Status: is my main concern!

Icing on the Cake

1. Ice IS a part of icing...

I fidgeted nervously on my seat as my brother entered the line circling the center of the ice, looking down at his skates with a loose grip around his stick. I folded my hands together as I controlled the urge to close my eyes and wait for it to end, hopefully as quickly as possible. But knowing my brother, he would be completely devastated if I haven’t seen him score. And knowing my boyfriend even better, he would hate my guts if I didn’t see his team win his game against my brother, considering he was the one in nets tonight. I sighed out of frustration as I put my head down on my knuckles, shaking my head out of exasperation. It was in times like these that I wished tied games still existed and shootouts were still a thing of the future. The sound of the whistle crashed on me like a wall, leaving a trail of shivers fallowing closely behind it. My brother twirled around before skipping once, gathering speed while sliding the puck off the center line and towards Jimmy. As he swiftly moved to his left, Jimmy fallowed his every motions, but sadly not quickly enough. Before I even had the chance to gather up my thoughts, I jumped on my feet with the few other fans as the red light flashed over the goal. People around us were shooting us glares and weird looks, considering we were in hockey town itself... well that’s how they called it. I calmed myself a bit as I looked back down at the ice, realization shooting through me as I saw Jimmy sliding off to his bench, head down with his mask still on, before he disappeared in the many hallways of the Joe Louis Arena. The poor guy thought he had to destroy my brother to make me proud, to prove to me that he was the better hockey player. Little did he know, I couldn’t care less. I liked them as people, not the guys they were on the ice. I even despised my brother a little in some plays he did, but that’s just how the game went. I sighed again before gathering my belongings, sliding myself through the body of people that still crowed the arena after the lost. I held my jeans bag closer to my body as my breath caught inside my throat, my body gasping for air in this suffocating environment. Being the center of attention wasn’t one of my passions. Being surrounded by hundreds of people fell in that list too. Only a few amount of people could really get my personality out of me, and I preferred to keep it that way, so I wouldn’t get hurt again. My steps were automatic as my mind was lost in memories, thoughts. Before I knew it, a hand was stopping me, making me look up to an imposing man. I smiled shyly and took out my V.I.P. pass, showing it eagerly to the man in front of me. He nodded and let me through the entrance, only to find myself in front of the visitors locker room door. Before I could even second guess my actions, the door opened and I was met by a childish smile, or should I say grin. “Lynnie-Poo!!!” Were the few words I made out before being tackled to the ground, my face engulfed between his strong body and the cold floor, making my every attempt at simply breathing a big effort. After endless attempt of pushing the sweaty guy off of myself, I finally managed to create some space between us.

“Patrick, I know you love me and are excited to see me and all, but can you please get off me before you crush the life out of me?” I asked trying to shove him off with no use whatsoever. I heard him sigh dramatically before he stood up, taking out his hand to help me up. I only glared up at him as a response. He brought his hand behind his neck before looking down at his socks covered feet before glancing briefly down at me.

“Sorry about that.” He said as his piercing blue eyes made me melt a bit inside. I smirked up at him before shaking my head, standing up on my own while rolling my eyes.

“Sure you are Patty-Cake, sure you are.” I said patting his shoulder as I felt a pair of arms snaking around my frame.

“Lynnster!!! How’s my favorite sister in the whole wide world doing?” I heard a husky whisper beside my ear before I felt extra weight of my brother’s head on my right shoulder.

“May I help you remember that I’m your only sister Pat?” I asked turning my head the best I could so I could take a good look at his victorious face. I loved the energy that got out of my brother after a win, even more when he was a part of that win. He chuckled deeply, his body rocking mine softly. Patrick Kane rolled his eyes in front of us. “You jealous that you don’t have that kind of relation with you sisters Patty-Cake?” I asked as he just chuckled at us.

“No, I prefer them being the annoying kind of little sisters.” He said poking me softly. I glared up at him.

“Well then, there’s not a lot of difference between us two Kaner.” My brother said straightening up and punching Kane brotherly on the shoulder. He brought his hands up before looking to the ceiling.

“What is this family with shoulders!?” He asked to no one in particular while walking away as me and Pat looked at each other, a confused look playing on our features.

