I'm Married To You?!

Why Would You Care?

I slowly stood up from sitting on the ground and walked out to the darkened hallway. Jake most likely had gone to bed in our bedroom, so I walked to the living room and laid down on the couch. I quickly fell asleep.

Waking Up~
I woke up and noticed I was lying in a bed. "Oh God," I whispered and jumped up. Jake wasn't anywhere in sight so I let myself relax slightly. What if he saw my black eye? I ran out of the room and down the stairs. My nose was greeted by the scent of bacon and a slight smell of alcohol from last night. I slowed down and walked into the kitchen.
Jake was leaning over the stove and cooking something.
"Hey, sorry about this morning." He said and looked over his shoulder at me. I quickly covered my eye with my hand and he shrugged. "I already saw it." Jake said and went back to cooking.
"Oh," I mumbled and let my hand fall to my side.
"Yah, and your dad said he was coming over." My heart stopped and I gently touched my eye. What would my dad do when he comes over? What did I do this time? "And I'm throwing a party tonight." He said and smirked at me. Ok, where did the nice guy go? "Don't think that just because I said I was sorry, means that I'll be nice. It doesn't.
"G, thanks." I mumbled and leaned against the counter. "Can you get the Ibuprofen down?" I asked and looked at the bottle on top of the cabinet. He shook his head and walked past me with a plate of food in his hand.
The doorbell rang and Jake got up when I didn't make a move toward the door. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back into the kitchen. "Don't you dare answer that door." I whispered.
"Why do you keep saying that? Let go." He twisted out of my grip and I watched as he walked down the hallway. I ran to catch up to him and my body blocked the door. "Zora, move." He said and lifted his arm. I thought he was going to hit me so I raised my hands in front of my face. My dad knocked on the door again and I heard Jake open it.
I quickly darted toward the stairs. "Zora!" Both my dad and Jake yelled. I heard running and then a hand wrapped around my ankle. I kicked at my dad and he let go. I ran up the stairs and into the first bedroom I saw and shut the door...At least I tried. My dad pushed up against it and I felt tears stream down my cheeks. "Open the door!" My dad yelled.
"No!" I screamed and put all my body weight, which isn't much, against the door. Finally the door flew open and I fell back.
"Come here Boy, I'll teach you how to deal with her." My dad said and I saw Jake standing, shocked, in the doorway. Dad walked over and tried to pry my arms away from my head. "Nonononono!" I repeated. "Come here and help me Boy!" My dad yelled and kicked my back.
Jake slowly walked over and I looked at him with begging eyes. "If you're not going to help me then leave!" My dad yelled. Jake slowly backed up and then left. I screamed for help, but no one heard.

1 PM~
I was laying on the ground, curled up, crying, and shaking. My dad left and I listened as the door slammed shut. My arms, legs, stomach, and back were all bleeding because my dad had brought his pocket knife and used it many times. I can't believe Jake had let him do this to me, I knew he was heartless but seriously? I just wanted to die and be left alone.
The front door opened and then I heard yelling. "Zora?!" I heard Lindsay yell and then foot steps running up the stairs. "Oh my God! I can't believe you didn't even try to stop him!" Lindsay yelled at Jake. She kneeled next to me and I kept my arms over my head. "What are you doing just standing there?! Go get a towel!" Lindsay yelled. Jake nodded and ran off somewhere. "Hang in there ZZ." Lindsay said.
Jake came back with towels and Lindsay took them while he just stood in the doorway.

I slowly sat up and Lindsay helped me to my feet. I was embarrassed for two reasons: being hurt and vulnerable in front of Jake, and not being dead yet. "Come on, you're coming to my house after you get some rest." She helped me to the bedroom and made me lay down. Her and Jake went into the hallway and started arguing.
L-You married her! You're supposed to keep this from happening!
J-I didn't know her fucking dad did that to her!
L-So what were you doing when you heard her screaming?!
L-That's what I thought. If you can't protect her from her dad, who can?
J-Maybe she should go find someone who can! I'm not a fucking baby sitter!
L-She doesn't need a baby sitter!
J-It sure as hell seems like it!
L-You are such an ass! All she needs is someone to keep him away! She never asks for anything except someone to keep her safe! And I can't do that when I move back to Africa!
J-Do you know how stupid that sounds?!
L-Do you know how much like her dad you sound?!
I got out of the bed and slowly walked to the door. Lindsay's moving back to Africa? I opened the door and Lindsay and Jake were glaring at each other. "You're moving back to Africa?" I asked and my voice cracked. She slowly nodded.
"And Jake here is going to keep your dad away." She said, smiled, and hit Jake's chest with the back of her hand.
"But you can't..." I started but she covered my mouth with her hand. "I am and I'm leaving tomorrow morning. You can stay over tonight if you want to." I shook my head. "Ok, bye." Lindsay said and hugged me. Great the only person who cares is going to be thousands of miles away and I'm stuck here with Jake and my dad.

I watched as her car pulled out of the driveway and tears rolled down my cheeks as I waved good-bye. "Well, I got to get ready for the party." Jake said, turned, and left. I walked outside and sat on the porch swing.

The last few people left and I watched their car leave the driveway from the porch swing I hadn't moved from for almost 13 hours. "Zora?!" I heard Jake yell from inside. I shivered in the cold night air but didn't show any sign of moving. "Zora!" Jake yelled again. He's a great actor he actually sounds like he cares. I just crossed my legs under me and looked up at the star filled sky. "Zora, have you been out here the whole time?!" Jake said from the doorway. I didn't look at him and I felt his hand on my arm; he quickly pulled away. "God, you're freezing! Come inside." He said but I shook my head. It's not that I didn't want to, I was just to tired. "Staying out here won't bring Lindsay back." He added.
"I know," I whispered and my voice was hoarse. "Ok," he said quietly and slowly went back inside. For once I was purely and actually alone. Forever I'll stay that way.
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