My Death Note Life in a Nutshell


I did as I was told in accordance to what L wanted me to do. I woke up, was driven to L’s personal aircraft which by the way was huge but gigantic in the inside.

When I got on the plane I was as if a hotel room with seat belts. The seats where leather and there was a table finely decorated with a L engraved in the middle of it, and the floor was covered in a red carpet.

There was only one person in the plane when I got on. “L?” I questioned him. He turned his head to me and stood up from one of the leather chairs.

What? This wasn’t L! He had a hunched over back and messy hair along with too big clothes although unlike L his shirt was black rather than white. The first thing I noticed where his big crimson red eyes.

“No I’m not L” he said bluntly. Then he smiled a twisted smile at me and chuckled “I’m Beyond Birthday”. My eyes grew wide “Beyond Birthday!? As in the criminal from the LABB case two years ago!?” I asked shocked at me discovery.

With that twisted smile still painted on his face he took my hand and kissed it. “Yes pleased to meet you Miss Morn”.

I… What…! A serial killer is right before me! Not only that but did he just kiss my hand?! What in god’s name is going on!?

I calmly addressed him back while wearing a fake smile to hide how nervous I was saying “It’s a pleasure to meet you too Beyond”.

I looked around for a place to put my luggage. There was no storeroom area that I could find so where do I put it? Should I ask?

“Um excuse me Beyond would you happen to know where I can put my luggage?” I questioned and Beyond pointed to a room leading in the back.

“How about there” he said to me obviously in a state of a opinion. I know he knew where it was but I bet he’s just playing with me. Anyhow I still walked over to the door and opened the hatch. It flew open and the door fell down.

My eyes grew big. GAH! Why did I even think of! It’s Beyond Birthday after all! A serial killer! I looked out of the window and saw ironically L getting on the plane and look at me. Oh crap!

“Opps I guess it’s not a area fit to store luggage” Beyond said to me with a little chuckle and smirk. Holding back my anger and awkwardness I said “y-yeah right Beyond”.

Then L walked on the plane. “I see you two where having fun huh?” he said bluntly and made a sharp glare at Beyond. Beyond smirked back at him. “What are you looking at me for? Morn did it… but don‘t get mad I tempted her to do it” Beyond said with a smirk towards me that creeped me out.

“I know and you better behave yourself Beyond” L said getting closer to Beyond’s face with a glare that was worse then a demons.

He then made a turn to me. “Morn don’t worry about the door it’s a emergency exit door so it attaches easily”. A pilot then came from the front of the plane and put it back into it’s normal position and pushed on it when I heard the air seal around it. Then he walked back to the front without saying a word.

“Despite that I’m sorry” I said back to L who walked towards one of the leather chairs and sat in it in a weird position. And then Beyond sat down in the same position.

What where they doing? Both of them looked uncomfortable and like idiots. I however sat down properly as L spoke “Morn this is Beyond Birthday ex-criminal mastermind and Beyond this is Morn one of the children from Whammy‘s” he said vary bluntly.

“We already introduced ourselves” I said back and he replied “I fingered that you did at least 13% sure now may I continue?” he said again bluntly and Beyond snickered. “Yes sorry” I said back.

He continued “in about 12 to 13 hours we shall be arriving in Kyoto Japan just outside of Tokyo where I expect that Kira will be located. The person I suspect to be Kira is a 17 year old collage student named Light Yagami”.

He took out a laptop that was positioned by the side of the chair. A picture came up on screen. A profile to be more exact.

A kid with light brown hair and honey eyes came up on screen under the title Light Yagami. This kid is Kira? This kid who isn’t much older than me? This kid who has a clean record and top grades in the nation? This kid who just might be one of the smartest kid in the world? This kid?

I didn’t say anything but thought that L had flipped his lid. A kid? Where was the thug look? Where was the ugly evil and nasty vial look I always see on these killers?

“We will be working as I said to both of you with the NPA and FBI in order to solve this case. Beyond you are going to go along with Morn and help her in her task. Along with this you are here as a ex-criminal mastermind and you could come to be useful when we need help in order to depict the motive of the criminal. A criminal mastermind could easily see through other masterminds in this case Kira to put it short”.