“So, I’m just the annoying little sister?” I asked as he smirked.

“You know yourself so well!” He said taking me in a hug as I rolled my eyes. Looking down, thoughts flooded my mind.

“If I stay here any longer, I’ll be the annoying little girlfriend too.” I mumbled under my breath as my brother looked down at me.

“What was that?” He asked pushing me back a bit, creating a little space between us so he could have a better look at me. I looked to my side at the door.

“I need to go. Jimmy’s upset enough with the lost, I don’t want him to be upset with me too.” I said, grabbing my bag off the floor from when Kane had tackled me and throwing it on my back.

“I don’t like him. He’s a looser.” Pat said giving me a pointed look. I shook my head at him.

“Pat, you have no right to judge him. Plus, I really like him and for once, he’s a guy that likes me back. And a really nice guy that is. He respects me and doesn’t do stuff behind my back. And I’ve known him for so long, we really trust each other.” I said digging my hands in my jean’s pocket. Pat looked at me intently, his eyes looking right through my soul.

“Lynnster, I love you. And believe me when I say that only in this room a lot of guys already love you more than that spoiled kid. I mean sure you might have been friends for the longest time but it might have been better off at that, friends. I just, it’s just that I don’t like the way he looks at you.” He said bringing a hand around my shoulders, squeezing them as some emotions build up in my stomach.

“Your brother’s right Lynn! I’m sure I love you more than that boy will ever do.” Ben Eager said with his typical smirk, looking up from his unlaced skates. I smiled at him softly.

“Ben, sorry to tell you that but you’ll always be like a brother to me. Nothing more.” I said as he faked hurt.

“What about me than?” I heard the familiar voice of my best friend coming from behind me. My smile broke in a grin as I twirled around to get caught out of midair by strong arms.

“Jonny-Boy! It’s been waaaay to long!” I said in his chest as the feeling of his deep chuckle washed my body with goose bumps. I could never get enough of his laugh. That boy had a strong charm over me. He had me wrapped around his little finger like my brother said continuously. “You’re so busy it’s unbelievable.” He chuckled aimlessly.

“It is sorta my job ya know?” He said sliding his hands to the middle of my back. The feeling of his body close to mine made me feel so safe.

“Ah Tazer, cut the bluff. You know that I live with a hockey player, and on that same thought, that I date one who is on another team living in another city, and still I hang out with them more than you.” I said emphasizing the words another. He rolled his eyes. So typical of him.

“Uh, do both of those guys are captain of their teams, 21, having a huge contract under there belt as well as having to live with that dimwit I call my friend?” He said giving me a look.

“Oh... why so serious! Cocky much?” I asked tapping his chest as he just brought his eyes to the ceiling with a smirk. “Don’t worry Jon, I get what your saying. It’s just that I miss hanging out with you.” I said as he just held me tighter in his arms.

“I you miss me so much, what about you, me, next Sunday, we go out?” He asked beside my ear. I smiled wider.

“Go-karting?” I asked with a smirk, dropping my grasp around him. He nodded excitedly.

“You’re on. And don’t think I’m gonna let you win just cause you’re a girl.” He said looking at me with confidence. It was my turn to roll my eyes at him.

“Don’t worry Jon, I know. With you it’s always serious business!” I said as he faked hurt. “Plus, I might have to hold back if I don’t wanna have two laps over you.” I said as he gasped loudly, acting as if I had stabbed him in the heart while I just laughed. Kaner and Pat couldn’t help but roll their eyes at our actions, used to our silly, mindless antics. “Well, I really gotta go now, or Jimmy’s gonna get pissed off at the world for no good reason.” I said sighing with an exaggerated pout.

“You’re still dating that asshole?” Troy Brouwer called from across the room, grabbing every guys attention by doing so. I groaned under my breath. Most of the guys on the team pretty much hated his guts for no reasons at all.

“See, I told you they loved you more!” Pat said. I rolled my eyes at him before I chuckled at the guy’s confused faces .

“I’m on Troy’s side for that one Lynn. I really think you should dump that piece of trash before your whole relationship turns into garbage.” I chuckled softly at Ben.

