My Death Note Life in a Nutshell


“I’m here to look at the mangas here. What are you doing” I asked. “Same as you” Beyond said while reading the Naruto manga. Wow Beyond was quiet today. Something had to be up.

“Well I guess I’ll see you later than” I said and started to walk off. “Wait I’m coming too. I have to keep you safe after all” Beyond said back to me.

What the? What is up with Beyond today?! He’s quiet and distant and now he’s… he’s… he’s blushing?

Is this even Beyond? This is far Beyond the normal. Then again Beyond has always been short of the normal type and I bet he always will be too.

I have to figure out what’s up. Did he see something? Did something happen? What’s wrong with Beyond? This is driving me nuts well the only way is to figure out what it is.

“Um sure I guess you can” I said a little baffled at his expression. Then it hit me. Beyond was only playing. “Good because I wasn’t going to accept a no” he said with one of his evil smirks shining in my direction.

“Where are you going anyway?” Beyond asked me. “I was hoping to get something to eat from the nearby café” I said back. “Do they have jam” Beyond asked with his eyes lit up.

“I don’t know. Maybe…” I said annoyed that once again Beyond’s mind was only focused on that of the strawberry tasting goop.

Beyond put back the manga or at least put it in a random shelf that anyone could point out saying: that doesn’t seem to be right.

Something then unexpected happened. The ground started to shake and I heard a siren. It must have been and earthquake. A big one to!

“An earthquake?!” I said a little shocked. Being in a bookstore with tower high selves of books wasn’t such a great place to be during a earthquake.
“Morn hurry we need to fine a table or something to protect us” Beyond said snapping his head around towards me. Books where falling off all the selves and people where either running for shelter or out of the store.

One of the book shelves almost landed on me and Beyond and we where being bombarded by books both hard covered and paperback covers. It hurt.

I couldn’t find any tables or anything else only ails of books. “Beyond do you see any tables or anywhere we can stay” I yelled to Beyond because of the noise of the dozes of books falling.

“No” he yelled back looking around. He turned and looked at me his eyes grew wide and he yelled “Morn behind you!”.

I turned around to see a book shelf crashing down towards me and it seemed like time moved slower. A book shelf like that could crush me!

I felt a force come in between me and the shelf and I hit the floor and heard someone go yell in pain. Something or someone stopped the bookshelf from crushing me.

That someone was Beyond surprisingly. He was arched overtop of me and holding up the bookshelf with his back to protect me. He was stronger than I thought he would be.

He was gasping and I could feel his heart beating ten times faster than normal. He must have gotten the wind knocked out of him when he did that.

I thought that when Beyond said he was going to protect me he was just saying words that had no meaning. Now maybe those words weren’t fake.

Beyond panted and from a lack of enough oxygen intake he passed out cold and feel on top of me.
The bookshelf had lost most of it’s books so it was less weight but still I could only imagine the sting as it hit his spine.

The earthquake had stopped. Beyond was laying on top of me passed out from getting hit so hard by a bookshelf and then I heard my phone ring.

“L?” I said looking at the number. I picked up the phone and even now I heard L a little frantic. “Morn are you alright are you hurt?!”.

“No I’m fine. I’m heading back to the Yagami’s house to get away from the ruble” I explained looking down at Beyond who’s head was on my chest heavily panting.

“Alright. The rest of the schools and businesses have had their meetings canceled so there is expected to be a lot of people out be careful” L said with a sigh of relief.

I never heard L this worried before but then again I only just met L. I knew of L before hand from Whammy’s but I only just met him.

“Alright bye” I said back and L mimicked with a “bye”. Beyond’s eyes stated to flutter a little and then he gave a small grin.

“You owe me big time for this Morn…… I’ll be expecting lots of jam…” Beyond said. “Alright just stay calm right now. I need to get this bookshelf off of us” I said back.

“Hey I can ge-agh” he hissed trying to get up but failed. “Stop being stubborn!” I said sliding out from under him and pushed the bookshelf to the side of us. It was light enough to do so.

Beyond straddled to get up on his feet hissing with pain. “Beyond are you alright” I asked aiding him with support by holding up his arm.

“Morn calm down. I’m a s-serial killer I… augh! I can handle at least a l-little pain” Beyond said still being stubborn and fighting back the pain that was expressed that he tried to hide.

“No your not now stop being so bull headed!” I said back to Beyond and wrapped my arm around him to support him. “Where going back to the Yagami house. Do you think you can walk?” I asked.

