Status: Complete

Past Lives


I watched as Jamie walked out of the arena in a hurry. Then I turned to see what she saw. Brian wrapped up in his flavor of the week. What a douche.

“Your friend is stupid.” I said as I hugged Brooks when he came out of the locker room.

“Which one?”


He planted a kiss on my lips. “Ads, you know how he is. He isn’t a relationship kind of guy. Everyone knows he likes Jamie, and vice versa. He is just too stupid to ask her out.”

“Like I said, your friend is stupid.” I repeated as we walked out to his car.

He opened the car door for me. “So what do you wanna do? Go out or just have a night in? Cause a bunch of the guys were gonna go down to the bar and celebrate a little.”

This is why I loved Brooks. He is one of those guys that would rather have a night in instead of going out and drinking with the guys after a game. Around campus, the team drank for free, it didn’t matter that Brooks and half the team wasn’t even 21.

“We can go out for a few. I need to find Jamie anyways and I guarantee that is where she is.”

Ten minutes later, we walked into the bar when I saw Jamie pounding shots at the bar. I told Brooks to go chill with his friends and I walked over to her.

“I’m glad you didn’t drive over here.” I said sitting beside her.

She glanced at me before ordering another round of shots. “Fuck guys. The only way to get one is to be a whore.”

I asked the bartender for water. “So in another words, I am a whore?”

She killed three shots of tequila. “Well, no. Brooks is a good guy and doesn’t fall for their games. He is more of a girl next door kinda of guy. But Brian on the other hand, he goes for the fake blonde, big boobs.”

I laughed. “He does like you Jamie.”

She snorted. “Yeah like I like olives. They are disgusting as fuck.”

Right then Brooks and Brian walk over to order the next round of drinks.

“Speaking of the motherfucking devil.” Jamie muttered.

“Excuse me?” Brian asked.

“Ignore her. She is a few drinks past drunk.”

“Oh hell no. This is perfect timing.” She said as she managed to get off her barstool and get in Brian’s face. “You are a fucking manwhore who I hope gets a fucking disease from all those pucksluts you fuck every night.”

My jaw dropped as she walked over to Rob and asked him to take her home. Brian just stood there and chugged his beer.

“Wow. She got balls when she is drunk.” Brooks said.

I laughed. “Hun, you know her well enough to realize that she would have said that sober.”

“What has gotten into her?” Brian asked as Rob led Jamie out the door.

“You are a freaking idiot Gionta. You need to quit playing games.” I said grabbing my purse.

“Brooks I need to head back to my dorm, she is going to regret those shots in about an hour.”

Brooks just shrugged and followed me out of the bar. The drive back to my dorm was quiet, until he pulled into a parking spot.

“Ads, we need to talk.” He said quietly.

I turned and looked at him. “What’s going on?”

He sighed. “You remember how I got drafted by Pittsburgh this past summer?”

I smiled. The NHL Draft was a big deal for a college or junior player. It meant the rest of their lives. And for Brooks, he went first round, 18th overall to the Pittsburgh Penguins. I was right there beside him when his name was called.

“Yeah I do. What about it?”

Brooks sighed and grabbed my hand. “Now I don’t want you to get mad okay?”

“Brooks you are scaring me. What is going on?”

“I have decided to forgo my senior year and join the Penguins organization starting this summer.”