“Nice choice of words there Eags!” I said bringing my hand to my forehead. Brent Seabrook came up beside Ben.

“Yeah Lynn! He’s a dimwit.” He said crossing his arms over his chest. I looked wide eyed at him. Now that was a first. Brent usually didn’t give out his opinion. I sighed and brought my hands back in my pocket.

“I’m sorry guys but this wont change a thing. I really like him and we can work pretty much anything out. Now I really gotta go.” I said as Brent looked down at his feet, probably regretting speaking his thoughts. I smiled sadly at him. “Come here Seabs.” I said opening my arms at him as he walked up to me engulfing me in a loose hug.

“It’s just that I don’t find him good enough for you.” He murmured into my ear.

“And yet he’s the hockey player.” I mumbled under my breath as Brent gave me a glare. “What!?”

“He might be the hockey player but you could pass a goal anytime through this guy. Plus, you’re the one who had a whole hockey pack backing you up while most of his team pretty much hates him!” He said as I hugged him tighter, thanking him.

“Sometimes I wonder why I don’t date you instead.” I said looking up cheekily at him. He rolled his eyes.

“That’s because I’m waaaay to good for you! Sorry!” He said kissing my cheek rapidly before running away. I rolled my eyes before I felt a loose arm snake around my waist.

“I can promise you one thing.” The deep voice of Jonathan ringed through my ears. “You’ll always be too good for me.” I smiled softly at him before looking up into his captivating eyes. I hugged him tightly before a set of arms stole me from him.

“Hey, hey. Don’t get to close to my little sister there Tazer!” Pat said as I rolled my eyes before giving him a hug.

“Nice game tonight. And that goal! Oh... priceless!” I said as he chuckled.

“I’m so happy you come to my game Lynnster. I love you so much.” He said.

“I love you too Bro but I seriously gotta go now.” I said trying to get out of his grasp.

“Here, let me walk you to the Wings’ locker room.” Jon said taking me out of my brothers grasp and through the room, straight to the door.

“Thanks Jon, I thought they would never let me leave to go and see him.” I said as he nodded.

“I never thought I’d help you go see him either.” He mumbled under his breathes, not allowing me to hear properly. “Let’s go before he gets too impatient.” Jon said sliding his hand on my back soothingly. I sighed at the thought of Jimmy, closing my eyes before bringing my head to Jon’s chest, laying it there lightly as we walked through the building. “So why exactly are you still dating Jimmy Howard.” I opened my eyes and looked up to him in surprise.

“Jon, of all the people, I thought you would be the one to let me be with that subject.” I said as we kept walking.

“It’s just that I really care about you and I have a feeling he’ll hurt you before long, and I really don’t want that to happen.” He said tightening his grip on me. I sighed.

“I don’t know. I guess I really like him a he’s a nice guy.” I said before he gave me a pointed look, obviously searching for more. “Okay, okay... it’s just that, he was the first guy.” I said looking back down.

“Please elaborate.” He said shrugging his shoulder as a way to hit me, bringing a soft smile on my lips.

“He was the first guy that showed any emotions toward me, that saw me as more than one of the guys... he was the first guy to actually flirt with me and ask me out.” I said looking down at Jon’s hand around my waist. If Jimmy knew about this, I’m not sure who between me and Jon would feel more pain. Jon stopped walking before bringing both his hands on my shoulders.

“Are you seriously only dating him because he’s the only guy who ever made the first step?” He asked surprised. I nodded slowly bighting heavily on my lower lip. He didn’t say anything. He just stood there, dumbfounding, studying my face as to find any more secrets I haven’t told him. He sighed disparately, shaking his head while dropping a hand off of my shoulder, pushing me with the other. “You better go in there before he worries to much.” He simply said opening the door of the locker room. I looked up at him in confusion at his sudden change of mood but shook it off, entering the locker room and going straight to Jimmy’s locker.

“Hey,” I said softly. I sat down beside him. “Good game.” Jimmy scoffed.

“Apparently not good enough,” Jimmy said as he rolled his eyes. I frowned, immediately knowing that he was pissed about something other than losing the game.

“Hey, no need to be like that,” I said rubbing his back. He just shook my hand off. “You played really well. You brought your team in overtime, handing them an extra point on a silver platter.” I said as she just rolled his eyes at me.