“Yeah I think so” Beyond said and stood up without my support. “Thank god because I wasn’t going to carry you back” I told Beyond.

“Aren’t I supposed to do that to you as we run off into the sunset and kiss on top of the hill at the horizon” Beyond said with his thumb to his mouth.

“Where did you hear that?” I asked with a wtf face. “I saw it on a soap once I forgot the name. I was just bored so I watched it. No gore or any guts took out the fun of it so I turned it off” he explained.

Seems Beyond was quick when it came to recovering. “Well where going to take the subway back okay” I said still thinking about how much pain Beyond had to be in.

Beyond’s eyes lit up with sparkles when I mentioned the word ‘subway’. “You mean the deep dark tunnel system below the city where people could easily die by being pushed in the way of the train?” he said to me.

The statement only proved that Beyond was thinking of killing people via train and it’s tracks. “Beyond from now one I’m keeping you on a leash” I said back but Beyond just smiled and looked at me like a little puppy or a kid going to the zoo.

“Please” Beyond simply replied obviously not paying attention to me. Here we go with the ‘please’ again.

I could see that Beyond was still hurting from the blow he took earlier in the book store during the earthquake. I never thought he would do such a thing. Maybe I didn’t know that much about Beyond than I thought I did after all.

While me and Beyond where on the subway Beyond couldn’t help but look around and examine every inch of the subway with fascination and interest.

“Beyond! Get off the tracks” I yelled and everyone saw in shock that Beyond was on the train tracks. “Why?” he asked annoyed.

I herd the train coming closer and everyone started to scream in what they thought would soon be a man run over by the train.

I pointed in the direction in which I herd it and said “Beyond get your ass up here or your ass is going to be flattened!” .

He sighed and said “I morn for your lack of adventure Morn”. Just as the train was insight Beyond just made it out and he was unfazed.

I smacked him. “Don’t ever do that again” I yelled at him. “Why? Do you not want me to die? I thought you hated me?” he said with his arms crossed and a annoyed face. I was getting pissed off by looking at that face when I should have been the one wearing it.

“I don’t hate you Beyond. I just thin you do stupid things like this for instance” I explained. “So you do like me then?” Beyond said with a wide grin. “Not in the way your thinking!” I said with blush covering my face.

We got onto the train and Beyond sat next to me or I sat next to him was more like it. I wasn’t going to let him get in trouble here.

“Why not. I think it would be fun if you did. I need some relief in life. Besides that it’s boring and your making it even more boring” Beyond said leaning back with his hads behind his head.

“I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m looking for a criminal” I said plainly. “Good because I’m both” Beyond said pointing to himself with a grin.

“Not you I mean Kira” I hissed back but he just smirked. “So you would rather have Kira than Beyond Birthday?” he said back to me. “That’s not what I augh!” I said and face palmed.

“Calm down I’m just messing with ya” Beyond said and put his hand on my back as I leaned forward into the face palm. Oh man was it a face palm too.

“Oh and by the way you owe me 10 jars of jam” Beyond said out of nowhere and completely off topic. “10?!” I replied in shock.

“Be happy that when I said a lot I didn’t mean 100.” Beyond said back to me. “But Beyond do you know how much that would cost?!” I asked.

“About 2000 yen. Maybe more” he said to me with a shrug. “But I don’t even have that much!” I said. “Well I guess you’ll have to repay me in a different way” Beyond smirked.

“What different w-” I was cut off by a pair of silky lips pressed against my own. A warm tongue slide into my mouth but at that point I was in a bit of a trance.

I was kissing a serial killer. Not just any but one who saved my life. The annoying kid I knew a few moments ago had vanished from my radar.

I snapped out of my trance when I noticed that Beyond was leaning over me kissing my neck. “Beyond!” I yelled in realization.

Beyond just stopped and said “yeah?”. “Where on a train Beyond” I said back to him. “And?” he said with a sigh. “It’s a train!” I replied.

“So how about your room then” he said eagerly with twinkling stars in his eyes. “Where going back there now” I said with a sigh.

Beyond’s face made a twisted smile look like a happy grin. “Not for what your thinking or though” I said back to him killing the happiness that surrounded him.

“Please?”. “No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Pretty please with strawberry jam on top please please please!” Beyond said back to me with his hands pressed together.

“Okay Beyond let me put this into more simpler terms so that you can understand” I said getting frustrated. I said slowly in a low voice “Nooooooo”.

“Please?”. “NO!”. “Please?”. “I said NO”. “Then that’s 100 jars of jam!” Beyond proclaimed. “But that would cost me over 9000 yen!” I said rebellious.

