Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


“Tori, do you have that blow horn still?”

“Uh, maybe...why?”

“Oh, no reason. Where is it?”

“My bag, I think...”

“Alrighty, thanks.”

“Wait, what are you gonna....Oh! I get it! You're such a bitch.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

The blow horn thing she has kicks ass. It can play different noises and everything. And since no one else is waking up...

Which noise to pick?

Maybe I'll just go with car horn. Yeah, that'll work.

“Guys, you have five seconds to come downstairs and eat!” I yelled, horn in hand, standing at the top of the stairs. No one came out of their rooms. Alright, I gave them a chance.


“Wake up!”


“What the fuck is that?!” Various voices said as I heard footsteps.

“Breakfast time!”

“Bri!” Pauly emerged. “Oh, I'm gonna kick your ass.”

“Bring it, biatch!” I taunted as he came closer. He was only a few steps away when I rose the horn and beeped it right in his face.

BRIANNA!” The others started groggily coming out of their rooms as I turned and booked it downstairs with him hot on my tail.

“I did it out of love, Pauly! You need to eat!” I called back to him as I skidded around the island in the kitchen. I turned to go into the living room and before I knew it, he had me thrown over his shoulder. “PAULY! PUT ME DOWN!”

“Oh, I will.” He said, walking through the house.

“Where the hell are we going?” I asked, squirming.

“You'll see.” I tried looking over my shoulder to see where he was headed. I gasped.

“No!” I kicked my legs. “No, no, no! Pauly, don't you dare!” He picked up his pace as I figured out where he was taking me. “Pauly!” I yelled, smacking him anywhere I could reach.

“Hey, hey, hey,” he said, “hands off the ass.” I smacked it again, harder this time. “Hey!”

“Let go of me!”

“Okay, fine.” I turned slightly.

“No!” I screamed, seeing the pool waiting for me. “I don't know how to swim!”

“Liar.” He shifted my position. “Ready?”

“NO!” Before he threw me in, I clawed my hands onto his pants, clutching them. I was in the air for a moment but because I was holding him he came flying down with me.


I swam to the surface quickly, spluttering the cold water. I pushed my hair from my face and turned to where Pauly surfaced.

“You bitch.”

“You asshole!” I cried. “This water is freezing!” I punched him. “I hate you!”

“Ahh, shut up.” He groaned, pushing past me and jumping out.

“Help me.” I growled, holding my arms out. He rolled his eyes, grabbing me and hoisting me up. I turned swiftly, shoving him right back in. I ran back into the house before he came up, a grin on my face as I locked the sliding doors.

“Why are you soaked?” Tori asked me, blinking.

“That asshole threw me in the pool.”

“Bri! Open this damn door!”

“And I pulled him in with me.” I smirked, making her laugh.

“Let the poor guy in. Breakfast is ready and it's going fast.” She walked back into the kitchen.

“Pauly, I'll let you in if you promise not to hurt me.” I said. He frowned.

“Fine.” I unlocked the door and slid it open, stepping back as he came inside. He glared.

“I love you.” I stated, cocking an eyebrow at him. He huffed, wrapping his arms around me.

“Love you, too.”

“I missed you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, “missed you too.”

“Oh stop being a little tough ass. I know you cried yourself to sleep when I left.”

“I did not.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.”

“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. I giggled. He smiled down at me, sighing. “It's good to have you back, best friend.” He said softly, kissing my forehead.

“It's good to be back.”

“Now what do we do?” Tori asked as we sat down after eating. I sat beside Pauly, his arm draped around me. (That irked Tori, which I thought was pretty funny. The girl's already falling for him. Yeesh.)

“We gotta pick rooms.” I said.

“You're stayin' with me.” Pauly stated.

“Ew.” I crinkled my nose at him. “I don't wanna share with you.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Well who do you wanna stay with, princess?” I scoffed.

“I'll stay with Vinny.” I turned to him, winking. He grinned.

“Uh, how about no.” Pauly declined. “I don't need to hear you two getting it on at night, thanks.” This was Pauly's way of being over protective. He liked to hide his feelings. He didn't want me and one of his best guy friend's getting together. He worries too much.

“We're not gonna 'get it on,' Pauly.” I said, using air quotes. “Who the hell gets it on anymore?”

“I do.” Mike said after a moment, making the girls all laugh. “What?” He shrugged.

“Alright, how about I share with Mike?”


“Ronnie?” I wiggled my eyebrows at Sammi, letting her know I wasn't serious. She laughed.

“Hell no.”

“Hey!” Ronnie exclaimed.