L then turned to me “Morn you will be in association with Light Yagami as a agent. Your job is to interrogate him due to the fact that the cameras fail to detect anything. Also you expertise in the field of psychology could also prove to be a good quality when faced with your task. Besides that you’re a girl and one that lacks a emotional side and one that Light Yagami fails to deal so smoothly around. Although don‘t worry if something unexpected where to happen because Beyond‘s job also is to stay by you if in need of it”.

A voice projector said “we are now ready to take off so all passengers please buckle your seat belts until you see the no seat belt sign located on your seats”. We did as he said but the silence was not broken so easily because L was not done explaining. No far from done.

He continued “Kira doesn’t use many differences in ability to kill although there has been recent suicide notes that have each been decoded using the first letter in each line on the paper found on”

“Kira has been killing criminals with heart attacks accruing at almost the same time each day. During various hours at night” he rambled on to both of us.

Beyond soon became uninterested in the subject and walked to a compartment where he pulled out a jar of jam when the no seat belt sign had turned off. I however didn’t want to make a bad impression in front of L and sat there although at one point in time when he started talking about percentages I started to wish I was Beyond.

Finally he had stopped explaining the details of the case and ‘coincidentally’ Beyond ‘just so happened’ to finish his jar of jam at that time. Then he came back saying with a sigh “what did I miss?”.

L frond but ignored Beyond because he knew what Beyond was trying to point out. I looked at my watch and saw that L had been explaining about details on the case for over 3 hours!

“I’m sorry if I didn’t make that as brief as I panned but I don’t want you to not receive the proper information” L said once he turned from Beyond to me.

“No no it’s alright actually it was pretty interesting” I said lying. “Mr. Yagami will be at the airport tomorrow to escort us back to the Kira Investigation Head Quarters in Tokyo in which he is currently in charge of” L said to me and I hoped that he wouldn’t ramble on.

“As in this Light Yagami’s father?” I asked. L nodded and Beyond spoke up with a chuckle. “Hmm it seems our main suspect is in fact the son of the chief of the NPA no doubt”.

Beyond snickered some more and then said “This is going to be more fun then I thought it would be”.

Out of all the things I packed I hoped that my DS or PSP would fit and thank god they did! My ipod however barley fit due to the tons of clothes I packed because I didn’t know how long I was going to be in Japan.

I beat my Final Fantasy game about 3 times and decided on playing The Legend of Zelda. I beat that in just a little less time. I was so bored.

L just worked on his computer while still in his odd sitting position. Occasionally a tray full of cakes and candies would come out of one of the attendants rooms and onto L’s table that sat before each of us. Funny enough the attendant was Watari no doubt.

I couldn’t help but watch him eat. Beyond too had some. I was never fond of sweets so I just sat and observed. Waited for the point in time where I would have to move from my seat due to one of them throwing up or something.

I hope that the rest of the NPA wasn’t like this. Other wise I would tattoo the word ‘normal’ on my head. Here I thought that having a mental disorder along with a physical disorder was bad.

Beyond for the most part only swiped sweets from L trying not to get caught. The other half of the time he spent eating strawberry jam.

In comparison to L and Beyond I think that dealing with Beyond would be less difficult and L not. Then again I would rather have a sweet tooth detective rather than a ex-serial killer hanging around me at all times for protection no doubt!

Ironically when I put in my ipod and shuffled my music ‘Strawberry Gashes’ started playing. Oh god I pray that this isn’t a warning sign from him!

I shouldn’t concern myself with what the worst possible situation was or how it could happen although often times I could not help it.

I should be thinking about how soon this case will end and that we’ll catch Kira and solve the case putting a stop to the murders. Although for the most part killing only criminals was fine with me. But not innocent people.

“Morn… Morn… MORN!” I heard a voice. Who was it? Are we in Japan yet? I opened my eyes. And my first sight was big black orbs. What the hell! It took me a minute to tell that those eyes belonged to L who was to close for confer.

