Status: Active-ish.

Things Have Changed For Me...

Sky Rayen Keller: Her dad was an alcholoic, now he is gone. She is happy and now and can forget everything. She can be happy. Finally happy. Sky dosen't realize that she likes Brendon.

Brendon Boyd Urie: One of Sky's friends, they have known each other since they were born. Sky dosn't know that he likes her... more than she realizes.

Teressa Rain Temple: Also friends with Sky and Brendon, but is Sky's best friend, she knows how bad her best freinds problem was. She wants Sky and Brendon together... she can see the connection between them...

Ryan Ross: Brendon's Best friend and also friends with Teressa and Sky.

Disclaimer: I do not own Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, or any other famous preson in here. I do own the setting, the plot, Sky Keller Teressa Temple and anyone associated with her that is non-famous. Any name/charachteristics associated with the living or dead is a mere coincidence.