Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


"I'M TALKIN' PEDICURE ON MY TOES, TOES. TRYIN ON ALL MY CLOTHES, CLOTHES. BOYS BLOWIN UP MY PHONE, PHONE!" I screamed, dancing with Jenni outside while the boys were in the Jacuzzi.

"OH YEAH! SING THAT YEAH!" Pauly screamed. I giggled as Jenni and I took each other's hands and started prancing around like wild women, we got on the chairs and everything!

"Pauly!" Snooki screamed from the doorway.

"WHAT?!" He bellowed.

"Be quiet! I'm trying to sleep." She turned on her heel and walked inside. I noticed there wasn't as much splashing in the pool, I look over and Ronnie grabbed me by my legs. I screamed.

"Ron! Put me down!" I laughed, he did his adorable laugh.

"Get out of that dress and get in the pool!" He laughed.

"No!" I laughed, "I don't want to get in the jacuzzi!" I said.

"Well you're going in! Make room, boys." He said, walking over.

"Ronnie. I swear to god, if you-"


"RONNIE! YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed as I resurfaced. Pauly was laughing his ass off, so I hit him.

"Ow!" He laughed, splashing me.

"Oh, now that you're in~" Ronnie hopped back in.

"You're funny." I said unamused, "But, now that I am in." I lifted the dress off me, throwing it somewhere. The boys, and even Jenni cat-called. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

We were in the jacuzzi for a long time, splashing each other and throwing the ball at each other.


"I should go in and see what Bri's doing." I said, everyone left me out and I stole a towel from the guys. I quickly changed into new clothes.

"Bri?" I popped into Pauly's room. No one. "Hmm." I huffed. "Snooks?" I went in hers and Jenni's room.

"What?" She groaned.

"Have you seen Bri?"


"Okay, good night."

"Good night." She mumbled as I walked out.

"Vin!" I called, no answer, "Vinny." I said, walking in his room. I seen him and Bri in the bed sleeping, I slapped my hands to my mouth. I ran away, outside.

"Find her?" Ronnie came out of the jacuzzi with a towel around his waist.

"Yeah, she's sleeping." I waved my hand. "I'm tired," I yawned.

"Well, I'll walk you in." Ronnie said.

"That's very sweet of you, thank you." I smiled, blushing slightly. We walked in and I waited as he got changed. He walked me into mine and Mike's room. "Thanks for walking me in, it was really thoughtful of you." I smiled, he smiled back. We stood there for a little bit. "Do you... do you want to stay with me tonight?" I blushed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sure." He smiled childishly, he thew his shirt off, we both hopped into the bed. "Good night, Tori."

"G'night, Ronnie." I smiled, then shut my eyes.
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