“Okay how about OVER 9000 jars of jam!!!” Beyond said standing up and pointing to me. “But that’s even more!” I yelled and I could see that the old people sitting down from us must have been thinking: ‘what are up with kids these days’.

“Then you better put over 9000 percent into this case because after your paying me for my services!” he said back to me.

“Fine fine. I’m going to lose money even after this” I muttered to myself. “Yay thank you! I never thought you would do that!” Beyond said hugging me like a little kid would do to his mom.

“Alright alright just get off me” I said trying to push him off. “Oh yeah” Beyond said letting go of me. The train had stopped just at that moment.

“Come on lets go this is our stop” I said to Beyond. “Did you think I was going to stay here or something?” he said sarcastically back to me.

“Well you do like the subways don’t you” I said matching back with his last comment. “Actually yes so I think I will stay” Beyond said reseating. “No you won’t come on” I said pulling on his sleeve of his black long sleeve shirt.

Beyond pulled me forward making me land on him and the doors as if on cue closed. I looked up to see Beyond smiling back down at me. No one at that point was on the subway.

I would think that with what L said people would be bustling and rushing to get everywhere but I guess I was wrong. Now it was only me and Beyond.

I think I knew what Beyond had in mind and I was hoping that he wasn’t thinking what I thought he was. As I said before when Beyond smirks that means either rape or murder.

Either one of those I wasn’t looking forward to and what he said next after that only made me think these things over and over again.

He whispered in my ear with a chuckle “don’t worry I’ll play nice for you”.

Beyond kissed me again and I blushed but wait a minute this is a subway. No not here in a subway! Beyond I guess couldn’t wait though.

He sucked on my neck and left a hicky on my neck that made red look black. “Ahh Beyond s-stop it” I whined but he only stopped for a second and said “you smell nice. Like strawberry jam”.

That wide smirk that was pained across his face only grew wider as he slipped his hands up my shirt. “B-Beyond I- I said stop please stop” I begged which never in a million years did I see myself doing so.

He gripped one of my breasts and tried to massage it. It felt good but I wasn’t going to admit it to him. I wasn’t planning on getting rapped either.

I had to snap out of it Beyond’s hands trickled down to my lower half and he started to take off his own shirt. “Beyond! Stop it!” I yelled.

“And why should I huh?” he said cocky. “I’ll I’ll” I kept repeating. “You’ll what?” Beyond asked me with his face slightly interested in what I was going to say next.

“I’ll let you lick jam off my body!” I yelled and he stopped. “But only my face” I added at the last second. He gave a sigh and said “fine but I have to say that you are the only one I morn for Morn”.

“Why’s that?” I asked confused. “Because when your going to get fucked by a guy like me you should enjoy it” he said with sparkles in his eyes but calmed down and sighed followed by saying “but you just wine”.

“Well like I said I don’t want a relationship with anyone right now” I said plainly with a sweat drop behind my head. “Just tell me when your ready then” he said with a smile.

“After the Kira case is over then maybe but not now” I said trying to get up from under him. At that point the train stopped.

Beyond scratched the back of his head and said “well where closer to the Yagami’s and I don’t feel like waiting for this train to turn around so let’s just walk”.

I could tell that Beyond was confused. Maybe Beyond was a bit crazy yes he was completely insane.

However I don’t think Beyond ever was loved. Maybe that’s the reason he ran away when Alternate(A) died. Maybe because Alternate was his only friend. The only one that he loved. His only family. His best friend.

Did he see something in me that reminded him of Alternate? How could I have been like Alternate? I never even saw Alternate I just heard stories about how a brilliant mind who would be the successor of L one day went out and killed himself.

None of it mad sense but I bet in the eyes of Beyond he saw it coming. Then why didn’t he say anything? Was Alternate as crazy as Beyond was? Mello, Matt, and Near aren’t like that or at least I don’t think they are.

“Alright then” I say handing Beyond his shirt as people began to flood the train. Beyond grabbed my hand to keep me within his distance and pulled my through the thick crowed of people.

I guess this is what L meant about people getting out early. Where we both got out of the subway station the sun had hit our eyes and made them have to adjust.

“Stay close or your going to get lost” Beyond said without looking at me. “Alright” I said quietly which couldn’t be heard due to the massive amounts of people.

We where about half way home when I bumped into someone and their books dropped. There was sure as hell a lot of books too.

“Oh Morn what are you doing here?” the kid asked me and I was confused because I didn’t get a good look at him. Beyond let go of my hand and walked off on his own for some reason unknown to me.