“Snooks and Jen?”

“We don't have any more room for a bed.” Snooki whined.


“No.” Pauly snapped, shaking his head. Angelina's gaze dropped to the floor as the group grew silent.

“Uh.” I blinked. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing.” Everyone (besides Tori, duh) answered quickly.

“Okay then...” I mumbled.

“Guess you're stuck with me.” Pauly smiled, his pearly white teeth flashing.

“And what about me?” Tori asked.

“You could stay with me, mamacita.” Mikey said. “I got extra room.”

“And he's pretty much the sweetest one out of these asses. Lucky bitch.”

“Love ya, Bri.” Mikey grinned as the other boys frowned.

“Thanks Bri.” Vinny said.

“What? I calls 'em like I sees 'em.” I shrugged, standing. “I'm gonna go pack my stuff in.” I moved to the door where we left our bags. Tori came in after me, punching me in the arm. “Ow?”

“You jackass.” She hissed. “I wanted to share with Pauly.”

“Oh.” I snickered. “Sorry, babe.” She pouted as she gathered her bags.

“Whatever. Mike's cool.” We went upstairs and I moved to Pauly's room. I remembered the extra bed pulled out from the 'closet' on the other side of the room from when I last stayed here. I let it fall open. It was bare, as I suspected, but I had sheets. I did that first, pulling on the black sheet. I tossed my batman blanket on it and pulled the pillows down from the shelf. I unzipped my bag and turned to the only dresser in here. I opened the first drawer. Crap. He actually uses this thing?

And he wears briefs? What? I snorted, peeking around the drawer for a minute. Phew. He wears boxers. He's a man again. I opened the second one and found it empty, as were the remaining drawers. I guess he just uses this for socks and undies, then. I unpacked my clothes, stuffing them tightly into the drawers. I kicked the empty bag under the bed, moving to my second one. It only held my laptop & laptop charger, phone charger, bathing suit and stuff for the shower in it. I took my soap, shampoo and conditioner and went in his bathroom (they all have their own bathrooms!) and put them in the shower.

I went downstairs, seeing Tori was already there.

“Took you long enough.” She said.

“Whatever.” I plopped down on the couch. “Now what?”

“We got work at 10.” Ronnie said. “Until then...” he shrugged.

“Questions in a bowl?” Jenn suggested. Oh, dear.

“Who would you wanna have a threesome with?” I read the question I got, making the room howl with laughter. “Really, guys?!”

“Answer it!” Tori yelled.

“Ugh, fine. Uhm...” I thought it over. “Vinny for one, duh.”

“Ooh.” The girls giggled as Vinny lit up. Pauly didn't seem to happy about that.

“Oh, stop making that puss face.” I punched him. “You wanna be the third, grumpy ass?”

“Vinny and Pauly?” Jenni said. “Dang Have fun not being able to walk.” Tori started wolf whistling and that set off another round of laughter. Tori picked her question next.

“If I could only fuck one of the guy's for the rest of my life, who would it be?” She groaned.

“Oh come on, Tori, answer it.” I mocked, poking her. She mumbled out an answer. “What was that?”

“Pauly, alright?” She said, blushing furiously. The group snickered as Pauly smirked, looking her up and down.

“Why am I not getting any love?” Mike said.

“Cause I'm not 'allowed' to love you.” I answered. “And Tori thinks you're old.”

“I do not!” She yelled.

“Thanks, room mate.” He pouted.

“I never said you were old!”

“No, no, I get it...It's cool...”

“Mike! I didn't!”

“I understand, really..”

“Oh my god..” She slapped her forehead.

“Alright, alright, moving on.” Vinny fished a question out. “Uh, who do I want to suck my dick? Really? How creative.” He scoffed.

“I put that one in.” Ronnie laughed.

“Why is that not surprising?” Sammi said, earning a small shove and a kiss. Aw, they're so cute.

“Bri, probably.” Vinny answered casually. I felt my cheeks heat up in surprise and could almost hear Pauly growling with anger beside me.

“Back off.” He said threateningly.

“Okay, man.” Vinny raised his hand. “I'm sorry.”

“Bitch,” I snapped back, “I would never suck your dick. Ever.”

“Yeah, okay.” He laughed, earning another glare from Pauly's part.

“Dick sucking is the grossest thing ever. I wouldn't do it to anyone.” I answered honestly. “I mean come on, what the hell does that do for me?”

“She has a point.” Snooki agreed, the rest of the girls immediately yelling out in response.

And now everyone's arguing about sucking dick.

What a good start this has turned out to be.
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