“You fell asleep. Where in Japan now” he explained to me as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to make myself more awake.

“Hm? Oh… Wait where here” I said snapping my eyes open and unbuckling my seat belt. “That’s what I said” L said back to me and gave off a sigh.

It’s been 12 hours already. What did he do for all that time? Just stay on the computer all day?

Nevertheless I got up and walked over to the open door at the beginning of the plane. And waited for L out of common crudity to try and state myself as more of a adult that I soon would be.

Still I turned my head to look out. A car was parked on the personal runway. And compared to all of the other transportation L had used prior to the time I met him I could tell that this must have been Mr. Yagami’s car.

“That’s Mr. Yagami’s car” l stated bluntly although I already knew this fact. “Yeah I figured it wasn’t your style of transportation so it had to be his” I said back.

L with his hands pockets and a hunched over stance walked down the small set of stairs and I followed until we reached the car.

A man stepped out of the car then. He then shook hands with both me and L. “Welcome back L and hello Morn. My name is Soichiro Yagami head of the NPA” he stated to me. “Nice to meet you Mr. Yagami I look forward to working with you” I said back giving a bow. “My name is Morn and I will be assisting L during the Kira case” I continued in my most polite manner.

Hey where was Beyond? Where did that red eyed strawberry jam eating maniac go?
“Has there been any further news on Kira while I was gone” L asked. “Currently no” Mr. Yagami stated back to L with a bit of a depressed tone in his voice.

Arms? Hands? Arms, hands, and fingers around my shoulders! Long skinny pale white fingers around me! Wh-what the fuck! I cringed. Who?

Wait L’s still beside me with his hands in his pockets and Mr. Yagami is standing before us. Then who… Beyond?

I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die! I kept repeating to myself over and over again until Beyond spoke up.

“I don’t believe I introduced myself yet Mr. Yagami. I’m Beyond Birthday. It’s nice to meet you” I heard Beyond say and could only imagine the smirk on his face.

Mr. Yagami even cringed at sight and sound of the name Beyond Birthday. Then again now that I noticed it. He didn’t seem too different around me.

Although I wasn’t a serial killer or in fact had any record of me being in jail or in trouble for any reason what so ever.

Then again Beyond’s information when it came to the LABB case was strictly under lock and only one key. L had that key.

Did L always use ex-criminals to do his dirty work for him? Although I speculated a lot about L I wasn’t going to make a fuss over one persons opinion. That would be stupid and arrogant.

When we where all in the car and off to the Kira Investigation Head Quarters I found myself in the back next to Beyond who was smirking at me evilly just to make my skin crawl.

I would rebel and make a smile more twisted then his. Or at least I tried. However he had me beat every time. I noted that when it comes to dealing with a mad serial killer mastermind in a smiling contest you will always get beat. Especially if said person is Beyond Birthday.

When we got to the Investigation Head Quarters I couldn’t help but observe my surroundings. Big monitors in a big vide open room.

Question is: where am I going to sleep, shower, and eat? “L do you know where my resting quarters are” I asked and L made a turn to me and said “about that…”.

This made even Beyond a little worried about what he was going to say next. “I have begun to install sleeping chambers for whoever might have to stay here namely you two… but the construction is not finished” he continued.

Both me and Beyond’s eyes grew wide. “What do you mean by that? Are we going to have to stay at a hotel or something” Beyond questioned L.

“Beyond I know that you often sleep as commonly as I do so you will be staying here with me for the time being. Morn however will need a room. The Yagami’s said that they will host you” L said and if I didn’t give a fuck about being proper my jaw would have dropped and hit the floor with a loud bang.

“With this you can also observe Light Yagami as well in places camera’s will not be able to detect” L said back to me unfazed and emotionless.

So that was his plan. How ‘convenient’ of him.

“You can’t be serious L! Me staying at the main suspects house?!” I yelled in shock and even Beyond seemed to not be able to fathom what L was thinking.

“That’s correct Morn I wish for you to accept the offer to stay at the Yagami residence” L said bluntly to me. “Like I said before Beyond will be there to watch you as you keep your eyes on Light. And besides that the house still has surveillance in it to protect you”.