The boy had chestnut brown hair and honey colored eyes. He was about my height as well but his skin color was more tan than mine will ever be. He was well built structured and fit. Oh I remember that was Light Yagami.

“I’m sorry really sorry” I said apologizing while picking the books up. “It’s fine I guess you can say it was bound to happen since I had my bag open” he said trying to calm me with reassurance.

“Still I’m sorry” I insisted while I picked up the last book and handed it to Light. “No It’s fine I promise you. Anyway what are you doing out here?” he asked me.

“I wanted to look around Tokyo a little bit after I got done sighing school papers to register” I lied to him. “You better be careful because there’s rapists and evil perverts around here” Light warned.

“Trust me I know that” I muttered under my breath. “What?” Light said as he heard a little of what I had said . “Oh never mind” I said waving my arms in a ‘no’ signaling.

“Alright where are you off to anyway?” he asked curious as usual or might I rather say skeptically. Yeah I would rather say skeptically.

“I was just heading back to your house” I explained as he tucked the book I gave him into the his bag “Then I’ll take you there” he said politely.

He was a gentleman and was nice to me but still I couldn’t let my guard down. I refuse to let my guard down. In the Kira case you could drop dead in less then 60 seconds. And I can’t say for sure if Light is or isn’t Kira but for now I must wear my mask. Demons always wear masks and Light unfortunately I could tell was there but it looked real.

“Alright” I said back with a smile and he lead me through the crowd. I wonder where Beyond ran off to until I notice that he was behind me and doing his best to blend in with the crowd but with him being beyond the normal it seemed impossible.

I turned around and saw him and mouthed “what are you doing?”. His eyes where wide and he looked like he was scared of something and pointed to above Light’s and my heads. Did he see something? He did look really spooked. What was wrong with Beyond?

I didn’t want to make a scene however to I just went and redirected my attention to Light. Light must have noticed that I turned around through the force felt in his arm.

“Is something up?” Light said turning around and looking at me. “No no it’s nothing never mind” I quickly said back to Light.

“Okay then. Where almost there” Light said looking ahead again. The crowd had gotten less crowded by that time. We must have been just outside of the city.

Beyond was still behind us but at one point the blended right back into the crowd to not cause any suspicion about him or me.

Still he followed but at a greater length away. That whole time he still had a face wide eyed and lips bitten so hard that they bled. What in god’s name did he see?

Sooner or later I would figure out but do I even want to know? What could make Beyond that scared? He was a serial killer not a child!

I was off in a bit of a daze and then I snapped out of it when I noticed that we where back at the Yagami household and Light said simply “where here”.

“Where here” Light said and pulled out a key to his front door. He inserted the key into the keyhole and gave it a turn opening the door.

The house was just as it was before as expected. Nothing was dirty nothing misplaced perfect in the house. But although the house seemed peaceful still I worried.

What could Beyond have seen? He looked like there was something near Light and I when we walked home. But what was it? I can’t get it out of my mind.

Maybe that’s because since Beyond does weird things you would think that it would be normal for him to see weird stuff but this. This freaked him out. It really freaked him out and I was ready to jump ship if Beyond was any day. If the crazy is scared then you should know that you should be as well. That’s for sure. Defiantly for sure!

“So did you get your application filled out to enter the school yet?” Light asked as he laid his school bag on the side of the couch and sat on the couch.

“Yeah I did and I applied for university too today: I lied to him. “Oh that’s great. What University did you send for?” he asked me.

“To-Oh University” I said back with a smile. I knew Light was going to be attending the school too and I hope that what L thought as unnoticed would stay unnoticed.

This was a smart kid I will admit. I need to stay on my toes even when I speak to him regarding a conversation that is personal or private such as this one.

“Oh I’m going there too. I already signed up for it and got approved by the school” Light pointed out but it only hit me until now.

Why would Light want to go to a university that was so close to his home anyway? Most kids would want to get further away from their parents or guardians.
“Really what a coincidence” I said with a fake smile.
“Yeah I know guess I’m going to be seeing you a lot around here huh” Light said with a smile mimicking mine.

“Can I ask you something though?” I asked as I sat down next to Light on the soft couch. “Okay what?” he said to me looking confused.

“Why do you want to stay so close to home?” I asked while trying to pull off a more confused face although when it came to facial expressions I could read but not make.

“Not sure I guess I just want to stay close to home” he said with a shrug. I guess that was believable. “Oh that make sense. I just never thought that a kid would not want to get away from his or her parents when they get older” I explained.

