Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


I heard terrible screaming outside so I jumped out of bed, all of a sudden;


"OW FUCK!" Jenni and I screamed. We smashed our heads together running, Vinny was in this too. We held our heads, stumbling down the stairs.I fell down the stairs.

"What the fuck happened?" Jenni asked, Ronnie was the only one down there.

"I don't know," He shrugged, "Pauly went to wake everyone up, he came back down real quick, pissed about something, Bri said she could handle Pauly, went out, they started screaming at each other, then nothing." He said. I sat next to him as Jenni and Vinny sat at the counter. Bri came in silent, I couldn't really read her expression, either.

"Bri? You okay?" I asked.

"I... I'm going to get ready for work.."

"But it's saturday..." I said as she walked passed us. She ran upstairs.

"You get Pauly I get Bri?" Jenni asked me.

"Maybe I should get Bri."

"But you're always with her, maybe you can manipulate Pauly better." Vinny said.

"Oh so be slutty and get it out of my friend, yeah, no." I laughed, "But I will talk to him." I went to get up, Ronnie's arms were snug around me. I looked at him, he shook his head. "What?"

"He was pretty mad when he went out there... you don't know if he's still mad or not." Ronnie said, "I don't want to have to beat up my friend to save my girl." He said, I blushed and smiled.

"I can fight too, Ron, I've had quite the endever with it- ask Bri sometime."

"Or, maybe we should leave them.." Vinny shrugged, I sighed, sliding back to Ronnie.

I need to know what happened.
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