Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


We were all fighting about dick sucking. It was pretty hilarious.

"TORI! WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" Sammi yelled, not agreeing with my answer.

"WELL! I MEAN COME ON! IT'S HOT!" I yelled over everyone else screaming.

"EW!" Bri screamed, looking at me. "AFTER ALL THE YEARS I'VE KNOWN YOU, EW!" She yelled.

"SEE, SOMEONE GETS OUR POINT!" Ronnie screamed, pointing to me.

Next thing you know there's just incohearant screaming, and it was bothering me. I got up, quickly grabbing my air horn. I went back and laid on it hardcore. The room went quiet.

"Aight. We all have our opinions on sucking dicks. No need to fight over it, okay? This isn't high school, dudes." I said, "Shall we go on with the game, or should we just chill?" I asked.

"Game." The girls answered. We all nodded.

"Which 2 people would you take on a deserted island?" Snooki read. "Oh no! This isn't fair!" She pouted. "Sammi and Jenni... I'm sorry girls." She looked to Bri and I.

"It's okay, you've known them longer." I laughed.

"You answer now, Tori." Bri said. I made a face thinking.

"Shit..." I sighed, "Well, Bri. Obvs." I said, I tapped my chin at everyone looking at me curiously. I wanted to say Pauly, but I can't after the last question I answered, "And... Mike." I quickly said before I could even think of saying Pauly.

"Oh, so you chose the old coot?" Mike said, I pouted.

"I don't think you're old!" I said, "Roomie!" I nudged him.

"Nah, can't take it back." Mike said.

"C'mon! I feel like shit!" I pouted, "I'm sorry." I tried not laughing.

"Bri, why don't you answer next." Mike said, I stared at the side of his head, unamused.

"Silent treatment, real mature for your age, Mike." I smirked deviliously.

"Adding salt to the wound." He said. I laughed, then looked to Bri.

"Easy, Tori and Pauly." Bri said. My cheeks started heating up. When I heard mine and his name together it just sounded so right to me. "Gotta have my best friends." She grinned.

"What about you, Mike?" I asked.

"Pauly and Vinny." He answered without second thought.

"I see how it is. Choosing MVP over room mates." I countered. The room burst out into laughter.

"Would you two shut up! You guys are going to be trouble together, I just know it." Snooki laughed. Ronnie got up pulling a cigarette out and going into the court yard thing. Sammi went to bed and Angelina went in the pool.

"Well, we lost 3." Vinny said.

"Well this game's kind of getting old, Vinny." Bri said.

"I guess." He shrugged.

"You're quiet." Jenni said to me. I looked at her as the others looked at me.

"Not really." I laughed slightly.

"Yeah you are. You're like a clam. You were talking up a storm a little while ago."

"Oh... I didn't notice, sorry." I laughed. I kept getting this weird feeling like someone was looking at me, but every time I glanced at everyone there was not one set of eyes on me.

"Do you drink?" Pauly asked, I looked at him and he was looking at me. Wow, random, but okay...

"I do, but I only like whiskey. As barbaric as that sounds." I said, he laughed, then I got a great idea. "You don't happen to be going out tonight... do you?" I grinned.

"Uh, probably. Why?"

I grinned wider, "Could you do me a favor?"

"What's the favor?" He asked, I leaned in closer to him.

"Can you get Mike really drunk so he doesn't remember that Bri said I said he looked old?" I asked.

"Can't you do that?" He asked, "I mean, I will, but aren't you coming with us?" I blinked at him.


"Yeah. Are you coming with Me, Mikey and Vinny?"

"Wouldn't that be an MVP night, technically?"

"Well, Bri is most likely coming... so, no." He said.

"Oh... well... I don't know, never really went out clubbing before."

"Well, there's a first for everything." He grinned.
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I tried. It's 2:25 in the morning, I'm tired. So this is what you get. XD