“No I get it. I’m just not you average kid I guess” Light said with a sigh. “Believe me I know” I muttered under my breath. “What was that?” Light questioned. “I don’t think I should have said that” I said back trying to cover myself in a lie once again.

“No it’s fine. I’m just another kid with flesh and bone right no strings attached or secrets to be kept. Well maybe some but hey that’s normal right” Light said reassuring me due to a lie.

“Do you have studying to do?” I asked realizing that Light hadn’t yet fled off to his room to do god knows how much homework he could pack in his bag.

“I do my work after supper. For now until then I can relax. The homework I get is pretty easy anyway” he said putting his hands behind his head.

I picked up the remote and handed it to Light. “Do you want to watch TV or something then” I asked him. He smiled “how about the news or something like that? I really don’t care as long as you don’t have the same taste as my sister”.

“What might that be?” I asked. “Just chick flicks and romantic stuff. Sometimes shows like ‘next top model’ or something” Light said to me.

“I’m more like the opposite of that” I said with the irony of the situation. “Like what?” Light asked curious. “Gore and blood. Stuff like that” I said with a smile.

Light blinked in confusion “you don’t seem like the type to watch that kind of genre”. “I guess you can just say that I’m not your average kid either then” I said back to him. “…Guess not” Light said with a small chuckle.

“I never thought you would be the kind of guy to chuckle over a lame thing like that” I said back. “We all wear our masks right? Sometimes I guess it just get suffocating under there” Light said back to me.

I was going to have to break his mask. I only got a scratch on it for now but soon there will be a hole and then it will shatter onto the floor. I just hope this is the right guy. Although it’s not like I could oppose L out of thin air or anything like that.

Light took the remote from me and said “well I don’t think there’s any horrors on right now so then what”. “No it’s fine even if there was a horror on it would be rude of he to control the TV when it’s not even mine” I said back.

“It’s not my TV though so do what you want with it” Light said back to me with a sigh. “That’s true so I guess I will then” I said sarcastically back to him.

I flipped the channel to 24 and on it was a news station with a lady talking. “Multiple criminals have been dieing of heart attacks recently and my authorities believe that this is a murder related act”.

Light watched the TV with indifference as did I. They cut to show people who where on the streets of Tokyo and asked their opinions on Kira. On of them caught my eye no he almost made my mouth drop. Wtf was L doing out in public?

“Sir sir could you spare a moment” the man on the scene asked. “No” the man that he was talking to with black messy hair and bags under his eyes said.

“But only for a moment I promise” the man on the scene asked again. “If you want to hear a good opinion you should talk to L not me” L said and walked off.

L was defiantly annoyed over something or another. And Light commented “they should just be lucky that they ran into a smart ass and not someone who could actually hurt them. There’s to much of those scum as it is”.

“But would you like to have someone wave a microphone around in your face asking for your opinion on something?” I asked challenging his response. “Not enough to kill them” Light replied.

“But… I have to say that that guy had patience and could shoo them off in a vary timely manner “ Light also added which I though he never would have.

Wonder what he’ll do after he meets L. Or if he ever meets L. I wonder if they would even get along.

“Hey Morn” Light said turning to me. “Do you by any chance-” Light cut off when a banshee like cry once again invaded the house like a plague.

“Shit” Light said looking around again for a place for me to hide. Before he even pointed out a location however the door had turned and started to open. Oh what horror story are we getting into now!

A girl with very frilly gothic clothing on can barging into the room and almost tackled Light without any notice of me there. She must have really been as ditzy as I assumed she would be.

This must have been that same girl from before. What was her name? Misa? The girl looked to be around the age of 19 or 18 but she sure as hell acted less mature than a five year old. No make that four.

She had hazel eyes and blond hair. She was a little smaller than me but she didn’t look Japanese for some reason. Maybe she wasn’t? Could be but then I would be ashamed if she came from England or the USA. Very very dreadfully ashamed.

“Light did you miss me huh? I missed you all day. Why do you even need to go to school you could just hang out with M-” she said a first hugging
Light but stopped when she noticed me.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Misa said in a snotty tone of voice. “I’m May Williams but you can call me Morn. I’m a transfer student” I said trying to hold back a sarcastic comment.

God knows how many I could think up during that particular point in time. More then I could fit in my brain is all I could say.

“Light who is this? I am not happy” she said glaring up at Light. “Like she said she’s a foreign exchange student.” Light explained with a sigh. I could tell Light didn’t like the feeling of being hugged let alone glomped by another.

