A Broken Angel's Wings

The Beginning

(A/N) This is Ally’s personal story, from the beginning of her powers to the loss of Tyler. I lost the original title, but it seems to work for her. It’s sad, but hopefully you like it. The ‘chapters’ are the passing of time, so sorry if it confuses you at first.

Ch. 1: The Nightmare Before the Dream.
Two years, three weeks, fifteen hundred hours. A hospital on the Upper East Side…

“It seems the… accident,” the DA said, frowning at the unconscious girl on the bed. “Has not injured anyone severely enough to press charges. Your daughter… is safe. For now.”

“Thank you Frank,” A young woman said, relief clouding her tear-stained features. A man grabbed her shoulder, the same look on his face. His dirty blonde hair messy from the late night and long day. His eyes were strange, one forest green, the other dark navy. His wife’s eyes were a particular shade of brown that contrasted her Hispanic features.

“As long as she wakes up…” The man said, “From her coma… we can go home?”

The DA nodded curtly and left, giving one last glance to the toddler on the bed. Her hair was light like her fathers, but her bangs and last few inches of hair matched her mothers. The face was pain and worry free, freckles dotting her cheeks and nose. It wouldn’t last.

The damage that little girl made, he thought, shaking his head, She’s lucky to walk, figuratively, away from this.

When the ER doors opened in front of him, revealing another victim of the accident, he sighed.

“I hope her saviors get to her as soon as possible,” He muttered, catching his appearance in the mirror.

Dark, long hair; pale skin; and a grey-blue eye slanted down. Pointedly, a considered beautiful Japanese. The kind where you can’t tell if they’re male or female. And no, his name is definitely not Frank. His technologically advanced cell phone rang audibly, and he answered curtly.

“Agent Hama-San here,” He said, left eye whirling to a computer-chip like appearance.

“Agent Hama,” A cool voice said, male with a thicker Japanese accent than Hama‘s, “Is she the one we’ve been searching for?”

“Yes Sensei,” He said, “When will you send agents to retrieve her? I don’t want her parents to suffer any more. They’re terrified Master, and it shall only get worse as she gets older.”

“There is one that has been chosen for this,” He said, “But she has not even chose her Immortality Status mission. It will have to wait. Keep close, this will not be the first incident.”

“Hai Sensei,” he said, shutting off the phone and walking out, praying for the little girl in a coma.

“Good luck girl,” He muttered, “How I wish you didn’t need it.”

Meanwhile, Alena Nixon’s eyelid’s fluttered, the signs of a end of her coma.

*** Lorena Nixon ***
“Babe,” I said, touching my baby’s hand. Her eyes opened all the way.

“Mama,” she said, her strange eyes flashed with fear. “What’s wrong?”

A tear escaped my eye, “Babe linda, you were sleeping a long time. Me and Daddy got really scared.”

“What happened?” She said, and I hesitated. I didn’t want to tell her what happed at the store, but those eyes…

“You were crying for candy, and when I went to grab some strawberries, everything…”

I stopped when a tear escaped her eye, “I made everything go boom, didn’t I?”

She softly cried, and Jason hugged her, “It’s okay. The doctors made you all better. We can go home if you want.”

“Home,” She said, sniffling, “To Dolly and Teddy and Munchkin.”

I smiled, “Yeah Honey. Let’s go now, okay?”

“Uh huh,” She said, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

I sighed, but let her. She needed calm, so sucking her thumb was our best bet. This is so much worse than the light bulbs, I thought when I hugged her. Before, she just blew up light bulbs…
Jason pressed the nurse call button, and we waited to release our daughter…

Three years, six months, two hundred hours: The house in the suburbs. Alena’s POV.
I looked at the bee on the red flower bush. The one that hurt my hands when I tried to give Mommy a flower. The bee didn’t get hurt.

It’s pretty yellow body hummed, making me smile. Mommy let me play in the garden today, and I was making sure I was careful. I hated making things go boom, so I needed to be nice.

