Magic Can Do Wonders

I'm A What?!? A Toad?!?

Target P.O.V


I coughed and sputtered as the girls nefarious powder burst all over me. It crowded my vision until all I could see was purple. I heard her shout something and I waved franticly, trying to wave the fog away.

The smoke cleared and I looked around. Above me stood the tall girl, curling a strand of her silver hair around a finger nervously. She spotted me looking at her and she smirked and a smug look came over her face. I boiled in anger and snarled.

Wait, why was she so much taller than me. I mean, she was like, WAY up there. I frowned and started thinking.

I had been taking a quick shower, hoping I would be out and dressed before she woke up. When I had come out, she was gone. Panicked, I had grabbed the first thing I saw and put it on. Then I came out here and saw her trying to flatten herself against the wall. I stopped to think about that. What in the world had she been doing?

I shook my head and gargled as a hand swooped down and scooped me into something.

"Aha!" I heard her voice.

Holy crap! How'd I get so small!?! I examined myself with the small light coming through the top of the leather pouch. I screamed and flapped around. I was slimy! I was purple with green spots! I HAD TOAD FEET! I WAS A DAMN TOAD!!!!

Girl (tracker) P.O.V


I clicked the pouch shut and attached it back on to my belt. Ha, why hadn't I thought of doing that before? I smiled happily and ignored the small gurgling noises coming from my belt. I picked up my panel again and examined the beads. Tapping it gently, I mumbled a few words and the beads began to move.

A map formed, the yellow beads forming solid objects and walls, the blue forming small circles representing living life forms. Two were cluttered together, which would be me and the small toad boy, but there were no others. I tapped it again and it became a 3-D blue print of the building.

We were on the third floor, in the middle of a short hallway that led to a box. I examined it more closely. What the hell was that? I tapped the box with a nail and it zoomed in close. I stared at it. It was no bigger than a small closet. I shrugged and followed the map down the hall to the box.

Huge golden doors stood before me and I took a moment to stand and gawk at it. A small blinking button with arrows on it were fixed into the wall by the door, which was smooth with only a small slit between the two sides. I felt along the door, trying to find some sort of handle.

As I slid along the door, my hand brushed the blinking button. I jumped back and yelped as the golden doors slid to the sides. I examined the doorway and found they rolled on tracks. I shrugged to myself and cautiously walked into the box.

I screamed in shock when the doors began sliding close. I jumped back, afraid they would close on me and the pouch at my waist went silent. A ding rang out from somewhere and I glanced around nervously. I pushed myself against the wall and yelped as I felt bumps dig into my back. I flipped around and found 8 more blinking buttons. the three i had leaned on were glaring brightly at me.

"What's going on?" a hoarse voice croaked out from the pouch.

"Nothing, nothing," I patted the pouch to reassure him. I mentally slapped myself, NOT him, it, remember that. It is IT not HIM. I frowned and growled at myself, this job was taking to long. I Examined the ceiling and sprang into a crouch when the box room jolted. A soft whirring sound came from above me and I peered at it, clutching the walls for support.

A panel was screwed into the metal ceiling. I knocked on it and scratched it three times with my finger nail while muttering a few choice words. It clattered to the floor and I pulled myself through the opening. I gasped and ducked my head back into the box. I shivered involuntarily and peeked back up through the opening. The walls on every side were moving at a fast pace upwards, giving me the sensation that I was falling.

I steadied my breathing and observed the metal ropes sliding through several loops along the top of the box. I didn't dare touch one. I pulled myself farther up and sat on the edge of the hole, my legs dangling back in the box.

I screamed as the box came to a halt and I was thrown back into the room. I landed roughly on the floor, my head hitting the metal panel. I heard a ding and the soft sliding of the doors, and then everything went black.