Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


I turned in bed and hit something. I tried remembering how I got home last night. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in my life before. As I opened my eyes I was next to Ronnie, in bed, naked. I hurried up out of the bed. I quickly threw my last nights clothes on and ran like fuck out of the room. As I did I ran into Vinny, literally.

"Ow, shit Tori... where you going in such a rush?" He rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"I have to... umm... I don't know." I said, "Good morning, by the way, but move." I said, hurrying. I went to mine and Mike's room, putting on my sweat pants and a tank top.

"What the fuck?" Mike asked tiredly, turning around and looking at me. "Why are you so loud?"

"I'm sorry." I squeaked, "I'm leaving right now." I said, hurrying out. I quickly ran down the street, I figured it would do me good to get some fresh air.

Did I smush Ronnie?

Did I?

What the fuck?


I was gone for at least 4 hours, on a run. I never run. As I walked in the house Bri was there.

"Where the fuck were you?!" She threw her hands up.

"I was out for a walk." I said, Pauly, Ronnie, and Jenni came out.

"Tori, I was worried sick about you, are you okay?" Jenni asked.

"I went on a run." I breathed, I glanced at Ronnie, we gave each other the same look.

"For four hours?" She asked.

"I lost track of time... Ronnie, talk?" I asked, walking passed them to the courtyard thing. We were both sitting there. "Did we...?"

"Yeah..." He said.

"Well... one of us is going to have to tell Sammi..." I said.

"Well... I mean, we both can."

"She's going to kill us, you know?" I raised my eyebrow.

"But it's not really our fault. We were so fucked up last night."

"True... Well... is she here?" I asked.

"She's getting out of work in a little bit." He said, I nodded.


Sammi walked in. My heart was pounding.

"Sammi..." I said, she looked at me. I stood up. "I have something to tell you." I said.


"Please, don't get mad..." I breathed, "Ronnie and I got a little too drunk last night... and we smushed..." I said.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screamed, I quickly sat down.

"Sammi, please, don't freak out. We didn't mean to." I said.

"SHUT UP!" She screamed, "YOU'RE A FUCKING SLUT!"

Everyone walked in now.

"AND YOU!" She looked to Ronnie, "I COULD DO SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!"

Oh hell naw. I stood up.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screamed, "HE MAKES ONE MISTAKE AND YOU FREAK OUT THIS BAD ABOUT IT?" I screamed getting in her hostile little face.

All of a sudden there was hair pulling, punching, and yelling from the others.

Though, no one fucks with me and gets away with it.
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