‹ Prequel: Bad Romance
Sequel: Into Your Arms

Hearts & Spades

You set my soul alight.

New York.
July 15th, 1996.

I ignore the curtains of rain falling around me as I stand silently on the soaked grass. The white marble tombstone before me shows signs of age and the elements, but the names are still clear enough for me to read.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of looking at your own grave. I take a deep breath, the strong smell of roses mixing with the faint aroma of blood.
My head snaps up and I look around; there it is, the smell getting stronger as I turn to the right. I quickly pull on my black fingerless gloves and flick my hood over my head, then take off running. The scene in front of me slowly registers as I slide to a stop.
A body, mangled beyond identification, lies on the pavement as a figure crouches over it, drinking rapidly.
She snaps her head up, her eyes a bright blazing red and her hair tied back from her face. A low growl comes from her throat and she curls into a defensive position.
“Relax,” I say simply, pulling my hood back with one hand and holding out the other in an effort to calm her down. “I’m like you.”
No answer, simply a glare full of varying emotions and blood leaking down from the corners of her mouth. I resist the urge to snatch away the remainders of the body in order to drink the last few drops of blood, but instead I slowly lower my left hand to my side and spread my fingers.
“Why should I believe you?” she snaps, and then takes a step forward to run away. I quickly snap my hand into a fist and a blazing ring of fire appears around her, stopping her in her tracks.
“Is that enough to convince you?” I give a sarcastic smile.
She glares at the fire and spits several curses at me, her fists clenched tightly by her sides.
“Just calm the fuck down, kid,” I sigh in frustration. “And don’t glare, you’ll get wrinkles. Now who are you?”
“Bryony,” she says after a while. “No last name.”
“Well, Bryony No-Last-Name, I’m Ivory No-Last-Name. I believe I have just found a long-lost relative. How old are you, kid?”
“Stop calling me kid!” Bryony says angrily. “I’m 21!”
“Fine, kid. So when did this happen to you?”
“I don’t know.” She begins edging towards the circle of flames, and I make them burn even higher.
“See, you aren’t leaving until I get some answers. Start talking or we’ll be here all night.”
She stares at me, unsure if I’m serious. “I think two months ago,” she says cautiously.
“That wasn’t too bad, was it?” I offer a tight smile before getting back to business. I nudge the dead body with my toe, rolling him over on his side.
“Hmm. Not a looker.” I pull open his beige jacket, carefully going through each pocket before I hit the jacket.
“Bryony, you have just successfully murdered and maimed Mr. Austin Reynolds.” I shake my head in disgust as I find a family photo of Austin with a smiling wife and twins, a boy and a girl. “Even I have standards, kid. You’ve got a lot to learn.”
She scoffs. “You have standards.”
“Yeah, I do. I go after the people who won’t be reported missing in the morning.” I pull out credit cards and a driver’s license, then stuff the roll of cash in my back pocket and snap my fingers. His body becomes completely engulfed in flames for a few seconds before I close my hand again. “There. A victim of random gang violence.”
“How do you do that?” she asks, in disbelief.
“Honestly? No clue.” I close my other hand and the flames around Bryony vanish. “I’m leaving you with a choice. You can either come with me and I’ll tell you everything I know, or you can leave and continue living like this. Eventually humans will notice and begin tracking you. And if it gets really bad, I know of… others who will certainly come after you and tear off your pretty little head.”
She stares at me in shock.
“Yes. I am serious.”
“Well why should I trust you?” Bryony demands.
“Why shouldn’t you trust me, kid? I’ve gotten away from them once and I’ve been okay for two years.”
She scoffs again, crossing her arms. “Fine,” I shrug. “Your problem.” I pull my hood up again and turn to walk away.
“And why are you helping me?”
I glance over my shoulder. “Seriously? Because no one’s bothered to help me. Need another reason? Too bad. You’re not getting another one.”
“You’re such a smartass…” she says in frustration.
“One of the very few things I’m good at. Now are you coming or what?”


