Mello on the other hand could care less.

Mello spent his day mocking me and Matt calling us nerds but not in a mean way. The other 75% no 95% of the time he donated to eating his chocolate.

Playing constant video games all day left me and Matt start to get tired. “Finally you two are done playing” Mello said looking at me and Matt. “I wonder if you’ll ever finally give up chocolate” Matt said back to Mello. “No can’t see that happening anytime soon” I said with a laugh. Mello glared but then started to laugh at the joke.

I had fun today although the day was spent in a tight room with two boys playing video games like no tomorrow. Although I did leave at one point when I said I was going to the bathroom. I wasn’t.

That night I went to see Near again in the library. He was doing the same thing as always: playing with his puppets, cards, dice, and other toys. I approached him with caution and kindness do simple because of the aura he was giving off.

Near gave me a slight glace and turned his head downward after I said: “so Near is something wrong?”. He muttered under his breath in vain “so are you going to hate me too?”. I patted him on the shoulder and gave out a sigh.

“I don’t even want to be the next L” I said to him. He looked up at me in a bit of a shocked face. “Isn’t everyone trying to be L here” he said looking at me and putting down his pair of dice. I smiled and said “haha then I guess I’m not everyone then”.

Was that a smile? Did Near just smile? Even a little bit? Maybe a fraction or quarter? This was the first time I seen him smile but it all went the opposite way than I planned it would.

He started to cry however his expresion didn't change nor did his voice.

“Your just like everyone else…” he muttered while tears started to roll down his face. “You just want to be friends with me to trick me” he continued. “Near that’s not what I want to do” I said trying to convince him of this.

He sniffled and I felt guilty. How can I get him to trust me? How can I help him? He’s all alone and always away from people. Always alone…excluded…sad…

I leaned over and hugged him. “Near I’m not going to do that” I said hugging him tightly. “I won’t leave you… I won’t see you any way different from when I first met you”.

Near was silent… stone cold silent. “Near please believe me” I pleaded. I heard Near sniffle a little before I wrapped the his own arms around me.

“Aren’t we friends?” I asked Near. It was quite but I was still surprised to even have him respond to me. “Okay…” he said.

I smiled although he couldn’t see it. I won’t cry over tears of joy or sadness. Not even at a funeral. I guess that’s why I’m ‘Morn’ but I don’t know what I would do if I was Near.

The days went on continually the same. Although it might have gotten boring at times and other times maybe not. Although every I loved and was happy about. I can’t say I lived everyone of those days like it was my last but I can’t say that it wasn’t.

I would play with Matt and Mello everyday and at night I would see Near and play with him. Near even started to warm up to me some more and leaned to trust me.

I’m sorry to say that even to my friends I can’t let my guard down no matter what. Was it ‘my’ guard? Or was it them? I don’t know…

After two years had passed I have been starting to work on cases that would involve crime but I didn’t get to study murder until I reached my 12th birthday.

I got into a lot of studies in psychology and mental heath and used a lot of my knowledge in the field to do my work. You can say that psychology was my greatest skill to use in cases.

Seven years passed us all by like a bullet… I was surprised about how fast it had gone. It’s seems like I was only got to Wammy’s.

Now I’m on a plain headed for Japan? With this guy who wears pants that are two sizes big, baggy eyes, and messy hair? This was L?

All those years I thought that L would be a older gentlemen with big side burns and a deep voice or something. Never I guy like this.

How did it all happen? How am I on a plane with L headed for Japan? Let me think…

For the past few weeks all of the suspected and convicted criminals that I put away have been dieing off like a group of bugs and bug spay.

Not only my criminals either but Mello, Matt and Near’s as well. And they all died that same…… A heart attack.

But why am ‘I’ here? Near is still first in line to obtain the title as L. Mello and Matt are still above me in rank too. I don’t get it. Is it because I’m a girl? My blue eyes? My long brown hair? My nationality maybe? I don’t know.

All I know is that I’m with L on his plain going to Japan to do a case that is private and tricky. Even for L?

I get called up to go see Watari who which I haven’t seen since I first got to Whammy’s seven years ago. The I was told to go to a sound proof room where I was faced with a computer featuring a gothic L.

I slumped in my chair as I did on a in a lot of situations where I was annoyed or bothered by something. Then I heard some sort of voice alternated by some sort of system. “Hello Miss. W” he said and I looked at the screen again in surprise.

This seems familiar. That monitor. This room. And him. How does he know my real name? Why am I even here?

That’s right! I remember. This guy is L. I met him when I first got here and he gave me my name. I haven’t seen him since that day except for when the other kids would huddle up around the computer and have a Q and A with L. I didn’t like big crowds so I didn’t attend them.

I wonder what he looks like anyway? I always wondered what the famous L looked like. He’s obviously grand and smart but what did he physically look like?

The silence in the room and the coldness that followed it only made it seem more awkward then it really was.

Was I nervous? Why was I like this unlike 7 years prior? Was I too young and naïve? Maybe I was different then?

I grew alert when I heard the electronically altered voice start to speak and looked up at it focused and ready to respond.

It said “Miss W I would like to talk to you about a particular case that you could prove to be vary useful in”. I nervously waited silently for the response that should have came from my mouth and projected to him. Although I was silent.

He continued. “I would like to have you personally join me along with the NPA and FBI in the Kira case”.

“The Kira case?” I responded back to L and he replied “yes. The Kira case. The UN has just released it as a murder case and I believe that the kill who goes by the name ‘Kira’ is in Japan.”.

“What makes you think that?” I questioned. “The first murder that too place was local along with a few other cases around that region. To be exact Kanto Japan”.