“But what is she doing in your house! I want to know why she’s in ‘your’ house” Misa insisted and beat he fist onto Light’s chest demanding for an explanation.

During this point it was easy to tell that the pages in Light’s book read “save me” followed by bunch of other words saying things like “NOOOO” or “take me now”. I thought it was honestly pretty funny.

“I’m staying here for a while” I said giving off a sigh knowing that the ditz wouldn’t even know what I was implying due to her extreme lack of intelligence.

“I asked Light not you!” she snapped at me. “Well I’m just trying to explain to you who I am where I came from and everything else but you have a head made of lead that not even a lack of gravity could hold up” I said back to he releasing a comment that I had bottled up although I still kept my cool.

“Well well… I think your ugly!” Misa protested. “I have been called a shit load of things like that before but at least I have more than one thing that you lack” I said with a smirk.

“Oh and what’s that” Misa said pouting. “A face that’s not slapped” I said back. “Are you stupid I don’t ha-” Misa cut off as I smacked her in the face.

Light just kind of looked at us with a face I couldn’t even read. It was more like a face of shock mixed with a ton of confusion. I called it shofusion!

When Misa decided to try and slap me back Light finally got in the way of both of us. Be was hit in the neck by Misa’s blow. It didn’t seem to be that bad but it would diffidently leave a mark.

“I'm is so sorry Light!” Misa said running up into Light’s arms and almost automatically Light’s face started to look disapproving of the action.

“Misa you should really pick fights with one of my house guest. She’s going to be here a while alright” Light said trying to calm Misa while I just crossed my arms and sighed at the fact that my hypothesis about her maturity was very low. It was much more of a fact that was proven once you meet her.

“Well I don't want you around her!” Misa exclaimed. “Well fine I’m about ready to leave now” I said dead serious. “Go then go!” Misa yelled. “Misa stop it she’s a guest” Light said with a glare at Misa.

“But Light” Misa said trying to pull off chibi eyes. “Like I said before I’m ready to go but now I’m just going to leave” I said and walked out of the house.

Light was in a bit of shock. Misa just stuck her tongue out at me as I walked away. Realizing this I flipped her off with the middle finger and she yelled “that’s not nice”. I just turned around with a smirk and said “neither are you. Just a clingy bitch who needs to wake up”.

“I hate you and you can’t have Light” she yelled as I finally was almost out of range of the girl and called back “I don’t want him”

I don’t want a relationship with anyone. Don’t people understand that? Obviously not and they obviously never will. Love only makes tears and tears shed lies and lies make hate then murder and then it will start all over again with more death and despair to be spread into the world.

Love. It’s a cycle that starts in the minds of everyone. You think you love someone only to find out that it will never last forever.

Love. That word that takes peoples emotions and twists them turns them and eventually breaks them. That word ‘love’ it’s but another part of your mind playing tricks on you.

Love. It’s its own sin for existing. Love is here to make more sin. If you realize that someone you love is not who you think then you begin to feel said.

When the tears stop then you become mad. Then mad rages into hate. Hate then into madness. And madness that will always lead to murder. Then everything starts again.

The person who said ‘love last forever’ was truly naïve. Love is more like a river. It will continue to flow but what happens if someone where to pollute that river?

I hate hate hate this word we call love. It drives me mad. It’s but a curse. A scam. Fake. Unreal. And it should have never been created.

“You seem to be in a bit of a bad mood don’t you Morn” Beyond said to me while I was laying on a bench not to far from the Yagami household.

I was getting a little less shocked when it came to Beyond appearing out of nowhere. “Oh hey Beyond” I said laying on the bench. “Can I lick jam off your face yet? I brought some” Beyond said standing over me with a knife and jam.

Holy fuck a knife! Maybe I was a little paranoid. It was a butter knife after all not a meat cleaver or steak knife but still this was the serial killer from the LABB case in LA. Beyond Birthday!

I put my hands behind my head and sighed saying “not now Beyond” a little annoyed. “Please?” Beyond said and poked me with the butter knife.

“No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Please?” “I said no Beyond”. “But I brought the jam!” Beyond protested with big eyes that looked like that of which should have belonged to a two year old who was going to cry if he didn’t get the last cookie.

I was not going to be fooled by a serial killer with puppy dog eyes! “No” I said back to him and he finally gave up. Although maybe verbally anyway.

He opened the jar of strawberry jam and a glob of it fell on my face. Okay this was the second time that strawberry jam had gotten on me!