“So you seriously take money from the dead bodies?” she asks, swinging her legs over the edge of the building. “Isn’t that… stealing?”
I shrug. “Haven’t really thought of it that way. And they won’t be using it again anytime soon. Hey, I need clothes too.”
The moon casts strange flashes on the Atlantic, almost like thousands of winking lights
“But how are we supposed to explain the eyes?” She points at hers, which is a bright red.
“Come up with a disease, kid. People will believe anything these days.”
“And are you ever gonna tell me what happened to you?”
“Damnit!” I snap. “Why do you ask so many fucking questions?”
“Either I ask questions or I find out the hard way,” Bryony shrugs, tying her hair out of her face. “Simple as that.”
“What do you mean, ‘find out the hard way?’” I frown.
She reaches out and wraps her fingers around my upper arm, then closes her eyes. “Your name is Ivory Gianna Smithson. You had an older brother, Peter William Smithson, and your parents were Dr. and Mrs. James and Emily Smithson. You used to have blue eyes. You were turned after barely escaping the fire that killed your family, a few months after you turned 16. Then after a couple decades with the Robertson clan in England, you ended up in-“
I yank my arm away. “H-How do you do that?!”
“Well how do you control fire? It’s not just something you can explain.”
“Stay out of my head,” I say angrily. “Don’t do that again.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Bryony replies, almost sadly. “I saw everything.”

Forest clearing.
Forks, Washington.
Third person POV

The Jeep slides to a stop through the mud and Bella and Edward make their way across the clearing, where Emmett and Rosalie playfully wrestle over the bat.
“Glad you’re here, we need an umpire,” Esme smiles warmly, leading Bella towards the plate.
“She thinks we cheat,” Emmett scoffs as he walks by.
“I know you cheat,” Esme counters.
“Now, why would we do a thing like that?” Ivory grins as she jogs by. “Honestly, Mom, you’re not giving me that much credit here.”
Esme laughs. “Just call them as you see them, Bella.”

Rosalie steps up to bat first, taking a few casual swings as everyone settles into their field positions. Lighting cracks the sky in half, and a smile spreads on Alice’s face. “It’s time.” She winds up and throws the pitch, which Rosalie hits easily, the sound of impact echoing through the air.
“Okay, now I see why you need the thunder,” Bella grins.
The ball whooshes through the air as Rosalie rounds the bases.
“That’s gotta be a home run. Right?” Bella asks.
Esme smiles. “Edward’s very fast.”
Rosalie runs almost casually as Edward speeds into the woods, picking up the ball and sending it hurtling towards home plate. Esme catches and tags Rosalie as she slides through the dirt. The two women give Bella questioning looks.
“You’re out,” Bella nods after a pause.
“OUT! WOO!” Emmett grins, punching the air; Rosalie sends him a glare that could kill, if he wasn’t already technically dead.
“Babe, come on, it’s just a game,” he scoffs.
Rosalie slowly stands up, locked in a fierce glaring contest with Bella before she strides away.
Carlisle steps up next and hits one straight through the middle of the field; Edward and Emmett both run towards it at the same time, jumping and colliding in the loudest “clap of thunder” yet. The ball lands on the ground as Carlisle slides across home plate.
Jasper juggles the bat in his hand and hits a ball that Emmett easily catches in midair as he runs up a tree.
“My monkey man…” Rosalie smirks and Ivory rolls her eyes, stepping past her and up to the plate.
“Ready for a show?” she says under her breath, barely loud enough for Bella to hear. Bella nods, her expression confused.

Ivory twirls the bat between her fingers and settles into her stance, a grin fighting its way to the corners of her
mouth. She hits an easy ball that flies through the air and lands, bouncing a few times before Emmett scoops it up and rushes towards her as she nears third base, an expression of victory plastered on his face.
Just before he runs in front and tags her, she takes a huge step and catapults herself over him, the first two fingers of her right hand pressed together. A stream of fire erupts from them and draws a circle around Emmett, effectively trapping him. Using the momentum of her landing, she easily rolls back into standing position and casually jogs across home plate.
Emmett shakes his clenched fist at her, spitting furious curses as she rolls on the ground laughing.
“Ivory Gianna Cullen,” Esme says in disappointment. “I specifically said no cheating.”
“Well I didn’t cheat like that last time!” Ivory manages to choke out between bursts of laughter. Carlisle is fighting a smile, and Edward and Jasper are openly snickering. Alice just grins and shakes her head. “I totally saw that coming.”
“THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!” Emmett yells as the fire around him vanishes.
She shrugs. “Where’s the fun in that?”