“Miss W do you know about the vast amount of heart attacks that have been accruing around the world. More specifically to criminals either in jail or are being convicted?” he asked me in a emotionless tone just like the last time I met him.

“Yes” I simply said back with a voice no more different then I fashioned all my life. He continued “I believe that Kira is causing all of these heart attacks.”

I replied bitterly “Well it is bothersome but it’s not like criminals shouldn’t get punished by death. Maybe the world would be better without them then it would with them”.

The room grew silent for a few moments and then he spoke up “Kira killed Raye Penber and Naomi Misora is still missing and expected to be dead”. My eyes grew wide and I said shocked “what!?”.

“As in Massacre Misora? And her fiancée.” I said while almost getting up from the shock and yell. I looked up to Naomi and thought that she was a vary skilled detective. When she was able to solve the LABB case with a little help from L in Los Angelus I thought that she could handle anything.

How could she have gotten caught? Wait why was she even there to begin with. I heard about Misora moving from Los Angelus to Japan but I thought that she quit the FBI.

Why would she be working freely on her own will to solve another case. A case like the Kira case no doubt! How did she get herself killed? Did she meet Kira? Why did she do this? Was it because of Raye Penber’s death? Revenge?

I sat back down and became calm. I couldn’t show weakness in emotions even if I was a girl. I had to be quick and smart to work on a case like this. Maybe I could be like Misora and solve the Kira case along side L just like she did with the LABB case.

“Alright… I’ll do it” I said to L firmly but made a quick turn in my statement with a “if”. “If you show me your face” I said completing the statement.

Once again the room was silent. I started to feel the tension in the air as if it was ready to chock me to death. And then I said it gain. “I will only go with you to work on the Kira case if you show me your face”.

Three seconds after that he responded saying with a sigh “If that’s the only way to make you help me with this case then yes”.

I was shocked at those words he just said. Was that a yes?! “I’m currently at Wammy’s at this moment. Miss W can you guess where?” he said trying to toy with me.

I couldn’t think of any place that L would be in which he would be under protection from even the smallest camera. “I don’t know… my room” I guess knowing it would be wrong.

“Nice try but I’m afraid no” he stated “actually…” it said before cutting off. Suddenly as the door opened behind me. I jumped back and got into a defensive stance.

“I’m right by you” the man standing at the door said to me emotionlessly in the same tone as the man behind the voice altered computer.

What? Who? When? Why? Where? This man… he looked like he was in his twenties. He had midnight black unruly hair, he wore clothes that looked two sizes too small, his stance was bad becausehe hunched forward tooand along with this he had big dark gray orbs that seemed to be looking through you every time you see them.
“Miss W I am L” he plainly stated to me while scratching his leg with one of his feet. I sat back down in the chair I was sitting in prior.

“So you’re the one everyone wants to be? L the worlds top detective? L the person who solved dozens of cases flawlessly?” I said back to him still in a bit of shock. “Your L?”

“As I said Miss W I am L.” he stated bluntly to me in a unchanged tone. “How do I know your not lying to me?” I questioned with a sceptical face.

“I assure you that I am indeed L.” he said back still unfazed at all. “Okay fine then I’ll play you and L’s little game and yes I’ll go with you” I said to him with a slight glare.

“Thank you Miss W. Tomorrow at 3 pm a car shall pick you up and drive you to my personal aircraft not too far from here. You shall get on the air craft with me and in about 12 to 13 hours we will reach Japan. Upon arrival I shall tell you what to do next.” he said to me and I said back “alright”.

“Thank you again. I’ll see you tomorrow” he said before leaving all of a sudden like something was wrong. Was something wrong.

I got up after the monitor was shut off. The room was cold and the seat was even colder then the room. Reality came crashing down on me after I stood up. That was L! ‘L’ the one everyone wants to become! L the top detective in the world! He was standing right in front of me asking me to work with him on solving a case! I’m going to Japan tomorrow!

Oh and that’s right… Misora is dead and Raye Penber too. Should I really be getting myself into something that even Misora and Penber couldn’t handle? I’m only 15 after all.

I walked back to my room. Mello and Matt weren’t there as often as the where before since now we handled cases around the world. Although they still where at Whammy’s and going by their code names.

I guess I should start packing I thought to myself and walked over to the suit case that was mine when I first got here and started to pack it with clothes and items.

I saw on the side of my bed was a picture frame of me, Mello, Matt, and Near when we where at the lake swimming outside. Near wasn’t smiling but I guess you could call it a small grin.

Mello had a chocolate bar and looked annoyed at Matt who had his arms hanging on the back of both me and Mello’s necks while holding up a peace sign with both of his hands. I was about 9 when that picture was taken.

I smiled at the photo and took it from the frame. I might not be able to see them for a while I said with a sigh. I might not even be able to tell them what’s happening or where I went.

I know! I looked over at one of my case documents and pulled out a notebook. I opened it to a blank page that didn’t either have doodles on it or notes and wrote:

Dear Mello, Matt, and Near

I have been asked to go to Japan for a private case. I don’t know when I’ll be back but I hope I won’t be gone too long. Best wishes to you guys and don’t worry I’ll be back. Just don’t kill each other while I’m gone.
-Morn/ XXXX

I wonder should I really have put my real name? After I was done writing the note I slid it in where the picture should have been and put the frame back into it’s normal position.

I wonder what it’s like in Japan. I wonder who this Kira guy is. I wonder what L thinks about the case and other details. I wonder what will happen. I wonder if my life will be different after this. I wonder… what’s going to happen to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah so here is 1-5 and I know there is going to be a hell of a lot of errors because I'm a lazy asshole. Also if you read my first edit of the story on Quizilla then you will find that this is not a complete copy.