“Surveillance won’t protect me if I’m dead!” I shouted in protest. “The perhaps I chose the wrong person to help me with the Kira case” L said to me to try and make me feel bad.

I gulped down my fear and made a deep sigh. “Fine I’ll go…” I finally said in a quiet voice. L turned to me. “I promise that you’ll be safe. I can protect you”.

Th-that was way to much for me and when I heard that I couldn’t bare to look at his face in fear I may blush so instead I improvised.

I took a glance at Beyond instead who ginned at me evilly followed by a chuckle on how embarrassed I was at the moment. That’s good back to normal.

Why do I have a turning in my stomach every time I look at Beyond? And then he smiles. Oh that smile. Damn that smile. It makes me think he’s going to rap me in the middle of the night!

“That’s a girl. Just don’t get yourself killed. Although I wouldn’t mind seeing that pretty face of yours smashed across the ground” Beyond whispered in my ear.

I swear he’s gonna kill me one day. I just know it…

“Mr. Yagami is still in the other room. Take your things and go with him. He will show you where the Yagami household is. You will be staying there for the rest of the investigation” L said to me.

“Yeah” I replied to him and left the room to go and see Mr. Yagami.

He turned to me “Morn I are you ready to go?” he asked me politely in a fatherly like tone.

“Yes” I said back calmly with a smile on my face to present myself as polite. Hopefully I could win the Yagami’s over.

“Alright then. Shall I take your bags?” he asked me. “No it’s okay. I only have one bag and I can carry it myself” I said back to him. “Are you sure?” he asked again. “Very” I replied with a smile on my face to show that I wasn’t being rude.

When we where in the car I sat in the front next to Mr. Yagami and he started to talk to me. “So how old are you?” he asked me “15” I replied. “That’s not much older than my daughter” he responded back to me in a way to try and have some sort of connection or bond to me.

“Do you have any family?”. “No” I said back unfazed by the question. “I’m sorry to hear that. Well while your staying with my family consider us family” he said trying to cheer me up although it was unneeded.

“Sure” I said although I wanted to say “I’ll treat you as people I have to stay with nothing more nothing less”.

The questions stopped running from Mr. Yagami’s mouth so I asked a question and made it to state else ware from the Kira case although not completely.

“I heard that your son is the smartest student in Japan Mr. Yagami. Can you tell me more about him?” I asked trying to lean on the subject of a normal conversation about a individual and at the same time the main suspect in the Kira case.
“He’s a brilliant young man about your age and soon he’s going off to collage” Mr. Yagami explained to me. “What is his major?” I asked trying to carry the conversation. “He be a detective” he said back. “So I’m guessing he wants to take after you then”? “Yes I guess you can say that” Mr. Yagami replied.

This kid doesn’t seem this bad. Why would he be thought of as a serial killer? If anyone why him? He didn’t have the profile of what you would think was a serial killer.

Then again looks can be deceiving. I guess I’ll have to find out myself who he really is. To do that I need to befriend him first. Although this kid doesn’t seem to be that social.

Hmph what am I talking about. Near was probably more anti-social than anyone I knew before and after him. Yet I still managed to have him open up to me.

I could do this. I could win. I can get to know every last detail about his Light Yagami. I will expose him.

Before I knew it I was in the drive way of the Yagami residence. The house wasn’t too big and wasn’t too small although the house did seem kind of plain. Although I have no room to judge others by their homes.

Mr. Yagami insisted on taking my bags so this time I let him. No one was inside the house at that point but me and Mr. Yagami.

He showed me to the guest room which was a little small but comparing to the room I had to always share with three other boys this was like getting a football field all to myself.

After that Mr. Yagami had to leave. This was the perfect time to investigate the household. First up I would need to look at Light’s room. Maybe there’s something in there that could help prove him guilty.

I waited until I heard Mr. Yagami get into his car and I heard the door slam until I left the guest room. I proceeded to walk upstairs until I met a room without a queen bed which was often the parents or any sort of girly arrangements.