“Yeah, well, your brother played better apparently, seeing as you went to see him first,” Jimmy said rudely. I looked at him questioningly.

“Are you seriously jealous that I went to see my brother first?” I asked surprised before standing up.

“I’m sure he wasn’t alone in there.” He said glaring at the door. I looked back to see Jonny still in the entrance, obviously waiting for me. I shook my head looking back at Jim.

“Do you seriously want to make this about Jon?” I asked him crossing my arms but my eyes melting under his glaze.

“Isn’t it already about him? It’s like you spare all of your free time with him!” He said furiously, bringing his voice slightly louder. I glared at him.

“I haven’t hung out with him in the longest time! How can you even say that?” I asked him getting frustrated with his behavior. He rolled his eyes, standing up.

“Than there shouldn’t be any probably for you to stay with me for the rest of the week so we can hang out on Sunday, right?” He asked as I fidgeted under his glare, bighting hardly on my lower lip.

“I... I can’t.” I said looking down at my feet.

“Oh, and why’s that?” He asked crossing his arms with a ‘smart ass’ look. I sighed heavily.

“Because I have plans...” I mumbled softly.

“With him I guess?” He said motioning to the door. I looked back again only to find a closed door. “I can’t believe you’re ditching me, your boy friend, for Toews.” He said exasperated. I widened my eyes at him.

“Are you seriously making me choose between you two?” I asked as a scowl grew evident on his features.

“It should be an easy decision to make seeing as I am the boyfriend.” He said looking at me with a confident look. I shook my head at him. “Oh, but maybe he’s you fuck buddy. Than that changes everything. Go! Run after him before he leaves you in Detroit with no ride back home.” He said frustrated. I widened my eyes.

“Do you seriously think I would hit that low!? Jimmy, he’s my best friend! Nothing more! And to tell the truth, I think our relationship is already way stronger than this... romance... we have going here!” I scoffed at him. He shook his head before turning back to his stall.

“This is over. You better leave before the Black Hawks get back to there hotel.” He mumbled half heartedly not looking back at me. I looked at his figure, sighing desperately before turning around, leaving as quickly as possible so I wouldn’t loose my pride too in this room. I quickly made my way out of the room, slamming the door shot before stopping in the hallway, slamming my whole body against the wall beside the door, sliding my weight to the ground. I sat down, engulfing my face in my arms as I laid them on my knees, tears flowing freely down my warm cheeks. I tried my best as to calm myself so I could stop the flow of sadness going threw my body and regain my dignity.

“Lynnette?” I heard someone ask softly. I opened my eyes and saw Jonny looking down at me with a sad look. I smiled weakly at him, two tears falling down my face. “What’s wrong, Lynn-Baby?” Jonathan pulled me into his arms as I started to cry silent tears into his shoulder.

“J-Jimmy, thinks I’m a slut. He said that he thinks I’m cheating on him with you,” my voice cracked as I said you to Jonathan. Hejust held me tighter in his arms putting his chin over my head.

“That son of a bitch. I’ll kick his ass for you,” Jonathan said, rubbing my back soothingly.

“No, d-don’t,” I sobbed, as the tears came harder. “I, I just can’t believe he thinks I’m some whore.” Jon shook his head at my comment, cupping my face with his strong head.

“You listen to me now Lynn, you are not a whore. You are far from those girls skanking around guys.” I chuckled softly through my sobs. “What?”

“You said skanking. I never thought that word would ever come out of your mouth!” I said as he just rolled his eyes, holding me closer.

“Come here you.” He said rocking our bodies from side to side, continuing to rub circles soothingly on my back. “Lets get back to the guys. I’m sure they miss you already.” He said as I chuckled again, imagining Kaner waiting eagerly at the door for us to come back. “Kaner the first!” He said as I laughed.

“Just what I was thinking.” I said nodding my head. His perfect smirk caught his features once mores. God I loved that smile. And as his arms snaked around my waist while we walked back to the locker room together, I never felt more loved now that Jimmy had ever shown me.
♠ ♠ ♠
here it is, the story I took from xoxomusic363. I hope you enjoyed!
