Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


Ronnie's POV

I never thought I'd like someone as much as I liked Sam. But Tori's different. I like her more than I ever liked Sammi. She gets me. I'm comfortable around her. I could see myself marrying her and I've only known her like a week.

What the hell is happening to me.

I woke up beside her. She was sleeping peacefully so I didn't bother her. I got out of bed and went downstairs, yawning. Pauly was awake and digging through the fridge.

“Morning.” I greeted.

“Mornin.” He said back. “Breakfast?”

“Yeah.” I sat at the table.

“So you and Tori, huh?” He smirked, taking the eggs out. I blushed.

“Shut up, bro.” He laughed. “I really like her.”

“Smush yet?”

“A while ago.”

“While you were with Sam?” I shrugged. “Oh yeahhh!” He laughed, clapping.

“Shut up. You're gonna wake the whole house up.”

“I should. I ain't making food for just us.” He started up the stairs. “OH YEAH WAKE UP YEAH! IT'S A LOVELY DAY! WAKE UP!” I shook my head, chuckling. He's such an idiot. There was a silence for a moment before he came back downstairs, an angry expression on his face.

“What?” I looked at him, confused. I don't think I've ever seen him this mad before. “You okay?” He shrugged, smashing an egg on the counter and cursing loudly. “Yo, Pauly...”

“Leave me the fuck alone, alright?” He snapped, stomping outside. I blinked.

“Okay, see you later...” I mumbled to myself as I watched him pace and tug at his hair. I couldn't hear what he was saying to himself because the sliding door was closed. I wonder what happened to make him this pissed.

Brianna's POV.

“Argh.” I grumbled, struggling to open my eyes. I yawned, sitting up. I looked down and saw Vinny out cold with his arm wrapped around me. I bit my lip. “Vinny.” I whispered, shaking him. “I have to pee.”

“Don't leave me.” He mumbled. My cheeks heated up.

“I'll be right back.”



“Okay.” He took his arm back. I stood, walking out of the room. It was pretty early and I was kinda cold cause I was wearing Vinny's shirt. We didn't have sex or anything, just went to sleep. But I wanted something comfortable to sleep in, so I took his shirt and passed out. After he said he loved me, I told him I wanted to talk to him in the morning. He seemed tipsy, honestly, so I wanted to wait until I was sure he was sober and telling me the truth. He was still being affectionate, but he was half asleep so...

I don't know what to do.

I love Pauly with all my heart. He's my best friend. If we dated, I could lose him. And I don't want that.

And I don't know if Vinny's being honest or if he just wants to get in my pants.

Fuck my life.

I said good morning to Ronnie as I saw him downstairs. He seemed kind of...confused about something.

“Pauly's outside.” He said. “He's really pissed.” I made my way for the door. “I don't think you should go out there.”

“He's my best friend. I've seen him mad before, Ron.”

“But I've never seen him like this.”

“Don't worry.” I went outside. His back was to me. I could tell by the way he stood he was mad. His shoulders were raised and his breaths were being forced to be even. I swallowed. “Pauly?” His body stiffened. That made me a little more worried.

“What?” He growled. Wow. He is really mad.

“Are you okay?”

“No.” I blinked.

“Oh, uh,” I stood beside him, looking up at him. His eyes were cold and hard and he wouldn't look at me. “what's wrong?”


“Tell me the truth.”

“Fuck off. Leave me alone.” I was taken back, eyebrows raising.

“Excuse me?” He finally looked at me. I felt my heart jump. I don't think I've ever seen him this mad before, either.

“Why don't you get back in bed with Vinny?” Realization slapped me in the face. He saw us sleeping.


“No, Bri. That's fucked up. Why would you do that to me?”

“I didn't do anything!”

“You slept with him!”

“We didn't have sex.” I said.

“Such a fucking liar.” He huffed in irritation, moving past me.

“I'm not lying, Pauly.” I followed him. “Stop walking away from me!”

“I don't wanna hear it, alright?!” He yelled, turning to look at me with a fierce look. “I get it. You picked him. I'm just fucking pissed off that you played it like you wanted me when you really didn't. So fuck you. Have a good day.” I glared.

“No. Fuck you. Because I didn't pick him. I didn't pick anyone. You're a fucking asshole and I'm done. Okay? There was a chance for us but now, it's gone. We are never going to happen and it's because of you.” He was shaking, clenching his fists. “Go fuck yourself.” I whirled around, moving toward the door.

“Stop. You're not blaming this all on me.”

“Why shouldn't I? It's your fault. You assumed something and was wrong.”

“You were in bed with him! Did you think that wouldn't hurt me?!” He grabbed my wrist, turning me to face him. “Are you fucking stupid or something?”

“Back off, Pauly.” I tried to pull away from him.

“No. You hurt me. You played me. I deserve better than that.”

“Then get away from me and find something better.”

“That's the fucking problem! There is nothing better than you! You're the only one I want and it's not fucking fair.”

“It's not fair to you?” I repeated. “Are you kidding me? You hook up with girls every fucking night! How do I know you'll be different with me? I don't. I'm not gonna go through that for nothing. Cause when we break up, we're done. For good.”

“We're not gonna break up.”

“Get fucking real, okay? We would never work.”

“How the fuck do you know? We've never tried!”

“I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me!” I yelled. “Someone who assumes shit and doesn't try to find out the truth.”

“I'm sorry for assuming you fucked him, alright? You would have thought the same thing if you saw me in bed with someone.”

“I always see you in bed with girls. That's the problem. You said it yourself, you're not one for relationships. Vinny at least can–”

“Don't fucking compare me to Vinny!” He screamed. “I fucking hate when chicks do that!”

“I wasn't comparing you to him!”

“Yes you were!” I tried ripping myself away from him as his grip tightened. He was beginning to hurt me.

“Let go of me.” He scowled, holding tighter. “Pauly, you're hurting me!”

“I love you.” He said suddenly. “I fucking love you. I love with all my heart. With everything in me. I'm in love with you.”

“Shut up.”

“No. Fuck, Bri. Don't you get it? I love you more than anything.”

“Stop it!” I pulled away quickly. “Stop it, okay? I get it. I love you, too, but I'm not losing you! I need you in my life. I can't live without you and I'm not risking losing you.” I felt tears fall from my eyes and turned away from him.

“Fuck it.” He said, falling to his knees in front of me.

“What are you doing?” I sniffled, confused.

“I just told you how I feel so I ain't saying it again.” He spoke, taking my hand. “I just wanna know one thing.”


Will you marry me?”

♠ ♠ ♠
oh shit.