I found one. The room was so nice neat and clean I wished it was our room was like that at Whammy’s. Sad to say that no matter how hard I would clean up the room items seem to find there was scattered across the floor like a dumpster.

One desk neat and organized with everything in place. A bed neatly made that I could fall right to sleep in without any doubts. A closet with clothes that I could never see a teenager wearing such as ties and button downs.

This guy was diffidently proper and a clean freak from the looks of it. But would this be a room of a serial killer? Theirs nothing in his room in his room that looks suspicious or anything.

I gave up looking after the fifth time looking through his desk and bookshelves. I was pooped. That took me at least a hour of looking and still I found nothing!

His bed was comfortable and nice. I thought that I closed my eyes for one second. Just one second. How could I have fallen asleep?

It must have been the plane ride or something. I barely got any sleep last night too. I wonder if Mello Matt or Near found my note yet.

I wonder if their okay. Do they miss me? I miss them. It feels so lonely being here. Although I’m not known for being social. I still missed their company however.

I felt myself being shaken by someone. Who was it?

“Miss… Miss… Miss wake up” I heard him say. I then opened my eyes. “Oh… who are you?” I asked while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Still with myself not fully awake I still managed to see his key features. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Young adult.

“Light Yagami” he replied.

“Hm? That’s a weird name” I said back to him but then suddenly realized that this was the main suspect of the Kira case. Light Yagami.

“Yeah I know. But what’s weirder is finding a girl sleeping in my bed when I come home” he said to me trying to be polite and yet say something rude. I could only imagine what he was thinking at that point.

I tried to get onto another topic before I die from embarrassment. “My name is May Williams but you can call me Morn” I lied knowing that I have a code name for a reason and that code name as well was too suspicious.

“Alright then Morn. Can you explain why you where sleeping in my room?” Light asked me. “I’m a student from America and I’m being hosted here for the time being” I said back.

Light took a sigh at my rebelling to tell him the answer he wanted to hear. Although Light wasn’t the kind of person to give up so easily so he asked again. “Morn can you tell me why you where in my room though?”

I thought up something quick to even my surprise. “I’m sorry about that. I just wanted to look around your home but I guess I passed out because I didn’t get much sleep” I said to Light trying to act as if that where the case. Actually it sort of was but a little more detailed.

Thank god I put everything back in it’s place to try and not make it suspicious. Everything had to be normal and as it was before I came in his room. Otherwise things wouldn’t work out right.

“I also am going to be attending your class Light” I added. Light looked at me confused “Aren’t you a little young to be attending the 12th grade?” he asked me suspicious.

“I was bumped up a grade twice and I’m going to be completing my studies at your school” I stated. Thank god that you can be any age to attend collage.

I could still tell that Light wasn’t buying it but nevertheless he just said “okay then it’s a pleasure to meet you and I’ll be looking forward to working with you”.

Wow he’s more polite than I expected. He isn’t easy to fool either. This my be tough but I think I can beat him. No… I know I can.

I can see the point about L warning me about him and so far the way L described Light was accurate but could this kid really be Kira?

If I can mask myself by pulling off another personality then maybe it will work. Maybe if I can win Light’s trust then I can beat him. Maybe that will work. Right?

“Same as I Light” I simply replied with a smile mimicking his. Yeah… This wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. Far from it.

“Well I should leave you must have other things to do right” I asked Light trying to make a excuse. “No actually I’ve been quite bored around here but if you want to go you can”.

Now what? If I leave then what? If I don’t leave then what? Now I have to stay if I didn’t then he might think I was up to something. I have to stay friendly and polite. Although I hated the thought of sucking up to another. Not even my superiors.

“I guess I’ll stay then. I’m really bored too” I said with my mask on. “So what’s how has life been” he asked trying to bring up a conversation. In this case I was annoyed that I needed to talk about something as mindless as that.

I can tell Light obviously had more of a social life than I did although he still didn’t seem to be that social. He just seen it as a game.

“It’s been good. How about you” I simply replied trying not to give too much information away by saying the oh so famous response to that question.

