Magic Can Do Wonders


Target Point of View


My mouth hung open as the figure in the blue cloak slumped to the ground in a heap. I felt a rush of vertigo and almost fell when i tried to walk towards it. I glanced down and my head whirled, I was standing on at least 3 feet in the air!

I squeezed my eyes shut and threw the wood piece away from me. Taking a deep breath, I hopped forward. My knees buckled when I hit the ground and I landed next to the motionless figure.

I shakily stood up and dusted off my brown tunic, glancing at the blue cloaked person. I jumped when the thing moaned and stirred slightly, only to fall into deeper unconsciousness. I looked towards the horizon and groaned in frustration.

I was too good for my own good. Night was falling, and out here wasn't the safest place to be. My head rolled back as I gave a dramatic sigh and leaned over to pick up the figure. I tossed it over my shoulder and its limp body weighed me down a little.

Hurrying down the street, I forgot about the rotting logs decomposing on the sidewalk. I went to the only place I could think of, my house.

Tracker Point of View


The soft noise of water rushing woke me from my sleep. My trained instincts took control and I quickly checked my person for traps or bonds. Finding none, I cracked my eyes open and peered around the room.

Dim light cast shadows across the room from the light coming from under the nearby door. I laid on a squishy purple couch that matched the various furniture pieces scattered around the room. Taking note of them in my mind for future hiding places or weapons, I stood and carefully crossed the room to one of the three doors lining its walls.

Slowly, I opened the first door and found a cluttered closet filled with fancy clothing. Almost snorting in disgust, I turned to the second door. When I had halfway opened the door, I froze as the water coming from the last door stopped flowing. It was obviously a bathroom of some kind.

Rushing, I crept out of the room into a dimly lit hallway. Arches lined the ceiling and walls and torches sat in iron baskets along the sides. Brushing a stray silver hair from my face, i pulled out a flat panel looking object and said a few words over it. Yellow and blue beads seeped from the surface and clung to the screen.

A noise came from the door behind me and I ran behind one of the arches, casting a quick spell of invisibility on myself. My body naturally relaxed as I became transparent. I clutched the panel to my chest as the door opened.

The target emerged, clad in a soft green tunic and brown slacks. I flattened myself to the wall and held my breath. It turned towards me and a look of confusion crossed its face. It stepped forward and reached out slowly.

I gasped, it could see me!

Frantic, I rummaged in my cloak and took out a small pouch. Taking a small pinch of purple powder, I tossed the magic at it and shouted, "Ane Sulls Mobar!", random words taken from my spell book memory. The powder exploded in the shocked face of the target.

I stood stock still until the smoke had cleared, and there stood, a small purple and green toad.