After the group composes themselves and Ivory is called out of the game for the extreme foul, Rosalie steps up to bat once again, with a hit that sends a blast of air into Esme’s face.
As she runs the bases, Alice’s expression turns distant. “Stop!” she calls out, her voice full of fear. Everyone looks and rushes toward home plate, gathering in a group in front of Bella.
“They were leaving, then they heard us,” she explains rapidly.
Edward starts to lead Bella away. “Let’s go.”
“It’s too late,” Carlisle cuts in.
“Get your hair down,” Edward resolves after a brief pause.
“Like that’ll help, I can smell her from across the field,” Ivory mutters under her breath. She joins the others as they form a line, while three vampires emerge from the fog.
“I shouldn’t have brought you here, I’m so sorry…” Edward shakes his head.
“What?” Bella frowns.
“Just be quiet and stand behind me.”

Ivory’s POV

Real nomads. The type I used to be. I can’t help but feel a little… excited as they approach, their crimson eyes glinting in the lightning and our baseball in the leader’s hand.
“I believe this belongs to you,” he states in a distinct island accent as he holds up the ball. He flicks his wrist and throws it across the small space. Carlisle catches it easily and nods after a brief pause. “Thank you.”
“I am Laurent,” the leader introduces. “And this is Victoria,” he nods to the redhead, “and James.” The blonde vampire with his hair pulled back in a ponytail tilts his head to the side; the look in his eyes is almost… intense.
“I’m Carlisle, and this is my family,” Carlisle replies, nodding to us. I try to look at Victoria without her noticing; she seems oddly familiar. I hope she doesn’t remember me, because then this whole thing is ruined.
“I’m afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us,” he continues.
“Our apologies,” Laurent says, nodding his head sympathetically. “We did not realize the territory had been claimed.”
“Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby,” Carlisle explains.
Red eyes. Oh great. I feel the burn building in my throat and know I’ll have to go out hunting again tonight. Not human, maybe I’ll go for lions with Emmett or something. I just have a feeling I’ll need more than usual this time.
“Really.” Laurent smiles, almost amused. “Well. We won’t be a problem anymore. We were just passing through.”
“The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe,” Victoria cuts in, a smirk pulling at her mouth. Yeah. I definitely remember her from somewhere.
Carlisle nods. “Excellent.”
“So could you use three more players?” Laurent asks cheerfully. “Oh, come on. Just one game?”
“Sure, why not?” Carlisle smiles after a moment of silence. “A few of us were leaving. You can take their place. We’ll bat first.” He throws the ball in Laurent’s direction but Victoria catches it.
“I’m the one with the wicked curveball,” she smirks, and I laugh. “Oh, I’m sure we can handle that.”
“Oh!” Laurent grins, and we all laugh, spreading apart to our places on the field.
“We shall see,” Victoria snickers.

James stays in his place, looking at Bella with that same intensity that makes me feel slightly uneasy, but I turn to walk away. A breeze rushes across the field and I can’t help but take a lungful of air, then fight back. Oh damnit. I really need to meet up with the others sometime this month before I go insane.
The scent has not evaded James’ notice. He takes a deep inhale then smirks. “You brought a snack.”
Those four words are enough to send both groups in a frenzy.
“The girl is with us,” Carlisle says, as all of us curl into defensive positions. “I think it’d be best if you leave.”
Laurent nods. “I can see the game is over. We’ll go now.”
No one moves, and I stand towards the back of the group in silence.
“James,” Laurent warns.
James and Victoria suddenly stand up, smirks on both their faces; they turn to walk away with his arm around her shoulders.
“Get Bella out of here,” I say quietly. “I know the look on his face. I know what that will lead to.”
Carlisle nods in agreement. “Go,” he commands, turning Edward around.
As the Jeep roars away into the distance, I hit the sudden shocking realization; I know exactly why Victoria seems so familiar.

She reminds me of myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm watching this show on A&E called "Hoarders" and it's seriously giving me chills. Some of these places are so... disgusting...

Oh, today's update is 2,453 words :D My goal is to break 2,000 words on every chapter. Considering I update once a week, that shouldn't be too bad.

Comment ON WHAT YOU LIKED ABOUT THE CHAPTER. Don't just tell me to update cause I will anyway. ^_^