Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


I sat there eatching muffins. It was really sweet of Bri to do that.

"COME ON! WE NEED TO GO TO WORK!" Angelina yelled, coming down the hall.

"Who's all going to work?" I asked.

"Me. Pauly. Snooki." She stated.

"Chill the fuck out, I was just asking." I said, I stood up and pushed my way passed her into the kitchen. I sat at the table, watching as the three employees walked out.

"How are you feeling?" Bri asked, I shrugged.

"Fine." I shrugged, "how else am I supposed to be?"

"Well, I don't know." She shrugged, "I'm going to talk to Vinny." She said, walking to his and Ronnie's room. I sat there as Ronnie came out. I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Hey Ron?" I asked, he turned, looking at me. "Want to go get a tattoo with me?" I asked.

"You?" He raised his eyebrow, "Want a tattoo?" I nodded, he snorted.

"I'm serious." I laughed, "C'mon. It'll be fun."

"But we're all going out tonight." He said.

"So? I'll make sure they're clean, trust me." I said, "Please." I begged. I just really wanted to spend some time with him.

"Let me get dressed." He said, walking towards his room, I started grinning.

Bri came out when Ronnie did.

"Where are you two going?" She asked.

"To get tattoos." I grinned, she raised her eyebrow. "We'll be home in a while." I said, we both left.

"You want to drive?" He asked.

"Sure." I nodded, hopping in the driver seat, he got in the passanger seat.

We pulled up to the tattoo shop.

"What were you planning on getting?" He asked, I sat there, sighing.

"I'm not sure... help me choose?"

"Well... what do you like?" He asked, I shrugged, "You're a pretty musical person, put some lyrics on you." He said.

"That's a good idea, Ronnie!" I said, he laughed. I knew exactly what I was getting then. I was going to have The Devil Wears Prada's lyrics "Quiet, like the snow." from their song Louder Than Thunder

"Do you want to get yours first, or me?"

"You. So then I can kill your hand." I laughed, he did too.

"Alright." He nodded.

"What can I do you two?" The tattoo artist asked.

"We both want tattoos." Ronnie said.

"Alright, who's going first?"

"Me." Ronnie said.

"Alright, this way." We both walked to the seat they had. "What can I do for you?"

"I just want this touched up a little." Ronnie said, referring to his tattoo on his side.

Within an hour and a half it was done.

"It looks great, thank you man." Ronnie said.

"Are you seperate?" The artist asked me.

I went to say yes, but Ronnie cut me off, "I'm paying for it." He said, I looked at Ronnie. He gave me a cute smile.

"Alright, take a seat, miss." The artist said, "What can I get you?"

"I wanted the lyrics "Quiet, like the snow." in classy bubble like letters on my wrist." I said.

"Okay, how big?" He asked.

"Not too big, but not too small either, like so they can fit as a 2-line." I said, trying to describe it as best as I could.

"Okay, let me draw it up real quick and I'll be right with you." The artist got up and walked away.

"Ron, you don't have to pay for me." I said.

"Well, I didn't see you with any tattoos, so since it looks like your first one I'm paying." He said, I blushed and smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

The guy was about to do my tattoo. It was going to be on my right wrist, and it was going to be facing me, so I could read it. Ronnie could tell I was nervous because he came closer to me. I took his hand with my left one.

My tattoo only took about an hour. It looked really good.

He bandaged it and both Ronnie and I were on our way home.

"Not bad for my first tattoo." I smiled.

"Not bad at all. It looks really pretty." He said, I smiled.

"Thanks... and thanks for paying for me again... I'll find a way to repay you, I promise."

"You don't have to. I bought it out of my free will. Just enjoy it." He laughed, I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to the house. We walked in and Sammi was on the phone.

"Where were you guys?" She asked.

"Getting tattoos." Ronnie said.

"Thanks for telling me." Sammi got up, glaring at me before walking away.

Okay, what the fuck did I do now?
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