Status: new! ;; in progress.

Do Something Crazy


“Don't worry, you're not alone,” I sang, dancing around Pauly's room, getting ready for the night. “Baby, those days are gone. I promise you it'll get better, better, corazon a corazon.”

“Hey,” a voice startled me, making me scream and whirl around, holding my blow drier out threateningly. “Uh, what are you gonna do? Dry me to death?” Vinny smirked, swatting the tool away.

“Ugh, you scared me, dipshit.”

“Sorry.” He laughed. “But you're a good singer.” He said. “I didn't know you could sing.”

“I didn't know I said you could stay in here.” I crossed my arms, changing the subject. “I'm kinda getting ready. I have to change.”

“Oh?” He wiggled his eyebrows. I rose the drier in the air.

“Get out.”

“Alright, alright. You're no fun.” I stuck my tongue out at him, pushing him out. As he finally left, Pauly took that moment to walk in, giving me a suspicious look.

“What was he doing in here? I thought you were getting ready.”

“I am.” I gestured to the clothes scattered around the room, waving my drier in his face. “And he was just being annoying.” He didn't say anything, just sat down and messed with his phone. I blew my bangs from my face in irritation. “What's your problem, Pauly?”

“I don't got a problem.” He didn't look at me.

“Right. Now why don't you tell me the truth.” I crossed my legs, waiting.

“I am tellin' you the truth.”

“Alright then look at me.” He didn't. “Exactly. What's up?”

“You like Vinny.” He stated. I opened my mouth to deny his accusation, but he continued. “Don't say you don't. I know you, Bri.” I sighed.

“Well, what does that have to do with anything?” I mumbled, fumbling with my hands.

“It's weird.” He said. “I know Vinny, he's one of my best friends. I don't want you to get hurt.”

“Way to have some faith in him.”

“He's a nice guy,” he said, “but...none of us are good at relationships, you know that.” I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

“You all suck ass.”

“I know.” He wrapped an arm around me, flopping backwards on the bed, looking at the ceiling with our legs dangling off the bed. Laying there, I felt like a little kid again, when we hid away in his tree house with our drawings decorating the walls. I missed that. I missed him; and it really was good being back. I wasn't looking forward to the end of the Summer at all.

I was the last one to finish getting ready. I heard the guys groaning and yelling for me to hurry up, but that only made me purposely take longer. Mikey burst in at some point and started digging through my clothes trying to help me find something. He, instead, found my underwear and went running around the house with a pair. I had Pauly get it back for me. And you know, it wasn't even awkward. I mean it's Pauly. I'd like to see him try and be a perv and take my underwear or something. Bitch, please.

I finished perfecting my hair and makeup and went downstairs, walking slowly for a dramatic entrance. Tori was the first one to notice me and starting woofing and fist pumping.

“You're so embarrassing.” I smacked the back of her head.

“Only cause I love ya.” She grinned as we walked to the door.

“Dibs on Tori!” Mike announced, pulling Tori into him. “We match. So we're walkin' in together, alright, baby doll?” He said, grinning. She laughed, nodding.


“Dibs on Bri.” Two voices said. Bet you know who.

“No.” I said, shaking my head. “Fuck you both.” I grabbed Jenni's hand. “See ya.” Jenn laughed, lacing our arms.

“You've got quite the problem, eh.”

“Eh.” I nodded.

“Still in looove with Vinny?”

“Shut up.” I frowned, blushing. “And it's not love. I just like him.”

“No you love him.” She shook her head. “Definitely love him.”

“Shut up.” I repeated, looking back to him and Pauly walking together awkwardly, behind Snooks and Angie. Ronnie and Sammi walked ahead of us and Tori and Mikey led the pack down to the closest club.

“Know what I think?” She said after a moment.

“What do you think, Jenni?”

“Pauly likes you.” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Uh, yeah, sure. When pigs fly.”

“Oh, one just flew by. You didn't see it?” She blinked innocently. “He likes you. I know he does.” I sighed.

“Whatever you say.”

We got to the club shortly after that. All eyes were on them and the two mysterious girls who seemed to come out of no where. Who are they? How do they know them? Blah, blah, blah. It was really annoying. I went straight to the bar with Snooks, the others separating to do whatever. I got myself a Pina Colada, which was really the only thing I enjoyed drinking. Besides daiquiri. I stuck to sweet stuff while Tori, on the other hand, went for the hardcore liquor.

After a while and a bunch of drinks, I was on the dance floor with Sammi. We were dancing and having fun. Ronnie hadn't been drinking much and the night was going really good.

Until someone came up to me. You know, okay, it's nice to get asked to dance, but...getting in my face? Shoving Sammi away from me? Uh, that doesn't work. Sorry.

“Wanna fuck?” He slurred.

“I don't think so, asshole.” I moved away from him, to Sammi's side.

“No one says no to me.” He grabbed my arm, jerking me backwards.

“She just did.” Sammi defended, pulling me toward her. “Come on, Bri. Let's find the guys.” She said low enough for me to hear before rushing away from the drunk bastard. I heard said bastard yelling after us but kept moving. I stumbled into Pauly, frowning visibly. That guy just had to ruin my good night. Everything was going so well for everyone.

“What happened?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

“Some asshole got in her face.” Sammi said before I could.

“And he totally nearly knocked Sammi over.” That caught Ronnie's attention. His expression flared with anger as he questioned his girlfriend. “And he's like, 'wanna fuck?' and I'm all 'no,' the fuck is wrong with him? Does he really think I'm gonna say yes to his drunk ass?” I seethed. “And then he grabbed my fucking arm and I think I have a bruise.” I inspected my arm. Okay, I was being a little over dramatic, but I had a few drinks. I'm not all there right now.

“Where the fuck is he?” Pauly scowled.

“Yeah.” Ronnie agreed. “Where is that asshole?”

“I dunno.” I looked around. “I don't see him.”

“You wanna leave?” Vinny appeared beside me. Pauly pulled me a smidge closer. I didn't know whether or not to be annoyed or grateful.

“I was having a good time.” I pouted.

“Then don't worry about it.” Vinny said. “If he bothers you again just tell us and we'll take care of it.”

“Alright.” I nodded. “Where's Tori?” I asked.

“Mike's missing, too.” Jenni said, standing with Snooki. Simultaneously, all of us groaned. We knew what was happening.

You think they're just “missing?” As if. Great. Not only do I have to worry about some asshole, but also my two best friends possibly fucking the night away.

♠ ♠ ♠
Brianna's outfit :)
Tori's outfit :D