Frank was talking to Daddy about a few Mondays ago, when I got angry and made Mommies coffee store go boom. I liked Frank, he made the angry men with fancy clothes go away, leaving me alone. It was nice of him, and his hair smelled nice, like burned wood. I stopped paying attention to the bee.

Someone that I didn’t like was Dr. Howe. He wore colorful clothes and had a happy smile, but he always was asking me about why I hurt people. I didn’t like to hurt people, but he thought it was my mind doing things I wanted to happen. He was wrong.

Today Dr. Howe was supposed to come, and it made me even less happy than I was now. I got up and walked over to Mommy, who was looking at a book.

“Mommy,” I said, patting her book and sticking my thumb in my mouth, “Bhy pant boo bake bopper bo bawabe?”

“I can’t understand you with that in your mouth Honey,” She said, and I took it out when she sat her book on the table.

“I want Dr. Howe to go away,” I said, “He makes me sad.”

She made her upside-down smile, “But you haven’t blown anything up since you started seeing him.”

I looked at her necklace, “But he makes me cry. I don’t like to cry.”

“I know babe, but it’s been helping,“ she didn’t look happy. Her necklace was a heart connected to a key, and I knew Daddy got it for her for her birthday.

“I’m sorry if I’m interrupting,” A familiar voice said. Frank.

“Ani!” I said, using the word he’d taught me to mean ‘brother’. My hug was short, and he turned to my mother.

“Howe is waiting appointment with your daughter,” He said, frowning.

“Can I take Munchkin with me?” I asked, grabbing his hand. This time, he beamed.

“Of course,” He said, and went back in the house. I followed him and walked up the stairs. I grabbed my Sock Monkey Munchkin from the dresser.

“Shimai,” Frank called u the stairs. I sighed, but followed my ‘big brother’ to his car.

***five years, ten months, eighteen hours:
“Yes Sensei,” I heard Frank say into his phone outside the hospital room door.

He’d been talking for awhile now, and Daddy was still being checked up on by the doctors. A tear escaped my eye, and I began bawling. I’d blown up at Daddy.

I didn’t mean it… was just an accident, I was mad at Frank, and…

My crying stopped. I would not cry. No crying.

Frank came back into the room, “Alena, it’s all right. He’s going to be fine-”


He paused while I cried. I felt him sit on the bed next to me and rub my back.

“Alena,” He said, “It’ll be all over soon. I’ve gotten you a new doctor, and a babysitter-”

“No more doctors,” I sniffed. “No new people that want to help me. Take me to that safe place you always talk about. I want to be safe-”

“You can’t yet,” He said softly. I looked at him to ask why when the nurse came in.

“Baby girl,” she said, her voice twangy for living in New York. “Your Daddy’s gunna be O-kay.

He woke up and wanted to see you so bad, say he’s sorry-”

“It’s not his fault,” I said, calm. “But.. Can I see him?”

She looked at me, a little angry. I flinched and scooted away, inspecting my IV. Blue with clear liquid, going into my arm. Needles. I hate needles.

The nurse got over me interrupting, “Sure. I’ll just wheel him in…”

She left, and the look of shock on my face stayed. Daddy’s in a wheelchair!

Frank watched me carefully. I just frowned, “Is he okay, really?”

He smiled warmly, “Yes. The nurse explained that it was minor and he would be walking in a few weeks. If you’d gotten angry any later, in fact, he would have been hurt worse. He misses you .”

“I don’t wanna believe it,” I mumbled, and his smile dropped a little.

“Soon this will all be a bad dream,” he said, and the door to my hospital room opened.
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Yeah. I'm not very far on this one... The sequil isn't that deep into itself either.
So Alena lookes like this at the end: About 4'5, skinny, peachy skin, dark freckles, and tri-colored eyes. The colors are forrest green on the outside, navy blue in the middle, and purple streaking from a ring around the iris.