“I’ve been good too. Have you made any friends since you got here” he asked obviously looking for more information about me. “No I haven’t”. “Oh that’s too bad I guess since it’s your first day in Japan you wouldn’t” he said back to me.

I feel like a dog waiting for her ball to be thrown. Skew up already! He too calm and presentable in anything he says. Skew up already damnit!

The conversation continued until I heard a squeal or at least that’s what it seemed like. “Liiight” it yelled up toward his room. Oh god my ears hurt who the hell could yell in such a annoying voice. For Light rather than his ears bleeding he just was a little um how do I put this um.. panicked.

I could hear foot steps come running up the stairs. What the fuck could have made even Light panic? Just a moment ago he was calm.

“um… um would you um mind hiding for me?” he asked obviously with panic in his voice which was also vary quiet. “Hide?” I asked confused. “Yes hide right now hurry” he said back to me.

I didn’t question until I found myself under his bed. Okay now this is defiantly weird. Light is panicking over something all of a sudden and this! Even under his bed was spotless! I saw from under the bed a pair of feet about a mens 5 or 6. Was that the beast? Was that the banshee?

“Oh Misa. How was your modeling shoot?” a voice asked. It must have been Light’s. “It was great but I wish that you where there I missed you” the other said.

Yes that was the banshee no doubt. Now I can say that my greatest challenge during this case was resisting my ears from bleeding due to that foul voice.

“I’m sorry Misa but you know I can’t miss school. If I did I would fall behind” Light said back to the girl named Misa. "I thinks you aren’t acting like yourself” Misa said to Light.

“Oh well I just have a lot of homework I need to do tonight so I don’t want to be bothered” Light said politely. “Oh then I won’t bother you if you give her a goodnight kiss first” Misa said getting closer to Light.

Oh great the not so happy couple. Or at least for Light that was the case. Nevertheless Light kissed her on the cheek goodnight. “See you again Misa” he called back to her as she left the room. “Don’t worry Light. I will be back soon” she said blowing a kiss to Light and left.

Light gave out a deep sigh and facepalmed himself. “You can come out now” he said to me. I crawled out from under the bed still surprised that my brown hair didn’t turn gray or something like what would happen if I stuck myself under other bed.

“What was that for? And who was that” I asked confused. Light’s mood had changed like a drop of a hat once Misa left I noticed. He gave out another sigh “She’s my I guess you can say girlfriend”.

“‘I guess you can say?’” I questioned. “Well it’s complicated don’t ask. The only thing I can say is that I don’t really like h-” Light cut off on me.

I got him! I finally got him! He finally screwed up! I finally got him to stumble! Now I just have to make him fall! But wait… how did that happen?

“What was that?” I asked trying to push him more into stumbling again. “Nothing never mind” he said quickly recovering. “Well can you at least tell me why you panicked and told me to hide” I asked. “I didn’t want Misa to… get the wrong idea” he said with a slit hesitation in his voice.

Wait was that just hesitation I heard? What the hell?

“What exactly was that idea?” I questioned although I already knew the answer to it. “Well I didn’t want her to think that I was…” he cut off and blushed.

“Was?” I smirked seeing him embarrassed. This was truly priceless! Although……

“Cheating on her or something” Light said quickly regaining his sense of social cues. “I can see you don’t like her?” I questioned again to try to make him stumble by showing a sense of sympathy although I lacked it for almost anyone.

“No no not at all” Light said back. “Then why did you lie about your homework?” I asked again trying to trap him in his own words.

“No I do have a lot of homework and I do need to get it done” he stated. “Then why didn’t you tell me to go away like your ‘girlfriend’” I asked back.

“Just because you’re a guest in the house and everything. I wanted to make a good impression rather than freak out about a girl on my bed sleeping” he said trying to fire back at me.

I ignored the last part of the statement. “But really a girl you just met over your girlfriend?” I asked suspicious. Do they have a connection different from that in which others can see?

What was with the notable blush? Light blushing whenever I would mention girlfriend? I guess L was spot on about him weaknesses too. Seems that a ditsy girl just gets him annoyed but a smart girl who picks on what he’s saying and can twist it around seems to make him nervous? What?

