Love, Would you bury me?

Would you bury me? 01

We had been friends for what seemed an eternity, I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. But things change, people move, and they move on. And thats exactly what happened between us. Youre probably wondering who I am. My name is Kate Agraphobia. And youre probably also wondering who the significant other is in the word us. His name is Zachary Zook, he was my best friend.

I slowly started to awaken, I opened my eyes, it was getting light outside, I figured it was around 7 so I got up. I got up and made my bed, I walked out of my room and down the hall and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair, pulling it back into pigtails. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice. I knew what today was it was November 29th 2004, the day my best friend was moving. I finished my juice and put the glass in the dish washer. I walked back into my room and put on a pair of faded black skinnies. I put on my Bring me the Horizon t-shirt, put on a pair of vans and I was ready to go.

I started walking to his house. It took me 7 minutes flat to get there. I saw him in the driveway, I started to tear up but I convinced myself not to cry, I promised myself I wouldnt cry that day. My best friend walked up to me and smiled, not that familiar warm smile, the one I was so used to seeing, it almost looked like he was faking it this time, his smile slightly forced.

He wrapped his arms around me and said, "how are you Kitty?"

I smiled slightly and held onto him tight, "Im pretty good, you?"

He let got and frowned slightly, "Im ok.. I really dont wanna go.."

I sighed, "Well I guess its a good thing doll, I mean think about it, you guys will have a lot more money with your dads new job and everything." I forced a weak smile. But the truth was I didnt want him to go just as much as his parents wanted him to.

He must have known something was wrong because he hugged me tight, "Dont worry about it Kate, well get through it, Ill have my license in a year and Ill come visit you every month until then."

I held onto him tight, and as much as I wanted to believe what he was saying, I just couldnt bring myself to do it.
Zach had been with me through everything. We went to kindergarten together, we were always close.

He waved his hand in front of my face "Hello, earth to Katie Kat," he said with a grin, snap out of it, "lets go inside."
I followed him in the house and up to his room, I practically grew up here. When my dad would come home drunk Id spend the night here all the time, this place was basically my home. My thoughts were interrupted by Zach.

"What do u wanna listen to?"

I thought about it, "Uhmm My Chemical Romance"

He grinned, "To The End it is then." He turned his stereo on and turned the bass up as loud as it went, I could feel the floor shaking and I smiled, he grabbed two hairbrushes off of his dresser, he grinned, "care to do me the honor of performing a duet with me?"

I giggled and grabbed a hairbrush, "Why of course, it would be my pleasure."

We laughed and sang, loud and off key, it wasnt that we couldnt sing, we could both carry a tune, it was just more fun to act like you couldnt, we jumped up and down on the bed like we were on stage and bowed after our fantastic performance. We both laughed and fell over onto the bed.

Zach smiled at me, "That is sooo our song."

I laughed, "Oh really? Why is that?"

He smiled, genuinely this time, one of the biggest smiles Ive ever seen, "Because we sing it so well, DUH!"

I smiled, thinking about how much fun we were having, then my face fell when I realized we werent gonna be able to do this anymore. He was moving to California. I lived in Pennsylvania. We couldnt just walk to each others house anymore. Things would change.
♠ ♠ ♠
Current Noise: To The End by MCR

Currently Loathing: My Period

Currently Loving: My Wonderful Boyfriend, Zach

Note: Flashbacks are in Italics