Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


I really hate people.

Like, some of them – like Tori and stuff – are cool and amazing but most just suck. Especially when it comes to relationships.

Take Ronnie and Sammi. They're fighting, as usual.

And Mike “doesn't do relationships.”

And poor Vinny can't find the right girl for him.

And Pauly...I don't know with him, anymore.

The girls got their own things. Jenni's been able to keep a boyfriend, Snooks is happy single and Angelina's a hoe (What? It's the truth).

And then there's Tori...she's kick ass and I love her to death but she just can't make up her mind when it comes to guys. Especially groups of guys.

I wanna fuck Vinny so bad (not even kidding) but I also wanna try this whole dating thing with Pauly. But...he said it himself, he's not good with keeping girlfriends. If we date and breakup, what happens to our friendship? All the years we've been together...I can't just put everything on the line like that, can I? I can't lose him.

Everyone decided to go out but I stayed in. I really wasn't in a drinking/clubbing mood tonight. I knew all that would happen anyway would be Ronnie and Sammi arguing and ruining everyone else's night. There's no point in trying to have a good time while they're fighting; it's not possible. Tori was still annoyed with Mike but I knew her plan when she walked out the house with her tightest dress and highest heels. She would make him want her all over again and then BAM rejection. Tori wasn't a jealous person, but she knows how to get back at people.

Me on the other hand...I get jealous. I'm a normal girl (well sort of). When I see someone I like with another girl I turn into the green monster. Which is partially why I didn't go out tonight. I didn't want to see Pauly (and Vinny) with girls all over them. No thank you.

I was just laying in my bed looking at the ceiling for a while, thinking. I was bored and wanted something to do, but what could I? I could bake or something, I guess. I always bake when I'm bored or have too much on my mind. It helps. I stood and went downstairs, stopping as I heard the front door open. I furrowed my eyebrows as Pauly walked in with his head down, looking up at me. He paused.

“What are you doing back so soon?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Don't feel like going out.”

“Oh.” I fumbled with my hands for a second. “Uh, I was gonna bake something. I could, uh, use some help.” I looked up at him hopefully, waiting. He stared for a moment.

“Sure.” I smiled, stepping with him into the kitchen. Hopefully this won't be too awkward.

When we first starting mixing the cookie batter, neither of us spoke. It was complete silence throughout the house. But finally, I worked up the courage and flicked some flour at him, flashing him a grin. He looked down at his shirt, then to me, a glint shimmering in his eyes as he grabbed some flour and threw it in my face.

“Pauly!” I squealed, shoving him. He laughed, shaking his head and brushing the flour off his shirt. I pouted. “Get this off me.”

“Do it yourself.”


“Then it's staying there.”

“Pauly...” He rolled his eyes, grabbing a napkin as he wiped it from my face. “Thank you.”



“No foul language.”

“Fuck off.” He scoffed as he ruffled my hair and tossed the napkin away. “Don't touch my hair.”

“I just did.”

“I'd touch yours but it'd probably hurt.”

“Shut up.”

“Okay, spikey.”

“You're annoying.”

“I'm aware.” After mixing the ingredients, we started forming the cookies and cutting out shapes. We used Snooki's dick shaped cookie cutters, heart ones, and then just left some normal. We were having fun and nothing was awkward. You know, until he stopped and looked and me randomly and said,

“You have flour on your nose.” Typical cute scene followed. I made a face and he stepped closer to brush it off. The smell of the cookies baking hit my nose as he looked down at me. Damn it. Why are his eyes so nice? He stared at me for a moment, scanning my face. I looked down, away from him, but he only made me look back up by grabbing my chin. He leaned forward slowly, carefully, as if he was waiting for me to pull away. I thought about doing so, too, but the thought was gone as soon as his lips touched mine. I moved closer and pressed our lips together fully and he pulled me against him, hand in my hair as my hands laid on his chest.

As much as I hated to admit it, I didn't want the moment to end. And for a minute, I thought it wouldn't. His tongue forced itself inside my mouth as he pushed me up against the counter, his body pressing against mine. He lifted me onto the counter top and I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer as our tongues danced. Our chests heaved against each other's, bodies shaking. His hands moved to the hem of my shirt and under, gliding over my skin. I thought he'd rip the shirt off completely then, but the timer on the stove went off and started dinging, causing us to pull apart. I struggled to catch my breath as I gazed up at him, into his lust filled eyes. I hopped down and moved to the oven, pulling the mitts on and getting the cookies out.

From then on, we acted like nothing happened. Especially when Ronnie and Tori came stumbling inside together, ripping each other's clothes off.

Wait... what?
♠ ♠ ♠
music; there's no getting over you - fergie & david guetta <3
