Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


"GO! GO! GET HER!" I hooted and hollered as Bri and Angelina were thrashing each other. Jenni was next to me, doing the same while Snooki was standing there amazed.

Bri got a hold of Angelina's hair and swung her around, smashing her into a wall.

And Angelina thought she was tough shit? Pshaw! Bri's not even trying and she's winning.

After both Sammi and Angelina left the house was now peaceful. I sighed, slinging my arm around Bri, she brought hers around my shoulders too.

"Good job!" I said, she nodded.

"Sleep." She groaned. I laughed.

"Night, guys!" I called.

"GOOD NIGHT GIRLS!" Pauly screamed, we laughed and I helped Bri to hers and Pauly's room before I went to mine and Mike's room.


I woke up the next morning sore. I groaned, placing my reading glasses on, and rolling out of my bed, stepping on a hand.

"Ah!" Mike complained.

"Sorry Mike." I yawned, I stumbled downstairs, Bri and I looked at each other and laughed our asses off. Both of us had our hair in such a mess.

"Cute look."

"I could say the same for you." I stated.

No one was making breakfast, it was my work day along with Vinny and Bri.

Bri went in the shower so I went to Ronnie and Vinny's room.

"Vin." I shook him, "Vinny," I said louder, shaking him.

"What?" He asked tiredly.

"C'mon, we have to get ready for work, it's 10:30." I said, pushing my reading glasses up. I didn't need them particularly, I just thought they looked good on me.

"Oh, really, thanks." He said, sitting up. I went into the kitchen and Bri had her outfit on. I ran to my room and got dressed.

As I went back into the kitchen Bri and Vinny were there all dressed. And Ronnie was there too.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" I asked him, he shook his head. "Good," I sighed, laughing. He chuckled. Bri went into living room to get the phone, Ronnie came up and brought his arms around my waist, placing small kisses on my shoulder. "You're being affectionate?"

"Well... Sam's not here anymore." He said. I seen Bri come in and she wriggled her eyebrows. "Don't go hooking up with someone, okay?"

"No one's going to come into a gelato shop... but okay." I laughed.

"Alright, lets go." Vinny said, they started walking out. Ronnie pulled away from me and pecked my lips.

"Have a good day."

"T-thanks." I blushed and walked out to the car.
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Kinda filler