Wow even for the smartest kid in the country Light Yagami couldn’t handle pressure from not work but people. He really is a kid. But a killer? Kira?

“Well I think your pretty cu-” Light cut off again and covered his mouth. This was a opening! “Where you going to say cute” I asked him.

“Yes I think your very cute” he said back to me now a little more confident. Damn he was like puddy in my hands but somehow he managed to slip between my fingers.

“Oh thank you” I said back with a smile. Seems I was back to square 1 but at least I know how to affect him now. I just have to get him to fall. Once he does it’s all over but still I have a feeling that this is going to be hard.

Me and Light talked a little longer until I decided that I would have to try tomorrow. I wasn’t going to school tomorrow although. Instead my excuse would be that I needed to get paperwork for my registration into the school done. My real reason was that I needed to report to L.

I hope my first report to L would at least prove to be of some worth but I doubt it. I have only really proven that what L said ‘describing’ Light was accurate.

Walking down the stairs from Light’s room left me with a surprise when I thought I heard Light say “shut up!” so I decided to slowly walk back up to his room and listen to what he was saying.

“I said shut up Ryuk!” Light said although the voice wasn’t yelling or loud enough to be heard from outside the room. “I’m not attracted to her!” his voice grew a little louder.

“What are you doing?” I heard a voice say from behind me. I covered my mouth to keep myself from yelling and turned to see bright rd crimson eyes looking at me.

“Be-Beyond! Be quiet!” I whispered covering his mouth. What was Beyond doing here? Wait how did he even get past me? “Follow me” I said and lead Beyond back to the guest room.

“So tell me Morn why where you outside of someone’s door?” Beyond questioned me. “I thought I heard something from upstairs and wait what are you doing here anyway?” I asked back to Beyond.

He opened one of the windows in the room and reached his hand down to pick up a jar of strawberry jam that must have been resting outside the window in the bush.

“My job it to keep you safe while you’re here” Beyond said opening the jar. “Besides that L kicked me out” he said back to me emotionless like L.

“What? Why?” I asked Beyond however I figured that no one would really want to house a criminal mastermind for obvious reasons.

“He says that I was being a hog. All I did was try to take some of his cake and he yelled at me telling me ‘just go do you job’” Beyond explained in a annoyed tone.

“So you come and check on me” I said back also annoyed at his last statement. “Yup” he simply said and flopped on my bed with his jar of jam.

“Looks like I’m going to be staying with you” he said as he took a finger and stuck it in the jar pulling out some strawberry jam.

I let out a sigh. “Beyond you better not get jam on the bed” I said to him. “Oh what me? No I would never do that” Beyond said smirking at me with his fingers still with jam on them getting closer to the covers.

“Beyond I mean it!” I hissed at him. Beyond just looked at me emotionless and teasing me by almost touching the covers of the bed.

I lunged at Beyond and swiped his fingers away from the bed covers. Before I knew it I found myself with my face against the covers. Pinned down by Beyond.

“Your really starting to annoy me Beyond” I said back to him in a muffled voice thanks to the fact that my face was planted into the covers.

What was more annoying then even this was the fact that Beyond was pinning me down by sitting on me! My ass to be exact.

“Do not forget who I am now Morn. Beyond Birthday the criminal mastermind behind the LABB case in LA” he said leaning in closer to my face.

He chuckled and I could hear it plain as day because he was talking right into my ear. “I don’t need a intro Beyond” I muffled back.

Now he was practically laying on me! “Don’t be rude” he said back to me with that smile that creeped me out. “Well then can you try not to sit on me?” I asked angered.

Tongue? What? Warm pink moist taste buds? Against my cheek! Tongue!

“But your so helpless looking like this” Beyond chuckled. “I like it when your like this” he snickered. “Beyond I said get off. You can stay here but first of all get off of me” I yelled at him through the covers pressed up against my face.

He sighed as he got off me “You take the fun out of everything don’t you” he said. I cracked my neck as I got out of that painful position. “I guess so” I said back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well hope you enjoy this monster of a story.